Thursday 29 December 2016

Top angels' singing the song of change!

                 One of the problem of we Nigerians is that we sit and await what the nation have to offer us. We wait on the Government to do everything even when we are practically aware that those in the corridors of power are doing little or nothing to better our lot. Why not join the moving train and join those that are making the changes in our society.
Dio Peter Omotolani;
President at Life Moulder Foundation,A foundation which is committed to making our society better. He is a Social commentator, A student union activist and promoter of Youth Arise Network. He is a Christian and don't think Dio is searching.
Morenike oguns oluyemi;
CEO Femnixsoaps an entrepreneur, a wife and a mother. She is committed to encouraging women to be entrepreneur by encouraging those who are already to produce locally made goods, She markets such products with passion. She is a Christian.
VISIONARY AND PRESIDENT at 21st century revolutionary 1. This is the Nigeria Brian Tracy, he goes to our institutions of learning to inspire his fellow youth and teenagers to be better citizens. He is a Christian and Single.
She is a Pharmacist and Teen behavioral coach with more focus on the girl child. She is also a counselor to parents who have issues with their teenage Child. She is a Christian and she is single
He is a writer and author with focus on family lives, Relationship and Marriage. No doubt Mr Giwa is an element of positive change to the concept of love in our society. He is a staunch Muslim but street savvy lol. Mr Giwa is happily married with kids.
He is a writer with focus on youth influence in our society, he is an analyst with a mindset to criticize. He come for you anytime anyday when you say or do anything that is not. He believes that Nigeria can be better if we all change our orientation and perceptions towards our ills and embrace virtues. He does not only write, he acts too with people who are sincere to make a change He is the angel at He is a Catholic and status is single not searching. 
You are amazing with potentials to make a difference, join those who are striving to make our lives better. Come MMXVII spring a surprise, Our economy need young energetic and dynamic entrepreneur, We need activists who will be there for our people. We need technocrats and democrats to lead our people. Guess what? You are a is 2017....unleash the giant in you. Merry Xmas in arrears and Happy new year in advance

Thursday 22 December 2016

Up the Hills....the angel Singing.... Join the Angels that sing

Hello compliment of the season! Christ is the reason for the season not because he has risen but unto us a child is born and son is given.

Christ ought to be born in Herod's palace; he was born in a manger!
He ought to be born by an Herodia ;he was born by a betrothed virgin!
He ought to be Fathered by a Prince; he was foster- fathered by a dreamer call Joseph!
He ought to be welcome by journalist hanging around the hospital to take pictures of newly born prince of peace ;he was welcome by animals having their fun in the manger!
He ought to be born at a time when people are curious to know who has arrived ;he was born in a time when people are curious to know who is leaving!
He ought to be born and welcome with warmth by people;he was born into the cold of the night!
He was born as an innocent child with no sin yet somebody felt ;he was a threat  to his reign!
Then the stars were seen in the sky...
The the angels came and sang...
The shepherds forgot the flock and wondered...
The foreigners came from the east....
The leaves on the trees wave to his arrival...
Up the Hills.... the angels singing....
Join the angels and sing....
Merry Christmas to you all...


Thursday 15 December 2016

MMM Account frozen! Why Suicide? You should have known?

Hope you know what is trending now? MMM Nigeria has frozen participants accounts and good Samaritans are on the look out for any one who might be attempting to commit suicide as a result of this development? Except for the few Nigerians who have not really seen what is good about life most Nigerians have thick skin. Nigerians only used MMM to calm their nerves in the face of recession that is biting us hard. Even before the MMM participants account was frozen Nigerians were already diversifying into other money doubling scheme, before the advent of MMM, Naira bet, Lotto and Bet naija were the other of the day. Now that MMM has frozen participants account what next? Suicide isn't? No of course because you should have known!

Investment come with risk! you should have known? Mind you for every investment you are advised to consult your Accountant, financial experts or Solicitor before risking your money. Did you consult any of these people before "Doing MMM"? You did not because you feel they might be charging you out of the 30% ROI (Rate on Investment) the scheme promised. You are quite right, they will but they would have expose you to the danger in MMM. For instance an Accountant would have reminded you that MMM have no structure and specific process that will clearly define how your investment will yield 30% interest within 30 days. An Accountant would have advised you against it base on that. Besides, he would have gone further to explain to you that money only move in vicious circle in MMM scheme without been put into use by the intermediary in such a way that it will generate the 30% ROI for you. An accountant would have refer you to a Financial Experts for more reasons why you should be careful with MMM.

Investment! the higher the risk the higher the returns that is a law in Finance. So a Financial experts would have reminded you that,as well call your attention to the fact that you "accepting help" without paying interest is a scam and you giving out help with hope of 30% returns is bobby trap. Finally, you would have been reminded that participating in MMM is a financial deals outside the financial market so your transactions is not govern by law of the land. Then he would have called in a Solicitor.

A Solicitor would have reminded you that MMM does not enjoy entity concept that is expected of a business organization, hence in case of breach of contract you can not sue MMM, and he would have called your attention to the fact that MMM is social platform with exclusive right to freeze your account or block if it deem it fit. He would have also reminded you that the warning by MMM that you should use your "spare money" is an indication that the social platform is also aware of the risk in it operations. Finally, MMM is not under the authority of any of the bodies that regulate the economy so you are not likely to enjoy the protection of any of them incase you have issue with MMM. Then you wonder why the Government allows MMM? It is more of social platform,so base of your fundamental Human right of freedom of association, it will be wrong to infringe on your fundamental human right. It will be unfair for Government to ban MMM and allow other similar scheme to flourish.

Hence, the fact that MMM is a social platform the participants could still hope in good fate that the account frozen was to stabilize the circle as the organizers promised. Base on the analysis above I am convince that you will know what to do with your money incase MMM bounce back.

Wednesday 7 December 2016

Relationship 410: Heart Mechanism; those who love "wholeheartedly" are likely to die young?

The article you are about to read is rated +18 because the ideas to be expressed is based on realistic assumptions that requires some level of reasoning.
Can you die for the person you love? Candidly, mine isn't a dying love for life is a sacred so capital No! After all in the old marital vow before it was remix the concluding lyrics was "till death do us part not till I die for you" .So, what do you think I should do when men of God admonish men to love their husband as Christ loves the church? Often time men don't take the advice as it has been expressed but the women take the Submission advice seriously. This notion play out in the try and error circumstance call relationship.

I wonder why we use the context "fall in Love" "Love is blind" they do give one notion that to love requires some level of stupidity and foolishness. A person who is already in love likely to be crippled having fell and suffered partial and total blindness. Hence, that such person may not be in charge of his or life any more he/she will resolve to be a dependent. In his/her crippled stage and partial or total blindness you see him/her going all out to please the other person. What do you think will be the lot of a crippled-blind lover running in the race of life as well with able-bodied men and women?

I am in love I will go all out to satisfy the person at my own expense, incase you don't know human being is insatiable. So, putting you being on the line to satisfy someone is like going into the sky with a ladder. Hence, your ability not to see the contentment in the other person is a form of blindness. The ability not to take note of the vices in the other person is a symptoms of  love blindness as well. Lastly, your decision to prioritize the other person first and possibly God second is an indication of a crippled being and blind personality.

Trying to play Christ you come up with an argument just trying to love him/her like Jesus Christ? Let me remind you Jesus's instruction "Love the lord your God and Love your neighbor as your self". So, you need re-prioritize your love life. Love covers all things that must not include vices? If Christ could corrected his own apostles when they erred then you are with such person to correct the vices. You don't need to cripple your personality in the name of love, be self dependent, build up your person and achieve the purpose of your creation.

Love involves sacrifice some times, life of the other person could be at stake and the heart tends to offer hope there is no crime in offering oneself up for the other person in a case the other person is really  helplessness, your resolution to love wholeheartedly then should be out of love for God first and the self assurance that you are going to be happy afterward! come what may?
Hence, those who love "wholeheartedly are likely to die young"!

Thursday 1 December 2016

Will MMM participants really not make Heaven?

You can't serve God and Mammon that is what the Bible says! Hence, a Christian brother has said if you do MMM you will not enter heaven for your name will be removed from book of life?So many question on your mind like mine! Why MMM? Is it because guiders have taken it to Church to win more people to themselves at the expense of winning souls for Christ? If MMM participants won't enter heaven then the gate of heaven is likely to be flooded? What will be the fate of those that play "naira bet"? What of those playing baba ijebu? Then people that do Icharity, Helping hands, paradise payment, Bit coin matrix will suffer they suffer the same fate? Even the network marketers as whole are they likely to be hell bound? All these business make use the same techniques of referral.

Wait a minute if paying tithe with this money will annoy God then what of people that embezzle money from offices and government coffers and still go to Church to pay tithe? Ordinarily tithe are to be paid from our sweat the question is do people really sweat while Networking for money? Hence, some of this schemes were even built base on the communal living of ancient Christianity with a different motive anyway.

Why the Christian brother assertion will question a lot of people's personal relationship with God there is need to for us not to condemn ourselves but should also be careful of presumption that God is ever merciful. As much as you are still trying to find where God stand in this issue,let me remind you of some parables from the bible. The first parable is that of the master, the servants and their talents, the second parable is that of the steward and his master and the last parable is that of The Rich fool and God. One thing stand out in all this parables which is Greed and Self idolatry!

So, I ask you do you think not doing MMM will guarantee you heaven either?

Friday 25 November 2016

Tutorial! Relationship 419; Head not Heart Mechanism

This article is rated 18+ not because of the explicit content you expect, It is not suitable for minor, it contain strong advice which we will end up changing your notion and put your in a situation to re-weigh your marital status. So, this article is mainly for singles who are ready to mingle, Married persons are advised to read this article at their own risk.

Traditionally, all guys are cheat and they make use of 'head mechanism' in relationship, guys don't go into relationship to compliment the other person just like that? They go in with the notion that someone must come along to compliment their being. Hence, no guy will go into relationship with any girl without a definite purpose. The purpose varies base on the man's disposition at that time, a change in his disposition will bring about a need for another girl irrespective of how complementary the autonomous girl in question has been to him. Hence, Man is polygamous by nature and this is a function of time! All girls are taught to be good because they are made to believe that they are made to complement the masculine being. So, they live with the notion, " I am made a lieutenant" so they live with that notion at times they are fortunate and often time they get ridiculed and suffer heartbreak or have to live with an incompetent boss.

Today things has changed information is everywhere, people have been in pain over the concept love and relationship. So, the traditional "Male use head mechanism" no longer hit the female folks while the Male folks are no longer carried away with "Female use heart mechanism" because  in a long run most of it are borne out of deceit. What is in vogue now is "Head not Heart Mechanism"!
To use this mechanism there are some assumptions base this theory.

1. Love exists though it comes with one motive or the other "so no point in loving out rightly".
2. I can equally do the same mindset "so no big deal cheating".
3. I have my life to live so no room to accommodate the other person's personality (Domineering).
4. If this drama end in the marriage fine if it does; no big deal and if it does not there will always be an exit.
5. Third parties consent is a determining factor after all he/she need to be really scrutinized.

Base on this assumptions Singles mingle if you are still using the traditional mechanism you are as good as Black Berry Bold 5 then you will soon become victims of circumstance by the time you can no longer "whatsapp" I mean communicate. You would have become a serial heart breaker as a male or serial heart break casualty as a female. If you are already married base on the traditional mechanism your family need to be fortified with prayer and you must try to adjust to the dynamism of family lives in our world.

If you are in vogue and you belief in "Use head not heart mechanism" I am glad to tell you that you are too wise to be in relationship and it takes two fools to get married that is why you may have to be a sample in a spouse market till you change your brand. If you are lucky to have gotten married, Congratulations! You will soon find out that you just a bearer of title not living out a Status.
Incase you are wondering what my submission is then you need to learn about Relationship Management; Use your head and heart mechanism see you in the next class for 410 tutorial.


Friday 18 November 2016

If Christ isn't the King of the Universe....then who could have been?

Christ is the king of the Universe! I don't have time for a debate it does not take a debate to establish a fact go ask Hillary Clinton! Other religion will definitely come with their beliefs and doctrines to prove me wrong. They will definitely come from the basis of who Christ is and with various argument to nullify my claim. Candidly, I don't have the muscle to put up a defense but I am convince about his reign as a Universal king.
He was a simple man that lived on earth about 2000 years ago. His words and actions are still relevant up till day. He never took to violence as a mean to an end rather he submitted to violence to prove that love answered all questions.

His principles about of life make up what we know as the ideals. His name is the most popular base on it efficacy. He lives to day... He lives forever
Hail Christ the king of the Universe.....

Wednesday 16 November 2016

World Tolerance Day! Who intolerance epp?

When you see people dey paara and you dey feel like wetin? One of the wahala wey we get for this part of the world naa intolerance. Upon say today naa "World tolerance day" people for this side of the world no dey do that kind birthday. Oyinbo people take one thing senior us that is "tolerance". Oyinbo people no go get wahala with you if your life style no threaten him physically or emotionally. In case your lifestyle threaten him just get ready because he will soon call 911 or 119. Oyinbo people sabi the thing to tolerate but we no sabi what to tolerate because the place where an African man suppose fight naa there him go they form padi padi.

Enemies for this part of the world naa normal thing and the reason be say we no dey tolerate one another. Even if you tolerate some people dey no go tolerate you for the person wey you be. It be like say we don forget say we dey different as human beings, so we no fit behave the same way. So, when people behave some how no make enemies of them try use brain to correct them and no use by fire by force because everybody don know fundamental human right. Some people them be actor dey no dey die for film that one no talk say make you come blacklist them as enemies of the state. You use brain to learn how to manage them for who them be because once human being don reach or pass teenage to change go dey hard naa the psycho people talk am no be.

Person wey get time tolerate people for who them be in this life go go far for this life while people wey no get time to tolerate people won't get to places meant for them. Those people wey you no tolerate naa them be sure way to the peak of your destiny. If you tolerate people for won't them be most of them go want tolerate except for the few once wey get brain touch even those one too when they become normal they see you as their oga at the top.

Did I hear  you say Tolerance for where? Make I come dey get headache abi? Naa you want give your self headache o. If one person attitude dey give you headache you have so many options instead of cutting the person head. You go correct the person politely and make the person see wetin you dey see wey no good. Some of us too no get that kind patience, naa the reason why we dey get headache be that. In case you don tell the person he come dey form voltron, as long say the thing no threaten you life and make you uncomfortable. If it does no kill yourself shift direction but keep focus. If the thing no threaten you it is time to start watching the fellow as Africa Magic.


Friday 11 November 2016

Vox populi; Vox Deus! So, the Winner is Trump!

It is no more news that the winner of 2016 American Election is the controversial candidate Donald Trump. The election's result happen to be one of the biggest surprises of the year 2016. Analyst worldwide were envisaging a possible victory of another female president. The fact that Hillary Clinton was qualified for the post more than her male counterparts made the world thought she was the best of all the available choices.

Donald Trump on the other hand  was not that a better choice from the technocrat's perspective  because he lacks the experience required for the office and even his utterances during the campaign was a not really civil as you would have expected from a candidate contesting for an office. During the debates he did not match up to Hillary's confidence and intelligence so on paper one could not but give it to Hillary Clinton.

Though, one wouldn't rule out the dynamism of election irrespective of who is contesting, humanly speaking you can not be certain of an election's result until a winner is declared. The fact that human beings are unpredictable make election's result a probability of X or Y. Any which way, the result of election is always a case of vox populi; vox deus! Even if the "populi" is made up a set of cabals whose primary duty is imposition ;only time do tell but winner must emerge!

The way God manifest is never the way man thinks. The two candidate happened to be Christians and they are aspired to lead the acclaimed of God's own country. Hillary believes that Christian values should not be forced on people while Trump believes that if Christian values will be forced on people so be it. Hillary is of the opinion that people should be accommodated irrespective of their disposition towards one while Trump is of the opinion that only people who have good disposition towards one should be accommodated.what a diverse opinions!

The simple majority went with Hillary while the winning majority went with Trump. Then I ask where do God's stand here? I found a response in this quote

"God does not call the qualified but he qualifies his call"

Monday 31 October 2016

Why ask Saints for intercession?

If you are not a catholic don't bother read this article except you want to be one, if you are a catholic and you don't believe in Saints don't read except you want to be convinced. It is nice to hear some Christians say it is not biblical to ask for saints' intercession? Yet it is biblical to ask spiritual fathers and pastors to intercede for one? I mean pray for someone?

Who are saints? Saints are well described in the bible precisely book of Revelation, the bible described twenty four elders praising God on his throne 24/7. Another description of people 144,000 in number who have washed their cloth clean with palms in their hands and they are people from various races and nations. So, when the Catholic Church call some persons Saints and others Blessed you start looking for the biblical backing again?  Even if the bible do not refer them as Saints but the bible depicts their Holiness as persons so who say Sainthood is not biblical? Jesus told his own apostles that his right and left side his not for them but their names has been written some where special. Paul in his writings made a description of crown of glory as reward for a strive towards perfection. So, if you are a Christian and you don't believe in sainthood is as good as saying you don't believe you will be making heaven for heaven is a state meant for saints.

What do saints do? The bible described them as people before the throne of God praising him day and night. There is a clear distinction about the personality of saints and angels, angels are God's messengers with special duties. Saints are before God keep him company day and night.

Why ask Saints for intercession? It is normal to ask men of God to pray for us because we know that they communicate with God directly. They seem to have God's hotline but often time we forget they are humans and they have limitations too and not even better than we are. Mind you they aren't always in the presence of God like the saints and they can't claim holiness like the saints. Intercession is an action that depict God's love in us, all prophets and patriarchs in the Bible interceded base on their relationship with God. When men of God pray for us and with us they are equally interceding for us. Then if we see nothing wrong in them praying for us then there is nothing wrong in asking saints to pray for you, remember they are before God always keeping his company and they are equally holy; mind you the holiness of man is like a filthy rag before God.

Saints have gone through what we are going through in  life we might say time and circumstances differs. They were once sinners so they are indeed models. The fact that they have concluded their race with crown of glory as a reward mean they can as well be a guide to we the pilgrims that look forward to that exceptional reward. They are always in the company of God so a request for a saint to intercede for  you mean your request will always be before God day and night.

All ye Saints in Heaven......Pray for us...

Friday 28 October 2016

Build Your Team Spirit

Christiano Ronaldo of Real Madrid FC the Portuguese is the world Best Player and indeed he is a world class player with high team Spirit. Even his current adjutant the Argentine player Lionel Messi of Barcelona FC is classic player with outstanding team spirit. Lionel Messi ‘s classic performance coupled with his outstanding team spirit gave his team victory over group stage counterparts Bosnia and Nigeria at the last world cup. Christiano Ronaldo was indeed instrumental to the Victory of Real Madrid FC in the Last season Champions’ league likewise he was instrumental to his country qualification to the last World Cup. These people are individuals with outstanding team spirit.

No man is an island you may be brilliant and intelligent that wouldn’t make you the next person to be celebrated in your field of endeavor if you fail to be a team player. Besides, your brilliancy and intelligent quotient can really be appraised by those whom you have worked with. In the game of football no matter how good you are with the round leather if you don’t fit into a team. No good and tactical coach will prefer to have you on the pitch for 90th minutes displaying your individual brilliancy if it will not yield a goal, in fact such action will be tagged “selfishness or pride”. Even in academic world the fact that you are brilliant and intelligent can only be inferred base on your position in the overall performance of the class.

To be outstanding you have to stand tall within. Imagine in a class with two outstanding students, the one with good interpersonal relationship will represent the class more in intra/inter school academic competition than his counterpart who is always self-centered. As a player you just have build your team spirit in ant field of endeavor you find yourself.

Friday 21 October 2016

Marriage: Never accept a visa without a work permit!

Marriage make an African woman a migrant; she gets to leave her father's house for another man's house. To really migrate following due process you need to be granted a visa and you need an international passport. It is typical of most European countries and first world countries to grant you a visa with some bit of restrictions. It is typical of an African man to marry a woman with some bit of restrictions too. Often time you see married women fighting these restrictions in their marriages when these restrictions were clearly spelt out before they sign off their maiden identity.

One of the headache of today's enlightened girls is the issue of the "headship" of a man in family. Today's family where economically it takes too to tango compare to the "oldschool" where the man is the automatic breadwinner. So, a today girl feels if she contributes to the resources to uphold the family then the style of leadership in homes must change from "I" to "We". Likewise, the level of Education and exposure with credence to gender equality question the age long African tradition of "Man is the head of the family."
The drama of "kitchen and other room" gives a picture of what modern marriages is going through in our society. Let us ignore the actor and actress and focus on the action. It is typical of African Man to come with a bit of restrictions in the marriage and this often start during courtship. Most females overlook this restrictions for whatever reasons known to them. The most common one is what I can tagged "work permit".

For those migrating abroad not to be given a work permit is as good as going there for an holiday or sightseeing it seems similar in marriage. The moment an African man come with a notion of restricting his wife from doing any thing to earn a living then there is need to be suspicious. Though, most African men come up with the notion out of love and because they have the financial muscle to shoulder their responsibility. Such men expected such wives to take Motherhood as a career but Motherhood is a vocation. Most women in this cadre end up channeling all their human resource to motherhood with little or no contribution to the other sphere of life.

Time has changed today's woman is in every sphere of life trying to make impact ;kitchen, home and family still remain a major priority of every serious minded married African woman. Her confinement to that jurisdiction now depend on what she sign up for during dating and early life in marriage. It is a known fact that Some African men choose to restrict their wives for their own ulterior motives while some are obliged by tradition and religion to do so. Some too come up with the restriction out of jealousy and over possessiveness while some don't just like competition with the opposite sex. Which ever reason a man has to restrict his woman, at a point she will always have the opportunity to stand for the restriction or stand against it most especially before marriage.

This is why courtship is crucial because it will be an avenue to know the restrictions on ground and then likely envisage the embargo you are like to face. Yes people change but you should be able to envisage the level of change expected. The simple truth is that in African home the Husband is the head of the house ;right from the scratch a woman must learn how to share in his authority most especially from the other room lol. If your opinion doesn't not count in the course of a "cushion talk" then forget the "pillow talk" it will not make a difference.

Wednesday 19 October 2016

How dare You Dare God!

We are in the jet age where daring God can come as "Innovation and creativity". Out of curiosity and imagination people become creative and tend to make the impossible "a possibility". Hence, the world is definitely going to it own end out of curiosity that kills the cat. The new technology tends to equate man to God with an attempt to shut him out of his handiwork "earth" after all he has given us the earth to dwell and chose to reside in heaven. So, Man is out to dominate the earth and then later take over the space in which he perceived the state of heaven is.

The creation of man is a unique process which man has not really been able to understand till date. Man has been tactical enough to let go of what he did not understand and focus on what he did understand. Man forget his own origin and focus on it regeneration in term of (Pro-creation). Man has gone beyond using his knowledge to solve his problem rather use it base on it own imagination there by creating and causing disease it has little or no control over.

Man originally was empowered to govern nature; nature on it own is self-sustained the basic expectation of the creator of man is to make use of his reasoning to maintain nature. Man tends to exploit nature than explore it. In an attempt to make impossibility possible new phenomenon are created they become threat to Man's survival.

The selfishness of Man has led him to adopt the culture of death indirectly. Man does not want to be influenced by nature, he wants nature to be at his dictate there by moving a step a way from maintaining nature to altering nature. All actions of man today is gear towards changing what nature has to offer, you talk of Land filling, transgender, Artificial insemination, Organic Farming, Bio fuel etc. Despite that some of this actions come with adverse effect Man tends to look elsewhere because of what he stands to gain.

Just before you single out yourselves from the crimes mentioned above, you need to take a good look at your actions and inactions and see where you have always dare God.

Friday 7 October 2016

Health is Wealth! Why overlook the factor when courting?

Check your social media the popular advice for those courting is to know their genotype, the social alarm is an attempt to kick out sickle cell anemia from our society. The issue is just that often time the carriers of the sickle cells do turn out to be made in heaven love birds. The society in an attempt to curtail Mother and Child mortality rate and the yearning for an healthy society take the "genotype" campaign seriously.Come to think of it why is that sickle cell anemia carriers AS, SS, AC e.t.c should not marry each other after all love they say conquered all things. I will leave you Edward Edena of to give you the medical implications while as usual let me look at the socio-economic implications.

According to the medical experts "When the Sickle cell anemia carriers get married they give birth to another carrier(s) who is likely to be a full blown patient of the disease". Marriage is a life whose outcome can not really be predicted. So, to give birth to a sick offspring in that situation can turn out to be emotionally disturbing for life. To ensure that such child stay healthy it requires a lot of finances and emotional stability which the union may not be able to offer. In case the union's bond is strong enough to care for such child, survive rate of such child is very slim, then of what purpose will it be if a child dies when it ought to be putting a smile on the parents' face?

Just before you accuse the dead of being an "Abiku" blame the Couples for their self-centeredness and indifference in the name of love. They would have innocent child passed through pain for the sake of stabilizing their own emotion, eventually they will loose the child leaving the society to mourn the innocent. The couples' indifference will question our medical system which is not yet there to combat such unfortunate development. In the end everyone looses, the society loose an innocent soul with our medical system been questioned the couples go home dry with their emotions torn.

Why should I know his/her blood group? Marriage is about compatibility in body and soul the information become crucial for you to answer, to be the safe haven of the other person. In fact it will be a medically fit union if there is a level of compatibility with your blood group.

There are so many health challenges out there and no one is absolutely free, it is not only about a Hiv/Aids it is about all health challenges such as Asthma, Appendix, Malaria, Fever, there are also cancers of various forms talk of breast cancer, prostate cancer, skin cancer, e.t.c.. You are wondering what to do during courtship?

You have to find out your boo or bae health status by all means with some level of concord though from a neutral medical point of view. This action will either guarantee your emotion of future  health stability or prepare your mind for the worst to come. Most of these health challenges are as a result of unhealthy life style and habits. During courtship you have the power to keep those things under check if not stop them.

If he/she drinks or smokes ,do not wait till he/she has a kidney problem or lung cancer before you nurse him. Start the nursing with gentleness of heart to regulate the drinking habits or move to stop it without fight. If she/he bleaches the skin or do other things that have health implications in the name of beauty and fine boy, stop killing the person with eulogy such as "You look sexy" rather admonish the person to stop because life has no duplicate. In case you are in a relationship with a "Voltron" who gives you the option of open transfer window or living with his/her unhealthy habits. Then you have a blank Cheque to write a healthy family in the future or an unhealthy family in future?
Marriage is expected to be life -long journey of two persons the journey will be much more easier if the partners involve are healthy. They are assured of a long life and prosperity together ceteris paribus. The chance to bring forth healthy offspring is also very high if the natural process has not been jeopardized. No family is as wealthy as an healthy family, there is emotional stability and there is a room for individual growth and development.

Friday 23 September 2016

Spread the hope not the fear! Send it to seven people on your contact list

A lot is going on in the world to create fear, in the global village you hear one natural disaster or the other. The Syrian war and the predictions that come with it, the presence of ISIS in Europe is another reminder that the world may be going to an end soon. The economy hardship being witnessed by various countries of the world remind everyone that famine is eminent. These are the headline news that force you to switch of your Television and go to sleep at night.

You wake up the next day with fear of the eventualities of the news you heard yesternight. You avoid the screen and tend to take solace in the radio. Typical of the monologue machine it put a smile on your face to brightening your day, then the announcer tells you "it is news time!" You know it is going to be details of yesterday ugly events so you save your self from a sad day you switch off the world renowned communication medium.

It is time to take solace in social media with an attempt to reach out to people. While you reach out to them with smile they respond in fear. They respond with some scrupulous messages with a supernatural threat that you will be left with no option than to spread the fear ,after all you won't want evil to befall you just because you have a principle. So, send this to 7 people on your contact and you will be bless and if you ignore: God will ignore you for 7 years! I can imagine God saying no! that was not from me! I wonder why 7 and 12 are the recipient numbers? They aren't the only unique number  1,3 and 6 have there own uniqueness too.

While you are trying to discern the threat that came in, in the name of God, The health alarmist will come in with information which would have been very useful if well disseminated. The Information will end up increasing your Blood Pressure instead of putting you in the right frame of mind to learn how to prevent whatever health problem been communicated.

An attempt to look at that information objectively another message comes in, this is from the fundamentalist who knows who is planning to Islamize the nation or planning to force Jesus Christ on those who are not yet born again. This kind of message is no doubt an attempt to instigate us against each other in the name of religion and ethnic differences.

Sadly, most of these fearful messages often come from an unidentified source and it begins to trend base on copy and paste techniques then put you in a situation where you have no option than to be a good Samaritan with a plea " send it to your contact to save a life" Only God knows how many life you have saved.

The world is not at peace but we can create a peaceful atmosphere that will transcend into a peaceful world. One of the way that we can actually do that is by not creating fears in others by the kind of messages we send. In the face of fear we can as well preach hope as we urge people to be humane and practical with reality.


Friday 16 September 2016


Life is a big stage and you are expected to perform. The kinds of performance you decide to give depend on you and this can be determined by a lot of factors. As an actor in the Stage of life you are expected to give an amazing account of yourself without a script and before you there are scripts. You are not given a specific role and before you there are available roles begging to be played. Most people become more confuse with life, You want to study every scripts and play every role while some people don’t just bother about living out any scripts they keep on playing roles that come their ways only for them to realize it when the hair is grey that they have been helping others achieving their dreams while theirs was still in their subconscious mind. Some on the other hands play the role life bestowed on them to amuse themselves. This is why success varies anyway!

                As an actor that pick up scripts, choose a role and rehearse it well before going on stage you will definitely excel on stage. The scripts here are autobiography or biography of great men and women that have seen, fought and conquered. In as much that you are distinct and unique there is need to look at yourself and pick up a script to act a role in the movie of life. Here is not an advice for you to live a copied life “fake Life” it is just a suggestion to live a life as a Model of an Icon going or that might have gone into extinction. The fact that there is nothing new under the Sun is a threat to your ambition and your dream. There is nothing you want to achieve that is new; somebody somewhere would have done it, the only opportunity you have is that your achievement might beat the person’s record. So, if you want the sky to be your starting point then you need tales of lives and Times of people whose limit was sky.

                Life is never a bed of roses but patches of grasses embedded with thorns. Charles Darwin was of the opinion that Life is about survival of the fittest. The fact that you cannot always be the fittest at all time is a reality of the law of diminishing returns neither can you always be the smartest; even often times lion fall prey to tiger. To survive in life you just have learn from those who have survived and those who have not. A picture of an icon on your desk-top is a ray of hope and the tales of his/her life and time will tell you when there is hope there is Life.

                In Life it is either you live for something or you fall for everything. People have lived for things and their names have become Libraries, others names have become books, while some were chapters, some were paragraphs and many were words. Some people were not even remembered by the writers of history. Those whose name made the book of histories majority of then did not do something extra ordinary they only live for something their “Role Model” lived for. Jesus Christ lived for love of God and Love of Man, he has had millions of people looking up him as a Role Model. Some of those who chose to role in the model of this icon had become icon too. St. Valentine, St. John Paul II and St.Teresa of Calcutta are typical examples of  Icons the world at large accepted that they are models to emulate.

                Picking a “Role Model” may seem Childish but it is Childlike and essential for our personal development and Success in life. “To role in a model” of an icon will make you a prototype of who you want to be without losing out what you want to be. More so, it gives you the opportunity to draw hope from stories of your role models when you face the storm, you would have learnt how to move on during storms. Finally, role models beget role models, so you pick an Icon to live like then some will have to see you as an Icon to live like…. Let me live you with my Top ten Icons  10. Olu Jacobs &Joke Silve r 9. Bill & Hilary Clinton  8. Late Prof. Dora Akuyili  7. Late Chinua Achebe  6. Late Gbenga Adeboye  5. St.John Paul II  4. St. Maria Gorreti  3. St. Pio 2. St Joseph and Blessed Virgin Mary………….1. Jesus Christ of Nazarene…….


Wednesday 14 September 2016

Let the Change begin with those that know!

Who are the problems of this country? The literate! Starting from the undergraduates, the graduate both employed and unemployed to the elite of this society. We are the problem with Nigeria, the average illiterate Nigerian has no knowledge of what goes wrong talk less of knowing the cause. The little evil he does is out of ignorance. Even, if  he will be condemned then it will base on ignorance. Mind you his ignorance is courtesy of exploitation of those that know,most of our ignoramuses end up behind bars unconsciously.

Every Nigerian that has gone to school in this time and age is a potential "criminal". Then you begin to wonder what our citadel of learning has turned into. Our school has really been a place of refuge for callous mind, surprisingly it has not really been the school but the influence of the society on the school. Despite the fact that the quality of teaching and learning process in our school has not really been too good courtesy of Government lip service to education. Learning process still go on. The implication of this process has not been too good either, the teachers and the scholars have motives that do not correlate with the expectation of the society.

The Teachers main priority is not really to impact knowledge that will make the society better rather it focus is to earn a living from his duties. A philosophy was developed by Yesterday's teachers and it is well expressed in Yoruba language. " oga ta? Oga oo taa! owo laaru aa pe! which mean employers make profit or not?The employees will be paid. This philosophy was from then secondary school teachers who saw no need to compel the students to learn very well. That same philosophy be deviled our civil service today. The teachers were not interested in upholding standard in academics and ensuring compliance with basic norms of the society. The only thing they know how to do is lament and begin their litanies with " in our days...

Learners on the other hand became a beggar with choice knowingly fully that his tutor's motives is different from the supposed expectation of the society. So, he chose not to learn or chose what to learn there by questioning the norms of the society. In an attempt to cover up for his failure to learn, he collided with his tutor to have a result he never worked for since that is what the society too want to see not what he really know? That is how he manipulated his way out of the school system. The one that chose what to learn try to convince the tutor that he is better of and ready to learn. The tutor often get carried away base on the fact that he has seen a good scholar while the learner indirectly dictated to him what he intended to learn. This is how we end up with have "half baked Graduates"

The teachers of yesterday who failed in their duties are today pensioners who are denied their entitlement by the same set of students they failed to teach values. People are dying not really because it is their time but they have been diagnosed and treated wrongly by a scholar that have not really learnt all he should. The society now suffer the ill from the school you say? No, it was even the society that influence the school negatively. Just before you blame the teachers for their indifferences do not forget to crucify the parents for gross indifference because they were suppose to be the first teachers. Mind you they give basis for Children learning experience.

Sadly, the literate are now the problem of our of society, they are the one that jump queue and take one way. they are the one that make payment to get a certificate without attending a course. They are the one that lure young girls into prostitution for whatever thing they offer in return be it job, power or academic excellence. They sit behind and armed young ambitious boys to terrorize the society. There is a new philosophy in town " Use what you have to get you want". To crown it all our law is becoming helpless the learned counsels are there to justify what is consciously wrong to be a norm of the society in the court of law whenever an elite is a suspect but for an illiterate Nigerian it is a sorry case.

If the change must start, let it start with people that know the right thing. Do the right thing and at the right time. let the illiterate Nigerians learn the right thing from people that know. So, then #Let the Change begin with people that know!
Nigeria Good people; Great nation.

+2347033965335 (whatsapp)

Wednesday 7 September 2016

Domestic violence;on top Buhari Matter!

The man that named his dog Buhari has been charged to Court, consequently the same man named his new bouncing baby girl Aishat. I guess that is the name of his land lady since he named  the dog Buhari because he had issue with his landlord who happen to be the namesake of the president.
While the lawyers and the society were are busy trying to find legal and moral justification for the unfortunate man.

The picture above is of a woman who claimed that her husband restructured her look base on the argument on whether "Buhari is trying or not". Just before we blame the presidency again don't ignore the fact that "Home violence" is gradually becoming the order of the day. Apart from "Buhari" other things that have cause issues include Phone calls, Social media e.t.c.

Should we blame the Government for our social ills too? Yes we can never excuse the government from any of our social ills. The case of domestic violence would have been a thing of the past if there is gender equality law. Sometimes, one wonder what some ministries (Women affairs, Youth and Sport, Internal Affairs) are for, they get involve in things that will make the news and pretend to have seen nothing that is threatening our co-existence. You ask me,"Will a ministry stop husbands from beating their wives?" Husbands will stop beating their wives if they know that a ministry is coming with law enforcement agents to arrest them after beating the woman and charge them to court afterward.

Should we blame the society too? Yes for been too hypocritical on marital issues this is Nigeria when a man do some absurd things to his wife we condone it been a patriarchal society but let a woman try the same thing, she will be condemned without being taken to Jesus as the case of adulterous woman.

Domestic violence has to stop ,Syria war and all other crises in the world might have started from unchecked domestic violence. With the tension in our land domestic violence should not be another issue that will become difficult for us to peg.

Put an end to domestic violence by tolerating people more base on the fact that we are all hungry and a hungry fellow is an angry fellow. Preach peace and do things in a peaceful manner. Let us create a peaceful environment for our children.


Friday 2 September 2016

Recession! " Rice and Bread" Nigerians commonsense indicator.

Nigeria is now in recession; who should be blame? Buhari of course! Why you ask? Just because he is the president. come to the street where the unemployed graduate accused PMB for his predicament though he/she has been in the market before the man came on board. Where a lazy bone of an husband give his wife the same excuse despite that he has not been up doing before the transition. Everybody will have to blame somebody. That is how it roll in this country blame game is part of our system.
Aspiration is one thing;leading is another thing entirely. The current situation of the country now offer the Youth of day a lesson to learn about our tomorrow. Ambition often come with a dream and vision of the ideals and on this account aspiration come with a force to propel and fly high. Too bad that we live in a society where we seem not be practical with the concept of "Leadership and followership" When the intending leaders see,visions the led too dream dreams. While the leader aims too high the followers become carried away with expectation at the same frequency both ignoring the reality on ground.
While we live in a society that clamour for magical "Change" we don't have a system that could make our desire a reality. As followers we feel we aren't a causative agent to this development, we become very quick to hold our leaders to their words while during the campaign we failed to reconcile the figures given with available facts on ground. Along the line we bear the burden for our inability to decipher what is real from what is a mirage. We are in a society with less or no objectivity because every decision in this country revolve round tribalism, religion perspective, nepotism and corruption.

Our leaders are what we deserve base on our attitude they capitalize on the point " Rice and bread". once it is within our reach we forget the economy is not productive once it is out of our reach common sense set in. They know what should be but they lack the sincerity to face us with it because they are afraid for we might not vote for them in the next election. The fact that been sincere with us will raise a lot of questions about their insincerity with the kind of lifestyle they live on our "commonwealth".
Now, that we are in recession will it not be fair enough if we all exhibit change to have the "change" we desire it is time for we followers to be practical with our economy. It is time to eat our local rice and bread make from cassava flour. It is time to start producing what we consume to save our economy.
Since, the Government is broke too let our public officers have a 50% salary cut, so that the overhead cost of governance will reduce so that government will have more money to invest in Agriculture extensively been the only sector that can lead us out of recession by providing food on table, provide job and boost our foreign exchange earnings.


Friday 19 August 2016

Spouse Market; The new grading System, Prayer as yardstick.

Some weeks ago the General Overseer of the Redeemed Church of God Pastor E. A Adeboye issued a new grading system to be adopted by young ministers preparing for marriage. This came at the same time with National University Commission scrapping post UTME and as well instructing all Universities to give students admission base on grading system. While the Universities came up with various grading system the grading system issued by the man of God generated some controversy.

The man of God position on what should be the male requirement in a female generated a bit of controversy. "If she can not pray for one hour, don't marry her". Trust Nigerians the bill becomes a law without proper reading in as much that it is proposed by the Man of God. Here are some salient questions to ask the man that is adopting this rule. Can he also pray for two hours? after all he is expected to be the head of the family. What his is definition of Prayer? there is a difference between going to church and praying; they are aren't the same thing. Prayer is of various form, we are all use to praying aloud but people who do meditate pray for hours than those who even pray aloud. Mind you Jesus Christ encouraged meditational prayer as the best. So Mr. Man for you to adjudged her base on this rule, you need to state what you believe to be prayer. Praying aloud or Meditating?

Most girls will be disqualified base on this rule because truth be told 60% of today's girls can't really pray that is why they fall prey to desperate men of God. They become victims of devilish prophesy and object of pleasure in the name of God said I should tell you this. However, a few don't pray as in what you will call prayer session but they are experts in spontaneous prayer blessing themselves every now and then. So, brother will you rule out such Madam on this?

Prayer without good works is nothing so says St. James, Yes she is prayer warrior but she doesn't have the prayer attitude. Her way of life does not radiate a communication with God. She prays, fine but what will you do if her way of life question her prayers. Let us face it she claim to be a prayer warrior but she has different spiritual fathers from different denominations at the same time. Isn't that a prayer warrior without faith? She claims to pray but the attitude is base on hypocrisy. Here is she top on your list?

Lastly, I feel God is the only one who could decide who really pray even the holy bible buttress the fact we could claim to pray to God while our heart are far away. I have not really kicked against what the man of God said but I will say take caution and let the Holy spirit guide you. Mind you if she doesn't know how to pray teach her how to pray.


Monday 15 August 2016

What could have made her run...?

Bride just discovered on wedding morning that her husband-to - be was actually not A CHEVRON STAFF.
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Badoo etc all said he was a Chevron staff , but the truth was revealed this morning..
Na wooooooo ohhhh!'
See gobe

Seriously Speaking no one would have believed that a wedding gown could serve the purpose of a track suit neither could one guess a bride could suddenly turn an unrecognized Olympic gold medalist. As the popular saying goes for a race to take place is either you are pursuing something or something is pursuing you. This madam ran off when she found out that the potential husband wasn't a Chevron Staff as claimed by his social media account. Will you say that is a enough reason to abandon the Marital vow to be taken or She has a better option still available somewhere probably a Conoil Staff.
She took off the heel an action which can be adjudged to be the best in the face of difficult alternative to practical. The point that she ran off is never questionable but what prompted the running is rhetorical in nature. Is it the deception? or the reality of poverty? All I can say to her is welcome back to the spouse market just know that single act will bring about depreciation in your price's share in the market but it is better than been bought off is a shady deal so please do shine your eye.

Thursday 11 August 2016

Girls will be like;Please Who Lover boy help?

I am about to start my Music career Please do permit me to do a copyright without recognizing the original owner of the work after all budget padding is no crime why should plagiarism be? Besides, I  will follow the pattern of Melania Trump so the original owner should not fret it is a matter of who the lover boy help. Some days ago Pastor E. A Adeboye advised Males not to marry Females who can't pray for one hours and as well the females that can't cook. That advice will go a long way in affecting transactions at the ever volatile spouse market. The spouse's market situation report is story for another day.

I heard some guys are now fond of playing Romeo it is time to ask them. Who lover boy help?
You love a girl instead of you to walk to her and tender your proposal you are busy acting out Mill to boon updating your vocab app trying to build up some swag to match with your "alanta" style of walking yet you look unkempt and untidy. Then you feel no shouldn't be an answer for you? Please who lover boy help?

Mr Goodlooking, fine boy looking sexy you are good at sending text messages, pinging to show love is your hobby. To write a page of write-up is an issue but you are gifted with copying love text messages from a book or other people's chats then you accused Melania trump of plagiarism. when your mates are sending recharge you are busy doing "hi bae" Please who lover boy help on top of an hire purchased android phone.

Mr Romantic always going to the garden of eden to pluck flowers from hibiscus to rose, from rose to allamanda. You should have been an horticulturist. Why flowers when there is Shawarma, Suya, Hamburger, Bread and Akara and even biscuit. Excuse me who lover boy help with his flower?

Don't get carried away yet I can see you are feeling my song.
To be continued

Friday 5 August 2016

The Mungu Representing the Maagas....

You wonder why our lawmakers have been performing below expectation? It is just the case of mugun and magaas who do not know what to expect from each other. They result to taking the Maagas (Electorates) for a ride. Hence, it becomes a jolly ride for him over the ignorance of the maagas. The Mungu is always a political opportunist who often hide behind the his excellency to contest he comes to re-echo the song his sponsors promising good roads, free education, free pipe borne water and whatever the Governor or president says. Though, he might be ignorance of what a bill is or who a lawmaker is? He wouldn't want to annoy the Maagas either because anything bill remind them of NEPA or PHCN who bill them for the service never rendered. Telling them that he will make law to the maaga's advantage is a waste of time because they are confuse with the concept of law making and law enforcement.

When the Mungu eventually win the election he either becomes an area father sponsoring street jamz and carnival or become a busy honourable who doesn't have the time for the maaga's excesses as a beggar but he would have noted that he wouldn't be returning as mugun's representative. Coming to the house where the maagas expected the mungu to make laws to their own advantage. The mungu who know fully well that the maagas are not really sure of what he should do on their behalf in the house then decides to do what he likes. He may choose sleeping in the house as a hobby  then get fatter day after day and indication that all is going well for him. He may choose to be "sit down look" I concur mugun with this action he might not return as the maagaa's representative only if he knows his way.

When the mugun goes to the house and cause trouble the maagas like him for that because that is their expectation about been in the house. Irrespective of whether his stand to issue is relevant or not as long he is cause trouble in there the maaga feel adequately represented. In case he is a trouble shooter who is so fluent in our lingua franca then he will have problem with the maagas. They will come with this notion that" naa English he sabi speak" Our Man Hon.Patrick Obahiagbon, is a critical sample.

The muguns are never in touch with the maagas on the sensitive issues most especially the on issues that bother on the maaga's welfare and well being that is why budget padding is crucial for mungus co-existence.
In case the maagas challenge them to it at that moment they will recall and understand their primary duty of lawmaking.


Friday 29 July 2016

An Average Nigerian Lawmaker ;the mungu with the Maagas

Democracy is adjudged to be the best form of government because it allows people's participation though people don't get to participate directly every time. The populace then employ the service of some elected officials to be their representatives. In fact all public office holders under a democratic system are employees to the electorates. The Lawmakers are more of direct employees and their main function is to represent our mind and ensure our common position become law if the need. These people are our hope in democracy as our government.

In the last sixteen years of our uninterrupted democratic dispensation we as a people has condemned and rebuked the Executive arm of Government and the Judiciary with passion. While we stylishly ignore the Lawmakers. An average candidate aspiring to be a lawmaker stay within our neighborhood prior to his election portraying him/herself as a promising ambassador. We get carried away and we vote and after his/her emergence. He/she does not remember to come back to say thank us he/she gets a colourful banner to do the appreciation to us with a little cash for jobless youth to do street jamz.

Once sworn-in he/she will start representing us from G.R.A because it is safer and more conducive for his new portfolio so that we don't feel he has ran away he opens for us an abode call constituency office. When he/she get to the House of Assembly to do the business why we elected him he has numerous options of what to do with our votes. He can choose to be a "Jonah" or better still "I support the motion" representative in as much that he is contended with the sitting and all necessary allowance. He could choose to be greedy and get interested in the race for power at floor of the house using our tribal identity to promote himself.

Two years while in office he remembers that he need to be our representative forever so he comes back like a prodigal son but this time to share goodies for us from the constituency allowance he suddenly realized he has been collecting. So, he comes to dig borehole for us because he found out that we are thirsty. He gets us a transformer too to help make electricity stable for the next six month. The little good will make us forget whatever grievances he have had. We begin to remember that his name has title call "Honorable" or "Senator". We start to envision Chairman local government or Governor in him.

He continues to fool us like that with sweet talks that being our Representative is not easy we can't understand what he is going through our forsake. He will claim to be our political savior who is strictly sent to the our lost community. If you then ask him about Laws and bills the purpose of which we elected him then you are about to hear stories that touch the heart.

Well, I am glad to inform you that he/she is Mungu and we are the Maaga.

To be continued
+2347032965335 Whatsapp

Friday 22 July 2016

The Counselling Unit Call....Social Media.

Welcome to the counselling unit call social media where we do counselling mainly on relationship and marriage. Please note that this unit is feminine focus though with less attention on men that we perceived responsible. At this unit you are expected to only tell us your problem please take into cognizance that we aren't interested in knowing the cause of this problem so we are only interested in providing you solutions.
In stating your problem try not to be emotional because often time we end up insulting the emotional people for not being strong! Invariably we may end up not giving you any advice at all. In case you are a wordy person you will have problem with us because we don't like entertaining counselee whose problem is in form of a Paul's Epistle in fact you will not get our attention.
To get our attention please put a bit of fable in your problem not those once that we are use to in nollywood we do like those ones that is from Korean love movie or Hollywood. Please note that to attend to your problem when you update it as status you will either need a semi nude picture or a rhetoric  picture with a caption that will read "Like or type Amen".
When our attention is now yours please in the course of our advice do not comment leave us to begin an argument on your problem. Don't thank nor like any comment mute your update while we continue. If you are lucky you may have sages attend to you with good counsels but they will leave you unceremoniously too. You may be fortunate to also have fools playing sages counselling you then learn to stomach the non sense too. I will not forget the passerby counselors they will like your problems, some may be nice enough  to comment "just passing"
After, we are all through we will eventually leave the ball in your court with the notion that you have your life to live. Haven't we done you a favor. I guess we have.

Tuesday 19 July 2016

You and I: The Modern SSA new media

You and I: The Modern SSA new media: The concept of "Abobaku" has not become history in our corridor of power rather it has metamorphosed into a modern office called S...

The Modern SSA new media

The concept of "Abobaku" has not become history in our corridor of power rather it has metamorphosed into a modern office called Senior Special Assistant (SSA) on media. This office over time has become a re-incarnation of the office of "Abobaku". Abobaku in the traditional Yorubaland is an office specially meant for an important slave or person the community perceived as an unserious entity whose longevity whom be necessary because he was never a symbol of wisdom. He was never a member of council neither was he an adviser. His basic duties is to enjoy the status of the king and await his own death upon the death of the king. In fact a town crier is of more importance to an "Abobaku" though they of similar but everybody knew him to be a just a royal mouth-piece that lives on even after the king had died.
Back to our nascent democracy where "Town crier" has been adopted into the executive council as the Commissioner/Minister of Information. Its old office and that of Abobaku had been reviewed to produced an office tagged Senior Special Assistant on Media. The basic function is to speak for and on your "Oga", you are expected to protected his Image at all cost even if your he is good at committing political blunder.
Welcome to America where the same office is meant for technocrat in the area of information management and personality of high integrity. The SSA on media is always there to tactically right the wrong of his "Boss" in the public without soiling his own image. He/She is always there to engaged the public in a diplomatic way without soiling his own integrity at the expense of his "Boss" Political's ambition or ideology. In America, SSA on media do resign their appointment when the ideology/Ambition of his "Boss" begins to threaten is own integrity.
Back home here the reverse is the case the same office been looked at in America as one the most prestigious political appointment is now been soiled. This same office over time has witnessed the appointment of political opportunists who just want to be somewhere within corridor of power. Most of whom, who lacked the courtesy of Administrative silence. They kept on talking when the best option for their "Oga"s image is silence. They lack the intelligence and smartness to respond tactically on issues that bother on their "Boss" personality all they do is praise-singing as if they are speaking for a god who can't err?
Just like the "Abobaku" they do enjoy the status of their "Oga"s power often time they loose their head too and get power intoxicated like their "Boss". Courtesy of their "hunger" they damn the consequence of their own integrity defend their "Oga" blindly instead of pacifying the general public over their "Boss"s action often time their body language to the public is the tone of "Eni afi oro lo to ni toun baje!"
Definitely the festive for the masquerade will soon end and the ancestor will definitely return back to his abode while his son move on with life. The political icon will definitely become an history courtesy of death or change in political scenario then guess what? The modern Abobaku too suffer the same fate..O maa see oo