Wednesday 7 December 2016

Relationship 410: Heart Mechanism; those who love "wholeheartedly" are likely to die young?

The article you are about to read is rated +18 because the ideas to be expressed is based on realistic assumptions that requires some level of reasoning.
Can you die for the person you love? Candidly, mine isn't a dying love for life is a sacred so capital No! After all in the old marital vow before it was remix the concluding lyrics was "till death do us part not till I die for you" .So, what do you think I should do when men of God admonish men to love their husband as Christ loves the church? Often time men don't take the advice as it has been expressed but the women take the Submission advice seriously. This notion play out in the try and error circumstance call relationship.

I wonder why we use the context "fall in Love" "Love is blind" they do give one notion that to love requires some level of stupidity and foolishness. A person who is already in love likely to be crippled having fell and suffered partial and total blindness. Hence, that such person may not be in charge of his or life any more he/she will resolve to be a dependent. In his/her crippled stage and partial or total blindness you see him/her going all out to please the other person. What do you think will be the lot of a crippled-blind lover running in the race of life as well with able-bodied men and women?

I am in love I will go all out to satisfy the person at my own expense, incase you don't know human being is insatiable. So, putting you being on the line to satisfy someone is like going into the sky with a ladder. Hence, your ability not to see the contentment in the other person is a form of blindness. The ability not to take note of the vices in the other person is a symptoms of  love blindness as well. Lastly, your decision to prioritize the other person first and possibly God second is an indication of a crippled being and blind personality.

Trying to play Christ you come up with an argument just trying to love him/her like Jesus Christ? Let me remind you Jesus's instruction "Love the lord your God and Love your neighbor as your self". So, you need re-prioritize your love life. Love covers all things that must not include vices? If Christ could corrected his own apostles when they erred then you are with such person to correct the vices. You don't need to cripple your personality in the name of love, be self dependent, build up your person and achieve the purpose of your creation.

Love involves sacrifice some times, life of the other person could be at stake and the heart tends to offer hope there is no crime in offering oneself up for the other person in a case the other person is really  helplessness, your resolution to love wholeheartedly then should be out of love for God first and the self assurance that you are going to be happy afterward! come what may?
Hence, those who love "wholeheartedly are likely to die young"!

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