Wednesday 14 September 2016

Let the Change begin with those that know!

Who are the problems of this country? The literate! Starting from the undergraduates, the graduate both employed and unemployed to the elite of this society. We are the problem with Nigeria, the average illiterate Nigerian has no knowledge of what goes wrong talk less of knowing the cause. The little evil he does is out of ignorance. Even, if  he will be condemned then it will base on ignorance. Mind you his ignorance is courtesy of exploitation of those that know,most of our ignoramuses end up behind bars unconsciously.

Every Nigerian that has gone to school in this time and age is a potential "criminal". Then you begin to wonder what our citadel of learning has turned into. Our school has really been a place of refuge for callous mind, surprisingly it has not really been the school but the influence of the society on the school. Despite the fact that the quality of teaching and learning process in our school has not really been too good courtesy of Government lip service to education. Learning process still go on. The implication of this process has not been too good either, the teachers and the scholars have motives that do not correlate with the expectation of the society.

The Teachers main priority is not really to impact knowledge that will make the society better rather it focus is to earn a living from his duties. A philosophy was developed by Yesterday's teachers and it is well expressed in Yoruba language. " oga ta? Oga oo taa! owo laaru aa pe! which mean employers make profit or not?The employees will be paid. This philosophy was from then secondary school teachers who saw no need to compel the students to learn very well. That same philosophy be deviled our civil service today. The teachers were not interested in upholding standard in academics and ensuring compliance with basic norms of the society. The only thing they know how to do is lament and begin their litanies with " in our days...

Learners on the other hand became a beggar with choice knowingly fully that his tutor's motives is different from the supposed expectation of the society. So, he chose not to learn or chose what to learn there by questioning the norms of the society. In an attempt to cover up for his failure to learn, he collided with his tutor to have a result he never worked for since that is what the society too want to see not what he really know? That is how he manipulated his way out of the school system. The one that chose what to learn try to convince the tutor that he is better of and ready to learn. The tutor often get carried away base on the fact that he has seen a good scholar while the learner indirectly dictated to him what he intended to learn. This is how we end up with have "half baked Graduates"

The teachers of yesterday who failed in their duties are today pensioners who are denied their entitlement by the same set of students they failed to teach values. People are dying not really because it is their time but they have been diagnosed and treated wrongly by a scholar that have not really learnt all he should. The society now suffer the ill from the school you say? No, it was even the society that influence the school negatively. Just before you blame the teachers for their indifferences do not forget to crucify the parents for gross indifference because they were suppose to be the first teachers. Mind you they give basis for Children learning experience.

Sadly, the literate are now the problem of our of society, they are the one that jump queue and take one way. they are the one that make payment to get a certificate without attending a course. They are the one that lure young girls into prostitution for whatever thing they offer in return be it job, power or academic excellence. They sit behind and armed young ambitious boys to terrorize the society. There is a new philosophy in town " Use what you have to get you want". To crown it all our law is becoming helpless the learned counsels are there to justify what is consciously wrong to be a norm of the society in the court of law whenever an elite is a suspect but for an illiterate Nigerian it is a sorry case.

If the change must start, let it start with people that know the right thing. Do the right thing and at the right time. let the illiterate Nigerians learn the right thing from people that know. So, then #Let the Change begin with people that know!
Nigeria Good people; Great nation.

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