Wednesday 7 September 2016

Domestic violence;on top Buhari Matter!

The man that named his dog Buhari has been charged to Court, consequently the same man named his new bouncing baby girl Aishat. I guess that is the name of his land lady since he named  the dog Buhari because he had issue with his landlord who happen to be the namesake of the president.
While the lawyers and the society were are busy trying to find legal and moral justification for the unfortunate man.

The picture above is of a woman who claimed that her husband restructured her look base on the argument on whether "Buhari is trying or not". Just before we blame the presidency again don't ignore the fact that "Home violence" is gradually becoming the order of the day. Apart from "Buhari" other things that have cause issues include Phone calls, Social media e.t.c.

Should we blame the Government for our social ills too? Yes we can never excuse the government from any of our social ills. The case of domestic violence would have been a thing of the past if there is gender equality law. Sometimes, one wonder what some ministries (Women affairs, Youth and Sport, Internal Affairs) are for, they get involve in things that will make the news and pretend to have seen nothing that is threatening our co-existence. You ask me,"Will a ministry stop husbands from beating their wives?" Husbands will stop beating their wives if they know that a ministry is coming with law enforcement agents to arrest them after beating the woman and charge them to court afterward.

Should we blame the society too? Yes for been too hypocritical on marital issues this is Nigeria when a man do some absurd things to his wife we condone it been a patriarchal society but let a woman try the same thing, she will be condemned without being taken to Jesus as the case of adulterous woman.

Domestic violence has to stop ,Syria war and all other crises in the world might have started from unchecked domestic violence. With the tension in our land domestic violence should not be another issue that will become difficult for us to peg.

Put an end to domestic violence by tolerating people more base on the fact that we are all hungry and a hungry fellow is an angry fellow. Preach peace and do things in a peaceful manner. Let us create a peaceful environment for our children.


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