Friday 23 September 2016

Spread the hope not the fear! Send it to seven people on your contact list

A lot is going on in the world to create fear, in the global village you hear one natural disaster or the other. The Syrian war and the predictions that come with it, the presence of ISIS in Europe is another reminder that the world may be going to an end soon. The economy hardship being witnessed by various countries of the world remind everyone that famine is eminent. These are the headline news that force you to switch of your Television and go to sleep at night.

You wake up the next day with fear of the eventualities of the news you heard yesternight. You avoid the screen and tend to take solace in the radio. Typical of the monologue machine it put a smile on your face to brightening your day, then the announcer tells you "it is news time!" You know it is going to be details of yesterday ugly events so you save your self from a sad day you switch off the world renowned communication medium.

It is time to take solace in social media with an attempt to reach out to people. While you reach out to them with smile they respond in fear. They respond with some scrupulous messages with a supernatural threat that you will be left with no option than to spread the fear ,after all you won't want evil to befall you just because you have a principle. So, send this to 7 people on your contact and you will be bless and if you ignore: God will ignore you for 7 years! I can imagine God saying no! that was not from me! I wonder why 7 and 12 are the recipient numbers? They aren't the only unique number  1,3 and 6 have there own uniqueness too.

While you are trying to discern the threat that came in, in the name of God, The health alarmist will come in with information which would have been very useful if well disseminated. The Information will end up increasing your Blood Pressure instead of putting you in the right frame of mind to learn how to prevent whatever health problem been communicated.

An attempt to look at that information objectively another message comes in, this is from the fundamentalist who knows who is planning to Islamize the nation or planning to force Jesus Christ on those who are not yet born again. This kind of message is no doubt an attempt to instigate us against each other in the name of religion and ethnic differences.

Sadly, most of these fearful messages often come from an unidentified source and it begins to trend base on copy and paste techniques then put you in a situation where you have no option than to be a good Samaritan with a plea " send it to your contact to save a life" Only God knows how many life you have saved.

The world is not at peace but we can create a peaceful atmosphere that will transcend into a peaceful world. One of the way that we can actually do that is by not creating fears in others by the kind of messages we send. In the face of fear we can as well preach hope as we urge people to be humane and practical with reality.


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