Friday 16 September 2016


Life is a big stage and you are expected to perform. The kinds of performance you decide to give depend on you and this can be determined by a lot of factors. As an actor in the Stage of life you are expected to give an amazing account of yourself without a script and before you there are scripts. You are not given a specific role and before you there are available roles begging to be played. Most people become more confuse with life, You want to study every scripts and play every role while some people don’t just bother about living out any scripts they keep on playing roles that come their ways only for them to realize it when the hair is grey that they have been helping others achieving their dreams while theirs was still in their subconscious mind. Some on the other hands play the role life bestowed on them to amuse themselves. This is why success varies anyway!

                As an actor that pick up scripts, choose a role and rehearse it well before going on stage you will definitely excel on stage. The scripts here are autobiography or biography of great men and women that have seen, fought and conquered. In as much that you are distinct and unique there is need to look at yourself and pick up a script to act a role in the movie of life. Here is not an advice for you to live a copied life “fake Life” it is just a suggestion to live a life as a Model of an Icon going or that might have gone into extinction. The fact that there is nothing new under the Sun is a threat to your ambition and your dream. There is nothing you want to achieve that is new; somebody somewhere would have done it, the only opportunity you have is that your achievement might beat the person’s record. So, if you want the sky to be your starting point then you need tales of lives and Times of people whose limit was sky.

                Life is never a bed of roses but patches of grasses embedded with thorns. Charles Darwin was of the opinion that Life is about survival of the fittest. The fact that you cannot always be the fittest at all time is a reality of the law of diminishing returns neither can you always be the smartest; even often times lion fall prey to tiger. To survive in life you just have learn from those who have survived and those who have not. A picture of an icon on your desk-top is a ray of hope and the tales of his/her life and time will tell you when there is hope there is Life.

                In Life it is either you live for something or you fall for everything. People have lived for things and their names have become Libraries, others names have become books, while some were chapters, some were paragraphs and many were words. Some people were not even remembered by the writers of history. Those whose name made the book of histories majority of then did not do something extra ordinary they only live for something their “Role Model” lived for. Jesus Christ lived for love of God and Love of Man, he has had millions of people looking up him as a Role Model. Some of those who chose to role in the model of this icon had become icon too. St. Valentine, St. John Paul II and St.Teresa of Calcutta are typical examples of  Icons the world at large accepted that they are models to emulate.

                Picking a “Role Model” may seem Childish but it is Childlike and essential for our personal development and Success in life. “To role in a model” of an icon will make you a prototype of who you want to be without losing out what you want to be. More so, it gives you the opportunity to draw hope from stories of your role models when you face the storm, you would have learnt how to move on during storms. Finally, role models beget role models, so you pick an Icon to live like then some will have to see you as an Icon to live like…. Let me live you with my Top ten Icons  10. Olu Jacobs &Joke Silve r 9. Bill & Hilary Clinton  8. Late Prof. Dora Akuyili  7. Late Chinua Achebe  6. Late Gbenga Adeboye  5. St.John Paul II  4. St. Maria Gorreti  3. St. Pio 2. St Joseph and Blessed Virgin Mary………….1. Jesus Christ of Nazarene…….


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