Friday 2 September 2016

Recession! " Rice and Bread" Nigerians commonsense indicator.

Nigeria is now in recession; who should be blame? Buhari of course! Why you ask? Just because he is the president. come to the street where the unemployed graduate accused PMB for his predicament though he/she has been in the market before the man came on board. Where a lazy bone of an husband give his wife the same excuse despite that he has not been up doing before the transition. Everybody will have to blame somebody. That is how it roll in this country blame game is part of our system.
Aspiration is one thing;leading is another thing entirely. The current situation of the country now offer the Youth of day a lesson to learn about our tomorrow. Ambition often come with a dream and vision of the ideals and on this account aspiration come with a force to propel and fly high. Too bad that we live in a society where we seem not be practical with the concept of "Leadership and followership" When the intending leaders see,visions the led too dream dreams. While the leader aims too high the followers become carried away with expectation at the same frequency both ignoring the reality on ground.
While we live in a society that clamour for magical "Change" we don't have a system that could make our desire a reality. As followers we feel we aren't a causative agent to this development, we become very quick to hold our leaders to their words while during the campaign we failed to reconcile the figures given with available facts on ground. Along the line we bear the burden for our inability to decipher what is real from what is a mirage. We are in a society with less or no objectivity because every decision in this country revolve round tribalism, religion perspective, nepotism and corruption.

Our leaders are what we deserve base on our attitude they capitalize on the point " Rice and bread". once it is within our reach we forget the economy is not productive once it is out of our reach common sense set in. They know what should be but they lack the sincerity to face us with it because they are afraid for we might not vote for them in the next election. The fact that been sincere with us will raise a lot of questions about their insincerity with the kind of lifestyle they live on our "commonwealth".
Now, that we are in recession will it not be fair enough if we all exhibit change to have the "change" we desire it is time for we followers to be practical with our economy. It is time to eat our local rice and bread make from cassava flour. It is time to start producing what we consume to save our economy.
Since, the Government is broke too let our public officers have a 50% salary cut, so that the overhead cost of governance will reduce so that government will have more money to invest in Agriculture extensively been the only sector that can lead us out of recession by providing food on table, provide job and boost our foreign exchange earnings.


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