Friday 7 October 2016

Health is Wealth! Why overlook the factor when courting?

Check your social media the popular advice for those courting is to know their genotype, the social alarm is an attempt to kick out sickle cell anemia from our society. The issue is just that often time the carriers of the sickle cells do turn out to be made in heaven love birds. The society in an attempt to curtail Mother and Child mortality rate and the yearning for an healthy society take the "genotype" campaign seriously.Come to think of it why is that sickle cell anemia carriers AS, SS, AC e.t.c should not marry each other after all love they say conquered all things. I will leave you Edward Edena of to give you the medical implications while as usual let me look at the socio-economic implications.

According to the medical experts "When the Sickle cell anemia carriers get married they give birth to another carrier(s) who is likely to be a full blown patient of the disease". Marriage is a life whose outcome can not really be predicted. So, to give birth to a sick offspring in that situation can turn out to be emotionally disturbing for life. To ensure that such child stay healthy it requires a lot of finances and emotional stability which the union may not be able to offer. In case the union's bond is strong enough to care for such child, survive rate of such child is very slim, then of what purpose will it be if a child dies when it ought to be putting a smile on the parents' face?

Just before you accuse the dead of being an "Abiku" blame the Couples for their self-centeredness and indifference in the name of love. They would have innocent child passed through pain for the sake of stabilizing their own emotion, eventually they will loose the child leaving the society to mourn the innocent. The couples' indifference will question our medical system which is not yet there to combat such unfortunate development. In the end everyone looses, the society loose an innocent soul with our medical system been questioned the couples go home dry with their emotions torn.

Why should I know his/her blood group? Marriage is about compatibility in body and soul the information become crucial for you to answer, to be the safe haven of the other person. In fact it will be a medically fit union if there is a level of compatibility with your blood group.

There are so many health challenges out there and no one is absolutely free, it is not only about a Hiv/Aids it is about all health challenges such as Asthma, Appendix, Malaria, Fever, there are also cancers of various forms talk of breast cancer, prostate cancer, skin cancer, e.t.c.. You are wondering what to do during courtship?

You have to find out your boo or bae health status by all means with some level of concord though from a neutral medical point of view. This action will either guarantee your emotion of future  health stability or prepare your mind for the worst to come. Most of these health challenges are as a result of unhealthy life style and habits. During courtship you have the power to keep those things under check if not stop them.

If he/she drinks or smokes ,do not wait till he/she has a kidney problem or lung cancer before you nurse him. Start the nursing with gentleness of heart to regulate the drinking habits or move to stop it without fight. If she/he bleaches the skin or do other things that have health implications in the name of beauty and fine boy, stop killing the person with eulogy such as "You look sexy" rather admonish the person to stop because life has no duplicate. In case you are in a relationship with a "Voltron" who gives you the option of open transfer window or living with his/her unhealthy habits. Then you have a blank Cheque to write a healthy family in the future or an unhealthy family in future?
Marriage is expected to be life -long journey of two persons the journey will be much more easier if the partners involve are healthy. They are assured of a long life and prosperity together ceteris paribus. The chance to bring forth healthy offspring is also very high if the natural process has not been jeopardized. No family is as wealthy as an healthy family, there is emotional stability and there is a room for individual growth and development.


  1. Nice one angel. Health is indeed wealth. Knowledge they say is power. So many instances especially in 'illegal union ' and 'couples ' who gave birth out of wedlock. They were 'just friends ' and something happened that leads to pregnancy unfortunately, they are both sickle cell carriers.
