Monday 31 October 2016

Why ask Saints for intercession?

If you are not a catholic don't bother read this article except you want to be one, if you are a catholic and you don't believe in Saints don't read except you want to be convinced. It is nice to hear some Christians say it is not biblical to ask for saints' intercession? Yet it is biblical to ask spiritual fathers and pastors to intercede for one? I mean pray for someone?

Who are saints? Saints are well described in the bible precisely book of Revelation, the bible described twenty four elders praising God on his throne 24/7. Another description of people 144,000 in number who have washed their cloth clean with palms in their hands and they are people from various races and nations. So, when the Catholic Church call some persons Saints and others Blessed you start looking for the biblical backing again?  Even if the bible do not refer them as Saints but the bible depicts their Holiness as persons so who say Sainthood is not biblical? Jesus told his own apostles that his right and left side his not for them but their names has been written some where special. Paul in his writings made a description of crown of glory as reward for a strive towards perfection. So, if you are a Christian and you don't believe in sainthood is as good as saying you don't believe you will be making heaven for heaven is a state meant for saints.

What do saints do? The bible described them as people before the throne of God praising him day and night. There is a clear distinction about the personality of saints and angels, angels are God's messengers with special duties. Saints are before God keep him company day and night.

Why ask Saints for intercession? It is normal to ask men of God to pray for us because we know that they communicate with God directly. They seem to have God's hotline but often time we forget they are humans and they have limitations too and not even better than we are. Mind you they aren't always in the presence of God like the saints and they can't claim holiness like the saints. Intercession is an action that depict God's love in us, all prophets and patriarchs in the Bible interceded base on their relationship with God. When men of God pray for us and with us they are equally interceding for us. Then if we see nothing wrong in them praying for us then there is nothing wrong in asking saints to pray for you, remember they are before God always keeping his company and they are equally holy; mind you the holiness of man is like a filthy rag before God.

Saints have gone through what we are going through in  life we might say time and circumstances differs. They were once sinners so they are indeed models. The fact that they have concluded their race with crown of glory as a reward mean they can as well be a guide to we the pilgrims that look forward to that exceptional reward. They are always in the company of God so a request for a saint to intercede for  you mean your request will always be before God day and night.

All ye Saints in Heaven......Pray for us...

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