Wednesday 19 October 2016

How dare You Dare God!

We are in the jet age where daring God can come as "Innovation and creativity". Out of curiosity and imagination people become creative and tend to make the impossible "a possibility". Hence, the world is definitely going to it own end out of curiosity that kills the cat. The new technology tends to equate man to God with an attempt to shut him out of his handiwork "earth" after all he has given us the earth to dwell and chose to reside in heaven. So, Man is out to dominate the earth and then later take over the space in which he perceived the state of heaven is.

The creation of man is a unique process which man has not really been able to understand till date. Man has been tactical enough to let go of what he did not understand and focus on what he did understand. Man forget his own origin and focus on it regeneration in term of (Pro-creation). Man has gone beyond using his knowledge to solve his problem rather use it base on it own imagination there by creating and causing disease it has little or no control over.

Man originally was empowered to govern nature; nature on it own is self-sustained the basic expectation of the creator of man is to make use of his reasoning to maintain nature. Man tends to exploit nature than explore it. In an attempt to make impossibility possible new phenomenon are created they become threat to Man's survival.

The selfishness of Man has led him to adopt the culture of death indirectly. Man does not want to be influenced by nature, he wants nature to be at his dictate there by moving a step a way from maintaining nature to altering nature. All actions of man today is gear towards changing what nature has to offer, you talk of Land filling, transgender, Artificial insemination, Organic Farming, Bio fuel etc. Despite that some of this actions come with adverse effect Man tends to look elsewhere because of what he stands to gain.

Just before you single out yourselves from the crimes mentioned above, you need to take a good look at your actions and inactions and see where you have always dare God.

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