Friday 28 October 2016

Build Your Team Spirit

Christiano Ronaldo of Real Madrid FC the Portuguese is the world Best Player and indeed he is a world class player with high team Spirit. Even his current adjutant the Argentine player Lionel Messi of Barcelona FC is classic player with outstanding team spirit. Lionel Messi ‘s classic performance coupled with his outstanding team spirit gave his team victory over group stage counterparts Bosnia and Nigeria at the last world cup. Christiano Ronaldo was indeed instrumental to the Victory of Real Madrid FC in the Last season Champions’ league likewise he was instrumental to his country qualification to the last World Cup. These people are individuals with outstanding team spirit.

No man is an island you may be brilliant and intelligent that wouldn’t make you the next person to be celebrated in your field of endeavor if you fail to be a team player. Besides, your brilliancy and intelligent quotient can really be appraised by those whom you have worked with. In the game of football no matter how good you are with the round leather if you don’t fit into a team. No good and tactical coach will prefer to have you on the pitch for 90th minutes displaying your individual brilliancy if it will not yield a goal, in fact such action will be tagged “selfishness or pride”. Even in academic world the fact that you are brilliant and intelligent can only be inferred base on your position in the overall performance of the class.

To be outstanding you have to stand tall within. Imagine in a class with two outstanding students, the one with good interpersonal relationship will represent the class more in intra/inter school academic competition than his counterpart who is always self-centered. As a player you just have build your team spirit in ant field of endeavor you find yourself.

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