Friday 11 November 2016

Vox populi; Vox Deus! So, the Winner is Trump!

It is no more news that the winner of 2016 American Election is the controversial candidate Donald Trump. The election's result happen to be one of the biggest surprises of the year 2016. Analyst worldwide were envisaging a possible victory of another female president. The fact that Hillary Clinton was qualified for the post more than her male counterparts made the world thought she was the best of all the available choices.

Donald Trump on the other hand  was not that a better choice from the technocrat's perspective  because he lacks the experience required for the office and even his utterances during the campaign was a not really civil as you would have expected from a candidate contesting for an office. During the debates he did not match up to Hillary's confidence and intelligence so on paper one could not but give it to Hillary Clinton.

Though, one wouldn't rule out the dynamism of election irrespective of who is contesting, humanly speaking you can not be certain of an election's result until a winner is declared. The fact that human beings are unpredictable make election's result a probability of X or Y. Any which way, the result of election is always a case of vox populi; vox deus! Even if the "populi" is made up a set of cabals whose primary duty is imposition ;only time do tell but winner must emerge!

The way God manifest is never the way man thinks. The two candidate happened to be Christians and they are aspired to lead the acclaimed of God's own country. Hillary believes that Christian values should not be forced on people while Trump believes that if Christian values will be forced on people so be it. Hillary is of the opinion that people should be accommodated irrespective of their disposition towards one while Trump is of the opinion that only people who have good disposition towards one should be accommodated.what a diverse opinions!

The simple majority went with Hillary while the winning majority went with Trump. Then I ask where do God's stand here? I found a response in this quote

"God does not call the qualified but he qualifies his call"

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