Friday 25 November 2016

Tutorial! Relationship 419; Head not Heart Mechanism

This article is rated 18+ not because of the explicit content you expect, It is not suitable for minor, it contain strong advice which we will end up changing your notion and put your in a situation to re-weigh your marital status. So, this article is mainly for singles who are ready to mingle, Married persons are advised to read this article at their own risk.

Traditionally, all guys are cheat and they make use of 'head mechanism' in relationship, guys don't go into relationship to compliment the other person just like that? They go in with the notion that someone must come along to compliment their being. Hence, no guy will go into relationship with any girl without a definite purpose. The purpose varies base on the man's disposition at that time, a change in his disposition will bring about a need for another girl irrespective of how complementary the autonomous girl in question has been to him. Hence, Man is polygamous by nature and this is a function of time! All girls are taught to be good because they are made to believe that they are made to complement the masculine being. So, they live with the notion, " I am made a lieutenant" so they live with that notion at times they are fortunate and often time they get ridiculed and suffer heartbreak or have to live with an incompetent boss.

Today things has changed information is everywhere, people have been in pain over the concept love and relationship. So, the traditional "Male use head mechanism" no longer hit the female folks while the Male folks are no longer carried away with "Female use heart mechanism" because  in a long run most of it are borne out of deceit. What is in vogue now is "Head not Heart Mechanism"!
To use this mechanism there are some assumptions base this theory.

1. Love exists though it comes with one motive or the other "so no point in loving out rightly".
2. I can equally do the same mindset "so no big deal cheating".
3. I have my life to live so no room to accommodate the other person's personality (Domineering).
4. If this drama end in the marriage fine if it does; no big deal and if it does not there will always be an exit.
5. Third parties consent is a determining factor after all he/she need to be really scrutinized.

Base on this assumptions Singles mingle if you are still using the traditional mechanism you are as good as Black Berry Bold 5 then you will soon become victims of circumstance by the time you can no longer "whatsapp" I mean communicate. You would have become a serial heart breaker as a male or serial heart break casualty as a female. If you are already married base on the traditional mechanism your family need to be fortified with prayer and you must try to adjust to the dynamism of family lives in our world.

If you are in vogue and you belief in "Use head not heart mechanism" I am glad to tell you that you are too wise to be in relationship and it takes two fools to get married that is why you may have to be a sample in a spouse market till you change your brand. If you are lucky to have gotten married, Congratulations! You will soon find out that you just a bearer of title not living out a Status.
Incase you are wondering what my submission is then you need to learn about Relationship Management; Use your head and heart mechanism see you in the next class for 410 tutorial.


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