Friday 29 July 2016

An Average Nigerian Lawmaker ;the mungu with the Maagas

Democracy is adjudged to be the best form of government because it allows people's participation though people don't get to participate directly every time. The populace then employ the service of some elected officials to be their representatives. In fact all public office holders under a democratic system are employees to the electorates. The Lawmakers are more of direct employees and their main function is to represent our mind and ensure our common position become law if the need. These people are our hope in democracy as our government.

In the last sixteen years of our uninterrupted democratic dispensation we as a people has condemned and rebuked the Executive arm of Government and the Judiciary with passion. While we stylishly ignore the Lawmakers. An average candidate aspiring to be a lawmaker stay within our neighborhood prior to his election portraying him/herself as a promising ambassador. We get carried away and we vote and after his/her emergence. He/she does not remember to come back to say thank us he/she gets a colourful banner to do the appreciation to us with a little cash for jobless youth to do street jamz.

Once sworn-in he/she will start representing us from G.R.A because it is safer and more conducive for his new portfolio so that we don't feel he has ran away he opens for us an abode call constituency office. When he/she get to the House of Assembly to do the business why we elected him he has numerous options of what to do with our votes. He can choose to be a "Jonah" or better still "I support the motion" representative in as much that he is contended with the sitting and all necessary allowance. He could choose to be greedy and get interested in the race for power at floor of the house using our tribal identity to promote himself.

Two years while in office he remembers that he need to be our representative forever so he comes back like a prodigal son but this time to share goodies for us from the constituency allowance he suddenly realized he has been collecting. So, he comes to dig borehole for us because he found out that we are thirsty. He gets us a transformer too to help make electricity stable for the next six month. The little good will make us forget whatever grievances he have had. We begin to remember that his name has title call "Honorable" or "Senator". We start to envision Chairman local government or Governor in him.

He continues to fool us like that with sweet talks that being our Representative is not easy we can't understand what he is going through our forsake. He will claim to be our political savior who is strictly sent to the our lost community. If you then ask him about Laws and bills the purpose of which we elected him then you are about to hear stories that touch the heart.

Well, I am glad to inform you that he/she is Mungu and we are the Maaga.

To be continued
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