Friday 15 July 2016

Break into the First Eleven...

It takes a star player to find itself in a new club and still make the first eleven. Often time star player too don’t merit a place in the first eleven they get a shirt base on antecedent and over-rating. Due to inability to withstand competition within majority loose the shirt and get relegated to bench. The strong star players make it a point of duty to remain in the first team.

Often time you look down on yourself with an excuse that you don’t have a chance against the genius and the brilliant fellows in your cadre you believe in your world that they are the element of first team and you don’t see any opportunity to break into the first eleven. This scenario does not only play out itself in the world of soccer it plays out itself too in our life. In class as a student, as a teacher in school, Staff in office, Labor in the field, let us just assume that there is a need for a team to be set up will you make the first eleven?

In case your answer is no or you are not sure of your status with the first team shirt then you need to break into the first eleven.

To break into the first eleven is a very tactical job for a mediocre, it is like jumping into a pool to compete with fish. There is no point in rushing you have to study the terrain of such locality. To really fit in, you need adequate knowledge of what goes on in the team. The playing pattern and how each players contribute to the success of the team. It is the same in class, office and everywhere you go. To break in to the first team the first thing to do is to understand the terrain.

After you have understudied the playing pattern and it is well understood, then you need to identify the exact point you can play in the team where you can seem to be indispensable. This point should be your area of expertise.

To be continued.


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