Friday 1 July 2016


                Nigeria could one day be the best nation in the World, only if the Government and we Nigerians could tackle every issue in this country with an “Ebola Approach”. Nigeria Government gave one of the best approaches in containing the spread of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD). This shows that our Government could be much more responsible than we think. The Federal and State Government forgot their political affiliations and they pursued a common goal of containing the spread of EVD. The ruling party and the opposition party for once agreed on a common disposition of fighting EVD .Just asking can't we fight corruption with the same passion?

                Despite the fact that EVD came into Nigeria when Medical Doctors were on strike only God knows when our doctors will eventually cease to go on strike in response to inability of Government to meet their demands. Is the Government and doctors not aware that a sense of not taking up one's responsibilities is a form of corruption?One could not but eulogized the attitude of the Nurses and other Health workers for upholding the dignity of the Nation’s Health System but it seems they have gone to their slumber afterward are you aware that in Public hospitals Nurses and health workers often do trading with some crucial things before your emergency case is been attended to. Those things are so minute in price and status in such a way that you tend to  look over that action as corruption?
 Likewise, the Media; Radio, Television and the Print Media deserved commendation of all and sundry for doing a good job in orientating Nigerians in the fight against Ebola. In this fight against corruption I don't think the media deserve our commendation for any orientation. In fact can they media claim to be orientating us? It seems late Dele Giwa died with investigative journalism in Nigeria? The media is unconsciously propagating the gospel of corruption with her sentiment and partisan approach to issues related to corruption charges against public officers. Some of our columnists, commentators and social analysts are fans one celebrated thief or the other.
We, Nigerians too need to really commend ourselves for been pro-active and conscious of the health Challenges of Ebola. All indications so far have shown that Nigeria with the right approach to issues can be a first world country. Do you think that can be said of corruption? An average Nigerian sees any act of dishonesty as the new imbibed-culture we have to adjust to. Hence, If you complain to a typical Nigerian of our leaders embezzling public funds just get ready to your personality assessed with the question" If you see where money dey you go take your own?".While we are still applauding ourselves for giving EVD a good fight during that time some public fund went with Ebola fight too. Does the account really matter? after all Ebola is now history!
                It will be interesting to inform the Government that fight corruption is as easy as fighting Ebola. The campaign for "honesty" should in all public places and Television,Radio and Status on Social Media should be "say no to any act of dishonesty". The Law should not spare anyone irrespective of age and status. Immunity clause should find it way out of our law book, in fact there is need for a bill that will compel people to resign once their name appear in a scandal so as not to unduly pressurize the judicial system. Our Children should be taught honesty in schools and at home in words and actions. Mind You righteousness exult a nation.                

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