Tuesday 28 June 2016

Why not try a "Top Four Philosophy"

Coach Arsene Wenger of Arsenal FC is well known for campaigning for “Top Four slot” in the English premier league season in season out. Most analysts and critics do not see common sense in his submission. To the surprise of the majority his employers are in full support of his ‘Philosophy’ and this annoys most of the fans and potential fans even notable players staged a walkout on the club as a result of this ‘Philosophy’.

            I know you are already laughing at my stupidity that I am encouraging you to imbibe a questionable philosophy that did not win any Trophy for about 8years in a row for it custodian. Life is a competitive field where everyone wants to perpetually be at the peak at a time but the fact is just that only one person can be at a peak at a time. The moment you realize that fact then “Top Four philosophy” should be something to imbibe in as much that the Chance of being at the peak season- in season- out is half in a highly competitive environment. That is exactly what Monsieur Wenger is up to.

            Sometimes, you do forget that you may be Brilliant, Intelligent and smart, though, there is always someone out there who has an edge over you in such environment. Even if there is no one that has your strength definitely there will be someone with a factor that will threaten you. This is why you should wake up from your slumber that first position is everyone’s birthright, if you can be in the first position anybody can be there too. To imbibe the “Top Four “ philosophy is far from settling you for mediocrity rather it gives you consistency in the midst of potential Champions this is why Arsenal FC will always play in the CHAMPIONS LEAGUE.

            “Top Four “philosophy gives you room to remain one of the best irrespective of the resources at your disposal. It gives you zeal to compete amidst fierce competitor without pressure of being undermined or outshined. Your personality will often threaten the underdogs and give the big names a run for their money. This explains why Smaller team in EPL find it difficult to get past Arsenal FC and the Big teams often find it difficult to demolish the gunners. This makes you the most consistent in the cadre of the best entity over a long period of time at least a decade like Arsenal FC.

            To stay within the “Top Four” in anywhere you find yourself is as good as competing for the first position the only difference is just that to occupy the first position you will have to sacrifice your entertainment and relaxation for aggression. To be aggressive put you under pressure which often times it boomerangs and you eventually lose out. A “Top four “philosophy is a trophy bound philosophy that makes first position your utmost priority while the fourth position your least expectation. It is not a philosophy for mediocre rather a philosophy to streamline your priorities in recognition of your weakness and strength irrespective of the situation of the environment. This philosophy makes you relatively a relevant entity amidst your peers. Check it out Arsenal FC remains one of the “Top Four” football club in England, one of the “Top ten” football club in Europe and one of the “Top twenty” football club in the world. This means that you maintaining a “Top four” philosophy, books you a seat outside the shores of your domain.

            A decision to be within the “top four” anywhere you find yourself is a viable philosophy to adopt in order to survive in a highly competitive environment. It gives you the opportunity to be dynamic with the environment and as well withstand the pressure that comes forth with a relative change in the position within the “Top Four”. This means that when people are being disengaged for failure your employers will have reasons to keep you. Arsene Wenger remains in Arsenal while some of his contemporaries have been sacked on so many occasions on the ground of failure.

            Finally, this philosophy gives you opportunity to re-create yourself to meet the Challenges in your environment without succumbing to pressure. Arsenal FC built Emirate Stadium in the course of their “Top Four” campaign. You might say they have no trophy within 8years but they have a new Stadium to show for it with a relative good position in England, Europe and the World at large. So, winning a trophy shouldn’t always be your driving force.

            Don’t be carried away I am not eulogizing Arsene Wenger rather I am only urging you to take a second look at his philosophy it might inspire you to be one of the best this generation could offer and there is one thing that Arsenal FC don’t often do that is; always take your Chances, Opportunity comes but once.

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