Friday 17 June 2016

I wish I have someone that can help...with dream

Apart from the noodles advert "Mama You do good you do good o!!.....You gave us..." another advert people won't forget in an hurry is the popular song of one the Nigeria commercial banks. "I wish I have someone that can help with my dream......" with the sonorous voice and the lyrics don't you think the singer deserved to be a nominee for Grammy award while the composer too deserved to be nominated for recognition in the field of literary works. Listen beyond the song and let us do some courtship analysis.

Take it or leave it God created you all for a purpose and often these purpose subconsciously find it way and become your dream. Consequently, this dream becomes your path to greatness in reality provided that you follow it. Incase you are an emerging personality(Youth) then you have a primary assignment to find out what you are here to do, I mean your purpose in life is like your compass in this jungle so you don't just go on living. If you have found it, Congratulation! In case you can go on all alone, amazing! Then wait for no one except God!

Should incase you can't go on all alone never get discouraged that is the essence of marriage. The issue is now getting that person that can help with your dream. One of the most common prayer point this day is "Prayer for life partner". However, most people tend not to be specific with the prayer under the assumption that the word "Partner" connote positivity. Incase your want to pray do well to petition for the one that can help with your dream.

Marriage is not expected to "mar your Life" it is expected to "make you" your partner is a major factor to any of the possible outcome. Hence, in your search go for someone with positive complementary notion to your dream. If you are a writer go for a reader, if you are an actor go for an audience if you are a singer go for a composer and a lover of good music. Go for someone who admire what bring you joy and en-route to greatness, nobody will keep you focus on your dream like that person.

"Birds of a feather flaws together "says the old adage. If you don't want marriage to hinder the dream from being a reality then you need a great mind like you. If you dream of being a "queen" please do well to go look for "an heir apparent" it is not a matter of royalty it is the matter of mind. If it is your thought to change the world for better, please do well to go look for a person with a generous heart that can help with your dream. It is your thought to lead with justice and equity out of love then you need someone who will always remind you that in your bedroom because power corrupt absolute power corrupt.

Love come with an of act that portray possessiveness, however, your ability to influence the world positively is in your level of interaction with the "Commoner". Never, fall a victim to the love that takes you away from influencing our world positively. Such love is selfish and it will eventually ruin you. Hope you know the story of Samson and Delihah.

Lastly, I wish I have someone that can help with my dream with out ulterior motive. I am glad to tell you that you will meet people who will be willing to trade of their dreams to accommodate you in actual sense those people don't deserve you. Just know that they will forever live on your reality when the time comes. Such people can hunt and hurt you at will whenever they feel like it. Go for that person who support your dream out of love and wait for no dividends except Love.

Incase you wonder what I have been talking about, here is a  review of what Marriage can actually do. Food was not the only reason why Esau lost his birthright his marriage was another comma.Samson and Delihah hope know you their story, Ahab and Jezebel are another sample, Annaias and Sapphira were not that good sample to emulate. Sarah and Abraham, Rebekah and Isaac, Jacob and Rachel, David and Bathseba and of course Mary and Joseph were pretty amazing samples.

In the modern day, I present to you Bill and Hilary Clinton, Olu Jacobs and Joke Silver, Tunde and Wunmi Obey,  Alli Baba and Wife and all those couples in our neighborhood supporting each others dream...... I wish I have someone that can help with my dream...
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