Friday 24 June 2016

You are beautiful; I am handsome A man with a beautiful girl has the same problem with a man whose maize's farm is on the main road, A woman with a handsome man equally has the same problem. It is a known fact that if you have a beautiful bae you are likely to be a victim of high BP except "you lend yourself some brain" as one will say in local parlance.

 In case you are a girl with a handsome guy you will soon become a psychiatric patient if you tend to be on your guy trail.

The truth is that every girl out there is a beauty queen while every guy is a handsome dude. Ignorance and lack of self esteem is the reason while some people choose to be ugly playing a defending counsel to the creator he made every thing bright and beautiful. Beauty/ handsomeness is not a product of cosmetics or make up rather it is been enhance by the latter. So, waste less of your money on Cosmetics when you can be naturally a person to behold. All what you need to do is to be conscious of your personality and identify lifestyle that keep you on point.

Every beautiful girl is every guy's girl so you just have to be aware of that fact, the only means to claim possession is to be there for her and ensure you sustain her beauty through the test of time; mind you beauty fades. This rule is also applicable to girls who yearn for handsome guys. Hence, don't go near a beauty/handsomeness that you can not sustain. Mind you no one is ugly!
You are now wondering how to sustain the beauty/handsomeness in the other person with your sense of adventure. Here is an acronym to be of help ARE!

A for Attraction ;you just have to sustain whatever attract you to the other person, Often time it is a " Physique" or attitude while you try to ensure that physical appearance/attitude remain a toast to you and other admirers you should not forget that people grow older and eventualities of life can grossly affect "Physique"/attitude so you have the duty to protect that physique/attitude and in case of the change as a result of eventualities of life hope you are ready to accept it as your cup of tea. So guy if beautiful princess/ nice girl of today turn out to be an ugly woman/ temperamental woman of tomorrow my guy you have failed a responsibility test the law is vice versa.

R for Respect; Respect is reciprocal so always see the other person as human, the thought, actions, dream of the other person should be given priority as yours. This alone will bring about peace of mind which will invariably enhance beauty and handsomeness from within.

E for Enjoyment; Any relationship which do not give you reason to smile will definitely kill you one day so you need to have your priority in check so as not to be a victim. Your enjoyment should not be measured base on sex or money rather it should on your companionship. You should be able to enjoy your togetherness irrespective of eventualities of life. You owe your partner a smile if not a laugh anytime you are together.
So, to keep your girl, fiancé or wife ever beautiful you shower her with money and you think  she will automatically be a damsel with the right make up. You are on your own in fact you have just given her reason to be unfaithful. The same thing applicable to your guy if you are a female you owe. each other ARE. Do have a lovely weekend.
I am angel

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