Monday 20 June 2016

Father's day....Who cares about the boy child?

The era of "Mama naa boy" is over. The boy child is not really of priority as it was use to be, in fact the "girl child" has taken over. Gone are those days when the "boy child" is a celebrity at birth, now the concept of gender equality has robbed the boy child of his status. Hence, it is a question of "Child right Act"  which is feminine focused. The"girl child" is now the toast of the society checkout various advert with babes in focus the "girl child" is always the emerging heroine. This is not to say that "boy child" no longer has recognition, he has just been stripped of his prestigious title as "Lord apparent" of every family.

Gone are those days when the"boy child" was the only one who had the right to go to school. The reason was just that he is a boy and he has the priority to ensure the survival of the Family's name. So going to school for him was a matter of right while a girl child was only allowed to go to school base on parental ideology and tribal perspectives. The various campaign for "girl child education" indeed raised the consciousness of all and sundry while a girl child must go to school. Guess what is in vogue now boys and girls are in the school and courtesy of poverty they are also both on the street. Due the graceful being and fragile personality of the girl child there is a clamor for her protection from all dick and harry. Subconsciously, no one remember that the boy child is on the street learning vices.

Even in school where the environment is supposed to be a levelled playing ground the attention on a girl child is slightly more than what a boy child enjoys this days. At academic achievement a boy child is often less applaud compare to his female counterpart. She gets all the encouragement to achieve the best being a girl while the boy child only get a path on the back and "keep it up". The duo are consequently growing in the same environment but the society focused on the boy child to be law abiding and careless about him having the right attitude to civil way of life. The society focused on equipping the girl child with family ethics and careless about her knowledge about vices.

At the teen age when the society ought to allow open interaction and guide their thoughts more attention is paid to the girl child because of the complex nature of her sexuality while the boy child is given the notion that he has nothing to loose in the world of sexuality. The guidance a girl child enjoys from all and sundry put her in a chance to develop well into a graceful lady. The disinterestedness a boy child get from the society put him at edge of irresponsibility. While as Youth the girl child enjoys the sympathy and empathy of member of the society who chose to really help at the expense of her male counter. The Society is providing a shelter for the girl child because of her vulnerability while the boy child is expected to survive on his own because he is a male.

Now, the hour of judgment has come on the society what we see around is the concept of "baby mama" The boys of yesterday are now the irresponsible men that chose not to take up their responsibilities base on the fact that they lack knowledge on family ethics. Aren't we not going to excuse them because they were never taught?. Another concept is that of "run away father" they are those who have reason for their sense of irresponsibility. Aren't we going to excuse them because they are use to "keep it up"? "The Iron mike Tyson and dictators" these are boys of yesterday,the society did leave on the street to fend for themselves. Having learnt wrestling,kicking and boxing and eventually not shortlisted for Olympics home becomes their ring then the society suddenly remember a man is the head of the house and the family find itself under emergency rule of a ruthless dictator.

Courtesy of this unfortunate development the feminist are taking over with the girls of yesterday who have been fed with the notion of coup d'état against the "boy Child" in the fore front. They are now preaching the gospel of "what a man can do; a woman can do better!". Ironically, They and their siblings are now feeling it where it pinches singing the song of "Men are many; husbands are scarce". Young
and responsible fathers are now relatively scarce. It is high time we pay equal attention to our children.

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