Monday 15 August 2016

What could have made her run...?

Bride just discovered on wedding morning that her husband-to - be was actually not A CHEVRON STAFF.
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Badoo etc all said he was a Chevron staff , but the truth was revealed this morning..
Na wooooooo ohhhh!'
See gobe

Seriously Speaking no one would have believed that a wedding gown could serve the purpose of a track suit neither could one guess a bride could suddenly turn an unrecognized Olympic gold medalist. As the popular saying goes for a race to take place is either you are pursuing something or something is pursuing you. This madam ran off when she found out that the potential husband wasn't a Chevron Staff as claimed by his social media account. Will you say that is a enough reason to abandon the Marital vow to be taken or She has a better option still available somewhere probably a Conoil Staff.
She took off the heel an action which can be adjudged to be the best in the face of difficult alternative to practical. The point that she ran off is never questionable but what prompted the running is rhetorical in nature. Is it the deception? or the reality of poverty? All I can say to her is welcome back to the spouse market just know that single act will bring about depreciation in your price's share in the market but it is better than been bought off is a shady deal so please do shine your eye.

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