Wednesday 31 May 2017

Heart Matters with Eddie - Don't judge me!

I am a guy in love with a pretty lady I met 5 years ago in Ibadan on an official assignment. The relationship has been on for almost 2years,We hope to get married within the next 6 months to 1 year. I could say we are just a normal couple (if you know what I mean) a little argument here and there, a little disagreement here and there, no one is 'perfect'  you know. Then 2 months ago I met this beautiful lady when on a training in Abuja (now don't ask me wat happens during these official assignments and why I always meet ladies) . Wow!  She is like 90% of what I look for in a woman, almost inch perfect on every side..... Physically charming, intellectually sound, spiritually gifted with a smile that can cool an erupting volcano. Hmmmmmmmmm we started just as friends oooo, nothing serious, but gradually she's winning my heart.  What should I do?  Do I continue with my relationship or should I follow the yearnings of my heart? Please don't judge me... Just advice.

Stick with me on ' Heart Matters with Eddie' every week.

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