Thursday 4 May 2017

For the Love of your " Unborn Child"

Whenever you hear females setting the basic requirements for Mr. Right, most often they forget the need to put this requirement " A man who will be Father to my Child(ren)". Truth be told not all men/women have the potential to be a father/mother not really as in sexual potency/fertility but in actual sense when Fatherhood/ Motherhood come calling as a responsibility.

It is typical of modern man to ask himself the vita question of whether his proposed future wife will fit in as the Mother of his Child(ren). A reasonable man in his right sense will not propose marriage if he find this question to be rhetorical. That is why often time you see a side chick eventually become a wife at the expense of Miss. Right. Should we now blame the man for hanging his final decision on the altar of motherhood? Ironically, the female folks despite all the numerous requirements for the would be husband they often forget to weigh his potential as a Father making. There is this assumption that once he is a good husband he is bound to be a responsible Father, so there is no point in double checking.

There is a clear distinction between being a husband and being a Father and not all husband will turn out to be a good Father as it is that not all wives will turn out to be good mothers. Today, most mothers are mere baby mamas in their husbands' house'. The self acclaimed fathers; some have left wives and children to fend for themselves while others still ceremoniously live as a father without any contribution to the family. Baby-mama in actual sense is fast becoming a status because some of the baby-fathers are not ready to assume the role of husband/ father simultaneously.
This unfortunate development is evident in life style of some of our Mothers who are under undue stress in training their wards. Consequently, parenting that ought to be partnership business has become a sole priority of some mothers.

There is no point in crying over spilt milk we can only say to those women who have gone through the agony of "technical single motherhood" kudos! and more grease to their elbow. To the men who have chosen not  to live up to their responsibilities. We can only plead for a change of heart. For those still looking for Mr. Right or found Mr. Right you just have to find out if he will be there to care and love your unborn.


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