Tuesday 30 May 2017

Streetwise; will there ever be Biafrexit?

If you have read a couple of literature objectively on the concept of 'Biafra', you will be confused about what your take should be on the demand of IPOB. Come to think of it Biafra is a fruit from the seed of discord sown by the British. The British in order to still be in control after independent entrusted the nation Nigeria into the hand of a major ethnic group  that will be loyal to the union jack and the crown. Hence, the British was not really ready to grant the nation Nigeria autonomy, up till date the stand of United Kingdom and her allieds has not changed.

Besides, before Biafra there ought to have been a distintegration of an entity call Nigeria because the trouble actually started from the Western Region, it was a political battle for the power at the centre that prompted Military officers most of Eastern origin to staged the first coup which was indeed bloody. This coup according to various literatures sparked up ethnic crisis in the Northern Nigeria. The inability of Aguiyi Ironsi's led Government to gain full control of the military led to another coup which was plotted by Officers of Northern region as a retaliation. This brought in a new head of States who was quite too young for the office but had the full control of the military.

Lt Col Odumegwu Ojukwu on May 30, 1967 deleared his region as Republic of Biafra, this aggravated the existing ethnic crisis between the Igbo and the Hausa/Fulani. This led to civil war that brought about lost of so many lives with the main actor living in luxury and giving orders. The war lasted for about 2years and some months. Though for the Biafra war no victor no vanquished but lives were lost out of some people thirst for power.

Since, then the agitation for Biafra has been a re- occurring event, the point is that some people out of their own interest decided to capitalize on the tribalism and ethnicity that threaten the unity of the nation to make leaders of themselves. The question is why Biafra? Biafra was not as result of marginalization because the Igbo's can not claim to have suffered marginalization in Nigeria state because they have always been duly represented in every Government after the war till date.

If Biafra is to be a reality let those clamoring for it call for a referendum across the region, let all public officers from the region speak out the mind of their people and let them convince others on the floor of National Assembly and the court.
No true independence come from the use arms and ammunitions.
God bless Nigeria.

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