Monday 22 May 2017

Monday Money - How to keep your finances in check - Wanny B

After a relaxed weekend,mondays mean we all have to get back to making money!
Your financial life started changing when you get sick and tired of being a debtor.
For years, you try to increase wealth and reduce debt profile but it has been a constant failure.My friends,life just doesnt work that way.

If you want something different you have got to do something different.
Here are few things to help you keep your finances under check.

1.No eating out-no fast food,no takeouts and no sit down restaurants.Try it and see how your overhead cost for the month will drastically reduce.How much money are you wasting on eating out that could be used to help you achieve your financial dreams?

2.Track your spending today-this help you to be accountable to yourself and helps eliminate the too common questions of "where does the money go each month"?Spend on budget avoid unnecessary panic buying! Must you do daily shopping?

3.Start an Automatic savings-call your bank today,and set up a saving allowance,either weekly,bi-weekly or monthly deposit.Treat your savings account just like a bill and watch it grow everyday.Avoid temptation not to spend recklessly.Its adviceable you create a seperate account.The amount you deposit doesnt matter but the discipline is what matters. Mind you, you are building a pool of wealth for yourself.

4.Spend on what you need only-only get things that you are really in need of,not what you see and you think its compulsory for you to have.My dear,there should be a different between your NEED/WANTS??only buy cloths if you dont have anything to wear.

5. Manage the EXTRAS in life-the extras are the magazines subscriptions,the gym membership,the energy drinks,the treats to the restaurant or cinema.Just stop!!!
Success only comes to those who are willing to step out of the world of "Normal" into the world "of doing what it takes to make it happen.

There should be a balance here,dont forget to keep in touch with loved ones or never make your family live on the street so that you can be wealthy?

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