Friday 9 June 2017

Thank God is Friday with Wanny B - Is Jesus the Word of God?

What does the Word of God means ? Jesus is perceived to be the Word of God in Christendom,  what does it mean to be the Word of God? The words of God simply means doctrines, dogma, sacred traditions and histories according to the belief of each religion. Virtually all religion agreed that their Holy books are the word of God not forgetting the fact that they were written by human under divine inspiration.

In Islam ,it is often said that the Quran an, is the book of Allah. It is also refer to as " kalamullah", which means words of Allah , when referring to the Quran an. It is the same situation for other religions as well , when they say word of God, they are referring to their holy books that they believe to be true .

Man was created given a law or edict from the creator (word from God) and this is typical of good and just supreme King, and when there is contravention there will surely be punishment to the erring personalities. Yes that was why Jesus was sent into the world. He was word made flesh paying the penalty for the edict that Adam, Eve and all of us have gone against. Jesus paid the price with his own life to reiterate the love of God for us in his words on the cross when he said "It is finished".

For Christian, “words of God” can  be classified into two the written and the spoken, "logos and rhema". Logos is what is written in general in the Bible under divine inspiration for everyone, and rhema is the word that God can speak to you (by various means) to your particular and specific situation.

All Holy books are good to read in order to know God and what he is like. God speaks to us by various means and we experience this by having a personal relationship with him in which he tells us what we need to know. Jesus, the son of God, said, I know my sheep and my sheep know me when they hear my voice.” He speaks to us through the Holy books e.g. Bible and in person, usually by impression created by nature.

Jesus is the Word made flesh. He is the living manifest of the word of God as it is written in various holy books.

Thank God its Friday family.

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