Friday 16 June 2017

Thank God is Friday with angel - Love? You are likely to suffer from Hypnosis

Hence, the moment you fall in love, blindness subconsciously creep in and one begins to suffer from myopia, hyper myopia and astigmatism at the same time. Love is just the carrier while the causative agent is emotion an element of love. While you are contemplating on your blindness whether it is actual or a figment of observers' imagination then you seem to be noticing your inability to hear clearly and interpret sound most especially the one that comes from the person you claimed to love. Then you become partially deaf and suddenly you become subconsciously dumb too because you don't want to start spilling the beans betraying the love of your life.

Too bad when you fall in love your sense of seeing, your sense of hearing and smelling would have gone too. You are left with the sense of taste and that of feeling. Even those senses too are only sensitive to the person you claimed to love. If you are fortunate to love the right person you might be lost forever in the garden of eden with you blind, deaf and dumb and will still have course to be happy!

However, if you are not fortunate and you love a wolf in a sheep skin, you are as good as a blind, deaf and dumb languishing in the wilderness between Egypt and the promise land with wide animals on tour. The only strength you will have lies in your sense of taste and that of feeling. Even at that moment you will always have the choice of life or death. You can simply resign to fate in wilderness and choose to die there attributing your stupidity to destiny. You can as well choose life and rise on your feet and make an attempt to open yours eyes. Consciously you will realize you have not been blind you are just feigning blindness for the sake of love out of your own volition. Then you hear the noise around and suddenly you realize that it has not been noise they are advices you chose not to listen to initially. Your sealed lips moved to respond and sounds making words and sentences comes forth.

Then you realize you have hypnotized yourself under the spell of love. In actual fact, blame no one but yourself because while in love you can always do a check up for your emotion so that you don't suffer from hypnosis.

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