Monday 19 June 2017

Monday Money with angel - Investment? Put your money where your mouth is!

Where should I invest my money? Is a question always begging for answer most especially among Salary earners. The answer to this question becomes so important because it goes a long way to define the future of a salary earner when alerts no longer come at the end of every months. In Nigeria where putting your hope in pension is a delicate thing to do. Your ability to decide where to invest with an assurance that it will yield requires a good home work from the intending investors.

Most people tend to believe that when you talk of investment it is synonymous to financial world of shares, stocks, Insurance and others financial plans. Hence, most people prefer the financial world since you will practically do nothing than to keep putting your money there, with the hope that one day you will be reaping bountifully where you have sown. Most people don't know that in Finance there is a standing rule that says "The higher the risk, the higher the returns at vice versa" and this is why investment prospectus will always advise you to consult a financial expert before investing in any financial investment plan. Mind you most of the financial investments we do depend on the forces in the existing market and they are subjected to forces from the macro economy. In actual sense, it is not where you invest in and go to sleep, you need to be on the look out or employ a professional to watch out for your investment.

Why the Financial world is for the lazy bone investors ,the Entrepreneurs are the investors taking the bull by the horn. Entrepreneurship is more delicate and tricky compare to investing in financial instruments. It seems to be more rewarding in a long run if the entrepreneur is able to create and sustain system from it business. This is more tasking it requires commitment and smartness that is why not everybody can be an entrepreneur. To really excel you need to learn how to use all factors around you to your advantage. If you really like sleeping and having your peace of mind, sorry you can't be an entrepreneur.

Some people don't like risk at all, so, financial world is not for them and they don't have the potentials to be an entrepreneur. They are good in self-investment, they acquire knowledge that will make them relevant anytime any day. Most of these people are always in classrooms, lecture halls, boardrooms, seminars, theatre and Laboratories impacting knowledge and get paid for services they rendered.

So to really invest and be happy with an expectation of  positive returns you need to put your money where your mouth is.
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