Wednesday 31 May 2017

Heart Matters with Eddie - Don't judge me!

I am a guy in love with a pretty lady I met 5 years ago in Ibadan on an official assignment. The relationship has been on for almost 2years,We hope to get married within the next 6 months to 1 year. I could say we are just a normal couple (if you know what I mean) a little argument here and there, a little disagreement here and there, no one is 'perfect'  you know. Then 2 months ago I met this beautiful lady when on a training in Abuja (now don't ask me wat happens during these official assignments and why I always meet ladies) . Wow!  She is like 90% of what I look for in a woman, almost inch perfect on every side..... Physically charming, intellectually sound, spiritually gifted with a smile that can cool an erupting volcano. Hmmmmmmmmm we started just as friends oooo, nothing serious, but gradually she's winning my heart.  What should I do?  Do I continue with my relationship or should I follow the yearnings of my heart? Please don't judge me... Just advice.

Stick with me on ' Heart Matters with Eddie' every week.

Tuesday 30 May 2017

Streetwise; will there ever be Biafrexit?

If you have read a couple of literature objectively on the concept of 'Biafra', you will be confused about what your take should be on the demand of IPOB. Come to think of it Biafra is a fruit from the seed of discord sown by the British. The British in order to still be in control after independent entrusted the nation Nigeria into the hand of a major ethnic group  that will be loyal to the union jack and the crown. Hence, the British was not really ready to grant the nation Nigeria autonomy, up till date the stand of United Kingdom and her allieds has not changed.

Besides, before Biafra there ought to have been a distintegration of an entity call Nigeria because the trouble actually started from the Western Region, it was a political battle for the power at the centre that prompted Military officers most of Eastern origin to staged the first coup which was indeed bloody. This coup according to various literatures sparked up ethnic crisis in the Northern Nigeria. The inability of Aguiyi Ironsi's led Government to gain full control of the military led to another coup which was plotted by Officers of Northern region as a retaliation. This brought in a new head of States who was quite too young for the office but had the full control of the military.

Lt Col Odumegwu Ojukwu on May 30, 1967 deleared his region as Republic of Biafra, this aggravated the existing ethnic crisis between the Igbo and the Hausa/Fulani. This led to civil war that brought about lost of so many lives with the main actor living in luxury and giving orders. The war lasted for about 2years and some months. Though for the Biafra war no victor no vanquished but lives were lost out of some people thirst for power.

Since, then the agitation for Biafra has been a re- occurring event, the point is that some people out of their own interest decided to capitalize on the tribalism and ethnicity that threaten the unity of the nation to make leaders of themselves. The question is why Biafra? Biafra was not as result of marginalization because the Igbo's can not claim to have suffered marginalization in Nigeria state because they have always been duly represented in every Government after the war till date.

If Biafra is to be a reality let those clamoring for it call for a referendum across the region, let all public officers from the region speak out the mind of their people and let them convince others on the floor of National Assembly and the court.
No true independence come from the use arms and ammunitions.
God bless Nigeria.

Saturday 27 May 2017

Bae' s Achievement - weekend vibes with Omo - oba Adeosun

Losing your virginity to impress your friends is not an achievement. .
◆Dating more than 2 guys in 2017 is not an achievement. .
◆Sleeping over at your boyfriend’s places 1,2,3or more days is not an achievement. .
◆Dating famous and rich guys is not an achievement. .

◆Badly drawn tattoos on your body makes you look cheap and having them is not an achievement.

◆Twerking and drinking Guarana at clubs every weekend is not an achievement. .
◆And having a baby just to make a nigga stay with you is also not an achievement..
◆Going to school;getting your degree, or getting yourself involve in positive things and chasing your dreams.. Now that's an achievement!! . The greatest achievement a man can achieve in life is to make others happy and love God.

Do have a nice weekend.

Thursday 25 May 2017

Love is an attitude -Heart Matters with Omo oba adeosun

Love is not just the emotional feelings you have for someone; it goes beyond that. Love is a character, behaviour or attitude. A person can fall in love with you because of your good character even if you are not handsome or beautiful. Someone can love you because you know how to cook, pamper, or because you behave well and you make the person happy.

On the other hand, bad characters can make love to fade away no matter how beautiful or good looking you are. If you have some irritating and annoying characters, it can make your spouse to start disliking you and hence the love will start diminishing, especially if you are not taking to corrections.

Therefore, don't just be good in bed alone, don't just be romantic alone, don't just be beautiful and good looking alone. You should do things that make your spouse happy; exhibit all those good characters that make your spouse happy. For example buying of gifts, being respectful, having a good manner of approach and being jovial and full of humor are ways of developing and strengthening the love and feelings between the two of you.

Monday 22 May 2017

Monday Money - How to keep your finances in check - Wanny B

After a relaxed weekend,mondays mean we all have to get back to making money!
Your financial life started changing when you get sick and tired of being a debtor.
For years, you try to increase wealth and reduce debt profile but it has been a constant failure.My friends,life just doesnt work that way.

If you want something different you have got to do something different.
Here are few things to help you keep your finances under check.

1.No eating out-no fast food,no takeouts and no sit down restaurants.Try it and see how your overhead cost for the month will drastically reduce.How much money are you wasting on eating out that could be used to help you achieve your financial dreams?

2.Track your spending today-this help you to be accountable to yourself and helps eliminate the too common questions of "where does the money go each month"?Spend on budget avoid unnecessary panic buying! Must you do daily shopping?

3.Start an Automatic savings-call your bank today,and set up a saving allowance,either weekly,bi-weekly or monthly deposit.Treat your savings account just like a bill and watch it grow everyday.Avoid temptation not to spend recklessly.Its adviceable you create a seperate account.The amount you deposit doesnt matter but the discipline is what matters. Mind you, you are building a pool of wealth for yourself.

4.Spend on what you need only-only get things that you are really in need of,not what you see and you think its compulsory for you to have.My dear,there should be a different between your NEED/WANTS??only buy cloths if you dont have anything to wear.

5. Manage the EXTRAS in life-the extras are the magazines subscriptions,the gym membership,the energy drinks,the treats to the restaurant or cinema.Just stop!!!
Success only comes to those who are willing to step out of the world of "Normal" into the world "of doing what it takes to make it happen.

There should be a balance here,dont forget to keep in touch with loved ones or never make your family live on the street so that you can be wealthy?

Friday 19 May 2017

What do you know about Eyo?

Did you know that Eyo was a masquerade specifically for funeral rite!

Did you know that three main Orisa that were brought to lagos were Oniko, Ologede and Adimu (Adamu Orisa)!

Did you know that Adimu was the shortest of them all!

Did you know that Orisas traditionally have a camp at Oke Ipa a village beyond ikoyi across the lagoon close to iperu!

Did you know that the ethnic to which Eyo belong has become a subject matter but it is believed that Eyo was a masquerade from Oyo with a blend from Benin passing through Ijebu but non of these ancient town can lay claim to Eyo as theirs.

Did you know that the first Eyo festival was in honor of Oba Akintoye on February 20, 1854.

Did you know that Adamu orisa play can only be staged on the Island of central Lagos.

Did you that no Orisa will cross the lagoon with his face covered.

Today is Sunday; It is time for thanksgiving - Sunday Vibes with Wanny B

Thanksgiving is the expression of gratitude, especially to God. Thanksgiving day should be a day with families and friends with gratitude to God. It should be a special time to give God the glory for all the things we have been bless with in our family right from the strands of our hair down to the sole  of our feet. Thanksgiving day in families should be a time for love, giving thanks to God and the joy of being with each others. It should be a moment so important to us all because it should be an avenue to spend quality time with families and friends. Being around families just provides one with sense of serenity and calmness.

 Whenever families gather, everyone will have cause to laugh and just enjoy the moment. The presence of family members should make us feel as if there isn't anyone else who care much more than siblings in the world in actual sense there may be no one who does?. Love for family members can not be defined and one of the greatest reasons for thanksgiving to God.
Thanksgiving moment is a time to remember to count our blessings and name them one by one. A time to remember how good God has been ,a time to remember and truly be grateful to the supreme being for the people around us.

 For those of us who know Jesus who have been born again, washed in his blood and given the gift of eternal life, we should always live with an attitude of gratitude. In 1 chronicles 16:34-36 we find David sings psalm of thanksgiving as usual. This song tells us that we are to give thanks for every thing. Thanksgiving should not be a yearly celebration but a day to day celebration in fact every  Sunday should be our thanksgiving day.

Tuesday 16 May 2017

Eid - Fitri...Monday Money with angel- Let us create wealth that will trend.

Come on social media where people are already becoming public affairs analysts with minimum average reaction of 5 and maximum reactions of infinite as along as the status continue to move from one person's timeline to another. Some of these status come with a pictures and a caption that complement it vice versa. Some of these status come as reactions and counter reactions to things happening in our environment. A lot come as prose and articles that radiates wisdom for others. No doubt, Nigerians know quality thought when they see one that is why quality status trend without been promoted.

Should these ideas and thoughts be allowed to trend without yielding a dine? Forget about google AdSense, google has more people to pay though nothing wrong about being on google pay roll. There is need for some social media freelance contributors to harness their thoughts together and create wealth. The world is now a global village courtesy of internet it becomes necessary to make judicious use of the opportunities this innovation has showcased to the world.

You wondering how we can explore these opportunities? It is about coming together with those contribution of ours that trends on social media and making judicious use of it. We are now in the world of online newspaper, online radio and online TV. No doubt the likes of 
Adeponle Kemi, Dio Peter Omotolani, Oluwa Nife Mi, Maxwell Olusegun Adegbenro,
Adeoti Yetunde ,Ayoola Ogunleye, my humble self Agboola Olanrewaju
,Omo-Oba Adeosun Oluwayehmizy  and of course Belo Michael Ohiozua could break the imaginary boundaries that exist within us and work on something that will make our society better and of course make us wealthy.

Linda Ikeji, Bella Naija and the host of others have done it why can't you join the league of those who will create wealth that will trend . As for me, angel I am ready if you are. To our all our Muslim brothers and Sisters Eid- Fitri.




Monday 8 May 2017

Stylishly starting a Modelling career/ Brand Ambassardor - Monday Money with angel

You see girls upload picture on social media and they get about 100 likes and 50 comments within hours and the reaction continue to grow base on the implication of such pictures and you begin to wonder if this can actually yield money?

Modelling is one of those careers whose basic requirements are in you. With all sense of honesty Olajumoke- oni buredi is a tip of the iceberg when it come to beauty we have around here. Remove make over and let girls come natural you will be amaze that Nigeria won Miss world not by proxy but by the fact that we have the beauty queens that can actually rule the world. Majority are only afraid of the various scandals that do rock beauty pageant competitions citing the case of Miss Anambra as a case to study. In view of this should this beauty be allow to just be a means of admiration without yielding a dine?

Like any business you don't need to start big waiting for blue-chip companies when you have a Fashion designer/ Tailor whom you patronize. You just have to strike a business deal, for instance you promise your tailor 50 likes after wearing the cloth with an advert on your timeline and she/he gives 25% discount on your next cloth. Same thing with your hair dresser, shoe cobbler. Initially, you will begin to pay less for these services. With time you won't have to pay for those service again because you would have become a brand ambassador and a reasonable entrepreneur will hold on to you. Before you know it the blue-chip company may come knocking on your door with their millions.

Mind you to get to that stage you need to get out of your shell, join the social media world with good status on your timeline and stunning picture of yourself with contents to market your attires. I can always be your manager too.

Friday 5 May 2017

Christ's Murder case; All accuses discharged acquitted

There is need to ensure Justice that this why the following persons did face trial for the death of Christ ;Judas Iscariot, Caiaphas, Anna, Commandant Jerusalem cantonment and Pontius Pilate.

Judas Iscariot - A close associate of the victim pleaded guilty out of his personal relationship with his master. In actual fact his attorney said Judas was not guilty he only carried out his civic responsibility by handing over a perceived "criminal" to the state through the religious leaders. Besides, the 30 pieces silver was not a bribe but a reward for commendable act. Moreover, a singular action of kiss is of no crime to human race but a sign of brotherhood.

Caiaphas and Anna - The High Priest and the Chief priest pleaded not guilty! Their attorney stated that the defendants are holy people whose priority will never to murder an innocent blood. They were interested in protecting the sacred tradition and the state against treasonable actions.

Commandant of the Soldiers - His attorney pleaded not guilty because he only acted in the interest of peace and to ensure order in the land.

Pontius Pilate his attorney pleaded not guilty for he indeed washed his hand off the murder, he did not sign the execution order rather the Pharisee used their power to condemn the man to a shameful death. When he was cross examined on why he refused to use his veto power to release the man like he did for Barabbas. His attorney raised an objection on the ground that his fellow colleague was intimidating his client. The objection was sustained by the sitting judge.

The Judge having listened to the two counsels and the accuses. He found the accuses not guilty because they were all acting in the interest of the state. Though, he found their respective actions malicious against an innocent man. He agreed with prosecuting counsel that the man was indeed innocent but he was convince by argument of defendant counsel that the man may possibly be a threat to the state in the nearest future. He frowned at the fact that he was condemned to death without a proper trial and concluded that action was a jungle justice.
He hereby relieved all the accused of their public offices and discharged them acquitted on the ground that they all acted unscrupulously in the interest of the state.
Cased close!


Secret of Successful Marriage - Heart matters with Wanny B

Marriage is an institution where you attend but do not eventually graduate. Its a lifetime school mainly for love birds. For every couples of today, falling in love and saying 'I DO' is the easiest part but living happily is the real task. I sought out advice from real people who might have insight as to what makes a marriage successful. Having been happily married for some years and asked them a burning question "what is the secret of a successful marriage???now read the wisdom they shared base on experience.

DON'T HIDE ANYTHING FROM EACH OTHER-share your thoughts and feelings together. Remember  communication is an essential tool in marriage.

DON'T LET YOUR PAST AFFECT YOUR PRESENT MARRIAGE-past could be dangerous. Whatever has happen has gone, remember it as the past.

DONT TAKE EACH OTHER FOR GRANTED-successful marriage do not just happen, do respect for each other.

CREATE TIME FOR YOURSELF-have time for yourself, do what will make your partner happy.

AVOID GIVING THE SILENT TREATMENT-don't let your emotions build up because you'll likely explode. Talk about things that bother you ,don't keep quiet over burning issue.


BE NICE-treat your partner with kindness.

DONT CHEATS-this break marriage, disloyalty and unfaithfulness hurt and affect your partner. Stay loyal!

DONT RUN FROM YOUR MISTAKES-accept your mistakes and apologize immediately.

MARRY Someone whom you like spending your time with.

SPEAK about date, go out and have fun together.

SURPRISE each other like you used to do when dating.

APPRECIATE your spouse.

MAKE each other laugh.

TRUST and be trustworthy.
TRY KEEP PARTNER ON THE TRACK to always remember why you fall in love with your spouse whether it is the sense of humor or ambition. Whatever it is keep him/her on the track

SAY ' I love you' and tell your partner they look attractive.

APPRECIATE WHAT YOU HAVE before its becomes what you have had. Marriage at times can be fragile and need to be taken care of.

PATIENCE-patience holds a vital key to every successful marriage.

Thursday 4 May 2017

For the Love of your " Unborn Child"

Whenever you hear females setting the basic requirements for Mr. Right, most often they forget the need to put this requirement " A man who will be Father to my Child(ren)". Truth be told not all men/women have the potential to be a father/mother not really as in sexual potency/fertility but in actual sense when Fatherhood/ Motherhood come calling as a responsibility.

It is typical of modern man to ask himself the vita question of whether his proposed future wife will fit in as the Mother of his Child(ren). A reasonable man in his right sense will not propose marriage if he find this question to be rhetorical. That is why often time you see a side chick eventually become a wife at the expense of Miss. Right. Should we now blame the man for hanging his final decision on the altar of motherhood? Ironically, the female folks despite all the numerous requirements for the would be husband they often forget to weigh his potential as a Father making. There is this assumption that once he is a good husband he is bound to be a responsible Father, so there is no point in double checking.

There is a clear distinction between being a husband and being a Father and not all husband will turn out to be a good Father as it is that not all wives will turn out to be good mothers. Today, most mothers are mere baby mamas in their husbands' house'. The self acclaimed fathers; some have left wives and children to fend for themselves while others still ceremoniously live as a father without any contribution to the family. Baby-mama in actual sense is fast becoming a status because some of the baby-fathers are not ready to assume the role of husband/ father simultaneously.
This unfortunate development is evident in life style of some of our Mothers who are under undue stress in training their wards. Consequently, parenting that ought to be partnership business has become a sole priority of some mothers.

There is no point in crying over spilt milk we can only say to those women who have gone through the agony of "technical single motherhood" kudos! and more grease to their elbow. To the men who have chosen not  to live up to their responsibilities. We can only plead for a change of heart. For those still looking for Mr. Right or found Mr. Right you just have to find out if he will be there to care and love your unborn.


Wednesday 3 May 2017

Heart Broken! How to mend it - Heart Matters with Wanny B

 I don't know how you feel though, I can always share my experience with you. After the betrayal, my emotions became intense. The anger, the hurt, the bewilderment and shock almost took over me! I was angry and need a freedom to ventilate my rage. To be betrayed is like a wound that will take time before it heals that really depend on whether one is ready to let go any way and possibly move on. How exactly do we overcome this disappointment?

FACE YOUR FEELINGS: Don't ever ignore your feelings. What you are feeling is normal and its not going to be forever, so don't stay away from your feelings.

SEEK A PROFFESSIONAL COUNSELLING: Pen down your thoughts in your private diary, if it impact on you is negative, then seek a profession counselling.

GAIN CONTROL OF YOUR EMOTIONS: Develop a means to control your emotions.

ASK YOURSELF SHOULD I STAY OR LEAVE?:this is a very great question to ask yourself. You have to choose wisely at this stage.Don't pity your ex- strange lover. If he/she is meant for you, you won't have lost him or her to another person.

EAT AND STAY HEALTHY -take care of yourself by eating balance diet and drinking water. Water reduces stress! Do a lot of exercise. Get a regular sleep. Do something that will make you smile each day.

COMMUNICATEYOUR FEELING: let your ex- strange lover know exactly how you feel about the betrayal and the consequences! If he/she  didn't see anything bad in it, don't hold anything back just conclude it is over.

DONT MISTRUST EVERYONE: its true you have been hurt but that doesn't mean everybody will do the same. Its natural to be cautious but try not to push others away from you because you have been betrayed.

TRUST YOURSELF: just because one person violated your trust doesn't mean others will. Trusting yourself is very vital so that you will not lose confident in yourself or in your decisions otherwise you could become an angry, bitter, suspicious person.
MAKE A RIGHT DECISION AS YOU MOVE ON: If you have decided to move on, have a plan for the future remember to make your ex regret why you were jilted. If you have decided to work on your relationship, forget about the past so its won't ruin your future.

HAVE A FORGIVEN SPIRIT: forget totally, don't make your ex suffer for the past ! its never too late if he/she ask of forgiveness.

To be betrayed is one of the most painful human experience. Discovering that someone we trusted has deeply hurt us and make us face reality.
Experiencing betrayal make us to be kind and gentle toward our pain.