Monday 31 October 2016

Why ask Saints for intercession?

If you are not a catholic don't bother read this article except you want to be one, if you are a catholic and you don't believe in Saints don't read except you want to be convinced. It is nice to hear some Christians say it is not biblical to ask for saints' intercession? Yet it is biblical to ask spiritual fathers and pastors to intercede for one? I mean pray for someone?

Who are saints? Saints are well described in the bible precisely book of Revelation, the bible described twenty four elders praising God on his throne 24/7. Another description of people 144,000 in number who have washed their cloth clean with palms in their hands and they are people from various races and nations. So, when the Catholic Church call some persons Saints and others Blessed you start looking for the biblical backing again?  Even if the bible do not refer them as Saints but the bible depicts their Holiness as persons so who say Sainthood is not biblical? Jesus told his own apostles that his right and left side his not for them but their names has been written some where special. Paul in his writings made a description of crown of glory as reward for a strive towards perfection. So, if you are a Christian and you don't believe in sainthood is as good as saying you don't believe you will be making heaven for heaven is a state meant for saints.

What do saints do? The bible described them as people before the throne of God praising him day and night. There is a clear distinction about the personality of saints and angels, angels are God's messengers with special duties. Saints are before God keep him company day and night.

Why ask Saints for intercession? It is normal to ask men of God to pray for us because we know that they communicate with God directly. They seem to have God's hotline but often time we forget they are humans and they have limitations too and not even better than we are. Mind you they aren't always in the presence of God like the saints and they can't claim holiness like the saints. Intercession is an action that depict God's love in us, all prophets and patriarchs in the Bible interceded base on their relationship with God. When men of God pray for us and with us they are equally interceding for us. Then if we see nothing wrong in them praying for us then there is nothing wrong in asking saints to pray for you, remember they are before God always keeping his company and they are equally holy; mind you the holiness of man is like a filthy rag before God.

Saints have gone through what we are going through in  life we might say time and circumstances differs. They were once sinners so they are indeed models. The fact that they have concluded their race with crown of glory as a reward mean they can as well be a guide to we the pilgrims that look forward to that exceptional reward. They are always in the company of God so a request for a saint to intercede for  you mean your request will always be before God day and night.

All ye Saints in Heaven......Pray for us...

Friday 28 October 2016

Build Your Team Spirit

Christiano Ronaldo of Real Madrid FC the Portuguese is the world Best Player and indeed he is a world class player with high team Spirit. Even his current adjutant the Argentine player Lionel Messi of Barcelona FC is classic player with outstanding team spirit. Lionel Messi ‘s classic performance coupled with his outstanding team spirit gave his team victory over group stage counterparts Bosnia and Nigeria at the last world cup. Christiano Ronaldo was indeed instrumental to the Victory of Real Madrid FC in the Last season Champions’ league likewise he was instrumental to his country qualification to the last World Cup. These people are individuals with outstanding team spirit.

No man is an island you may be brilliant and intelligent that wouldn’t make you the next person to be celebrated in your field of endeavor if you fail to be a team player. Besides, your brilliancy and intelligent quotient can really be appraised by those whom you have worked with. In the game of football no matter how good you are with the round leather if you don’t fit into a team. No good and tactical coach will prefer to have you on the pitch for 90th minutes displaying your individual brilliancy if it will not yield a goal, in fact such action will be tagged “selfishness or pride”. Even in academic world the fact that you are brilliant and intelligent can only be inferred base on your position in the overall performance of the class.

To be outstanding you have to stand tall within. Imagine in a class with two outstanding students, the one with good interpersonal relationship will represent the class more in intra/inter school academic competition than his counterpart who is always self-centered. As a player you just have build your team spirit in ant field of endeavor you find yourself.

Friday 21 October 2016

Marriage: Never accept a visa without a work permit!

Marriage make an African woman a migrant; she gets to leave her father's house for another man's house. To really migrate following due process you need to be granted a visa and you need an international passport. It is typical of most European countries and first world countries to grant you a visa with some bit of restrictions. It is typical of an African man to marry a woman with some bit of restrictions too. Often time you see married women fighting these restrictions in their marriages when these restrictions were clearly spelt out before they sign off their maiden identity.

One of the headache of today's enlightened girls is the issue of the "headship" of a man in family. Today's family where economically it takes too to tango compare to the "oldschool" where the man is the automatic breadwinner. So, a today girl feels if she contributes to the resources to uphold the family then the style of leadership in homes must change from "I" to "We". Likewise, the level of Education and exposure with credence to gender equality question the age long African tradition of "Man is the head of the family."
The drama of "kitchen and other room" gives a picture of what modern marriages is going through in our society. Let us ignore the actor and actress and focus on the action. It is typical of African Man to come with a bit of restrictions in the marriage and this often start during courtship. Most females overlook this restrictions for whatever reasons known to them. The most common one is what I can tagged "work permit".

For those migrating abroad not to be given a work permit is as good as going there for an holiday or sightseeing it seems similar in marriage. The moment an African man come with a notion of restricting his wife from doing any thing to earn a living then there is need to be suspicious. Though, most African men come up with the notion out of love and because they have the financial muscle to shoulder their responsibility. Such men expected such wives to take Motherhood as a career but Motherhood is a vocation. Most women in this cadre end up channeling all their human resource to motherhood with little or no contribution to the other sphere of life.

Time has changed today's woman is in every sphere of life trying to make impact ;kitchen, home and family still remain a major priority of every serious minded married African woman. Her confinement to that jurisdiction now depend on what she sign up for during dating and early life in marriage. It is a known fact that Some African men choose to restrict their wives for their own ulterior motives while some are obliged by tradition and religion to do so. Some too come up with the restriction out of jealousy and over possessiveness while some don't just like competition with the opposite sex. Which ever reason a man has to restrict his woman, at a point she will always have the opportunity to stand for the restriction or stand against it most especially before marriage.

This is why courtship is crucial because it will be an avenue to know the restrictions on ground and then likely envisage the embargo you are like to face. Yes people change but you should be able to envisage the level of change expected. The simple truth is that in African home the Husband is the head of the house ;right from the scratch a woman must learn how to share in his authority most especially from the other room lol. If your opinion doesn't not count in the course of a "cushion talk" then forget the "pillow talk" it will not make a difference.

Wednesday 19 October 2016

How dare You Dare God!

We are in the jet age where daring God can come as "Innovation and creativity". Out of curiosity and imagination people become creative and tend to make the impossible "a possibility". Hence, the world is definitely going to it own end out of curiosity that kills the cat. The new technology tends to equate man to God with an attempt to shut him out of his handiwork "earth" after all he has given us the earth to dwell and chose to reside in heaven. So, Man is out to dominate the earth and then later take over the space in which he perceived the state of heaven is.

The creation of man is a unique process which man has not really been able to understand till date. Man has been tactical enough to let go of what he did not understand and focus on what he did understand. Man forget his own origin and focus on it regeneration in term of (Pro-creation). Man has gone beyond using his knowledge to solve his problem rather use it base on it own imagination there by creating and causing disease it has little or no control over.

Man originally was empowered to govern nature; nature on it own is self-sustained the basic expectation of the creator of man is to make use of his reasoning to maintain nature. Man tends to exploit nature than explore it. In an attempt to make impossibility possible new phenomenon are created they become threat to Man's survival.

The selfishness of Man has led him to adopt the culture of death indirectly. Man does not want to be influenced by nature, he wants nature to be at his dictate there by moving a step a way from maintaining nature to altering nature. All actions of man today is gear towards changing what nature has to offer, you talk of Land filling, transgender, Artificial insemination, Organic Farming, Bio fuel etc. Despite that some of this actions come with adverse effect Man tends to look elsewhere because of what he stands to gain.

Just before you single out yourselves from the crimes mentioned above, you need to take a good look at your actions and inactions and see where you have always dare God.

Friday 7 October 2016

Health is Wealth! Why overlook the factor when courting?

Check your social media the popular advice for those courting is to know their genotype, the social alarm is an attempt to kick out sickle cell anemia from our society. The issue is just that often time the carriers of the sickle cells do turn out to be made in heaven love birds. The society in an attempt to curtail Mother and Child mortality rate and the yearning for an healthy society take the "genotype" campaign seriously.Come to think of it why is that sickle cell anemia carriers AS, SS, AC e.t.c should not marry each other after all love they say conquered all things. I will leave you Edward Edena of to give you the medical implications while as usual let me look at the socio-economic implications.

According to the medical experts "When the Sickle cell anemia carriers get married they give birth to another carrier(s) who is likely to be a full blown patient of the disease". Marriage is a life whose outcome can not really be predicted. So, to give birth to a sick offspring in that situation can turn out to be emotionally disturbing for life. To ensure that such child stay healthy it requires a lot of finances and emotional stability which the union may not be able to offer. In case the union's bond is strong enough to care for such child, survive rate of such child is very slim, then of what purpose will it be if a child dies when it ought to be putting a smile on the parents' face?

Just before you accuse the dead of being an "Abiku" blame the Couples for their self-centeredness and indifference in the name of love. They would have innocent child passed through pain for the sake of stabilizing their own emotion, eventually they will loose the child leaving the society to mourn the innocent. The couples' indifference will question our medical system which is not yet there to combat such unfortunate development. In the end everyone looses, the society loose an innocent soul with our medical system been questioned the couples go home dry with their emotions torn.

Why should I know his/her blood group? Marriage is about compatibility in body and soul the information become crucial for you to answer, to be the safe haven of the other person. In fact it will be a medically fit union if there is a level of compatibility with your blood group.

There are so many health challenges out there and no one is absolutely free, it is not only about a Hiv/Aids it is about all health challenges such as Asthma, Appendix, Malaria, Fever, there are also cancers of various forms talk of breast cancer, prostate cancer, skin cancer, e.t.c.. You are wondering what to do during courtship?

You have to find out your boo or bae health status by all means with some level of concord though from a neutral medical point of view. This action will either guarantee your emotion of future  health stability or prepare your mind for the worst to come. Most of these health challenges are as a result of unhealthy life style and habits. During courtship you have the power to keep those things under check if not stop them.

If he/she drinks or smokes ,do not wait till he/she has a kidney problem or lung cancer before you nurse him. Start the nursing with gentleness of heart to regulate the drinking habits or move to stop it without fight. If she/he bleaches the skin or do other things that have health implications in the name of beauty and fine boy, stop killing the person with eulogy such as "You look sexy" rather admonish the person to stop because life has no duplicate. In case you are in a relationship with a "Voltron" who gives you the option of open transfer window or living with his/her unhealthy habits. Then you have a blank Cheque to write a healthy family in the future or an unhealthy family in future?
Marriage is expected to be life -long journey of two persons the journey will be much more easier if the partners involve are healthy. They are assured of a long life and prosperity together ceteris paribus. The chance to bring forth healthy offspring is also very high if the natural process has not been jeopardized. No family is as wealthy as an healthy family, there is emotional stability and there is a room for individual growth and development.