Friday 23 September 2016

Spread the hope not the fear! Send it to seven people on your contact list

A lot is going on in the world to create fear, in the global village you hear one natural disaster or the other. The Syrian war and the predictions that come with it, the presence of ISIS in Europe is another reminder that the world may be going to an end soon. The economy hardship being witnessed by various countries of the world remind everyone that famine is eminent. These are the headline news that force you to switch of your Television and go to sleep at night.

You wake up the next day with fear of the eventualities of the news you heard yesternight. You avoid the screen and tend to take solace in the radio. Typical of the monologue machine it put a smile on your face to brightening your day, then the announcer tells you "it is news time!" You know it is going to be details of yesterday ugly events so you save your self from a sad day you switch off the world renowned communication medium.

It is time to take solace in social media with an attempt to reach out to people. While you reach out to them with smile they respond in fear. They respond with some scrupulous messages with a supernatural threat that you will be left with no option than to spread the fear ,after all you won't want evil to befall you just because you have a principle. So, send this to 7 people on your contact and you will be bless and if you ignore: God will ignore you for 7 years! I can imagine God saying no! that was not from me! I wonder why 7 and 12 are the recipient numbers? They aren't the only unique number  1,3 and 6 have there own uniqueness too.

While you are trying to discern the threat that came in, in the name of God, The health alarmist will come in with information which would have been very useful if well disseminated. The Information will end up increasing your Blood Pressure instead of putting you in the right frame of mind to learn how to prevent whatever health problem been communicated.

An attempt to look at that information objectively another message comes in, this is from the fundamentalist who knows who is planning to Islamize the nation or planning to force Jesus Christ on those who are not yet born again. This kind of message is no doubt an attempt to instigate us against each other in the name of religion and ethnic differences.

Sadly, most of these fearful messages often come from an unidentified source and it begins to trend base on copy and paste techniques then put you in a situation where you have no option than to be a good Samaritan with a plea " send it to your contact to save a life" Only God knows how many life you have saved.

The world is not at peace but we can create a peaceful atmosphere that will transcend into a peaceful world. One of the way that we can actually do that is by not creating fears in others by the kind of messages we send. In the face of fear we can as well preach hope as we urge people to be humane and practical with reality.


Friday 16 September 2016


Life is a big stage and you are expected to perform. The kinds of performance you decide to give depend on you and this can be determined by a lot of factors. As an actor in the Stage of life you are expected to give an amazing account of yourself without a script and before you there are scripts. You are not given a specific role and before you there are available roles begging to be played. Most people become more confuse with life, You want to study every scripts and play every role while some people don’t just bother about living out any scripts they keep on playing roles that come their ways only for them to realize it when the hair is grey that they have been helping others achieving their dreams while theirs was still in their subconscious mind. Some on the other hands play the role life bestowed on them to amuse themselves. This is why success varies anyway!

                As an actor that pick up scripts, choose a role and rehearse it well before going on stage you will definitely excel on stage. The scripts here are autobiography or biography of great men and women that have seen, fought and conquered. In as much that you are distinct and unique there is need to look at yourself and pick up a script to act a role in the movie of life. Here is not an advice for you to live a copied life “fake Life” it is just a suggestion to live a life as a Model of an Icon going or that might have gone into extinction. The fact that there is nothing new under the Sun is a threat to your ambition and your dream. There is nothing you want to achieve that is new; somebody somewhere would have done it, the only opportunity you have is that your achievement might beat the person’s record. So, if you want the sky to be your starting point then you need tales of lives and Times of people whose limit was sky.

                Life is never a bed of roses but patches of grasses embedded with thorns. Charles Darwin was of the opinion that Life is about survival of the fittest. The fact that you cannot always be the fittest at all time is a reality of the law of diminishing returns neither can you always be the smartest; even often times lion fall prey to tiger. To survive in life you just have learn from those who have survived and those who have not. A picture of an icon on your desk-top is a ray of hope and the tales of his/her life and time will tell you when there is hope there is Life.

                In Life it is either you live for something or you fall for everything. People have lived for things and their names have become Libraries, others names have become books, while some were chapters, some were paragraphs and many were words. Some people were not even remembered by the writers of history. Those whose name made the book of histories majority of then did not do something extra ordinary they only live for something their “Role Model” lived for. Jesus Christ lived for love of God and Love of Man, he has had millions of people looking up him as a Role Model. Some of those who chose to role in the model of this icon had become icon too. St. Valentine, St. John Paul II and St.Teresa of Calcutta are typical examples of  Icons the world at large accepted that they are models to emulate.

                Picking a “Role Model” may seem Childish but it is Childlike and essential for our personal development and Success in life. “To role in a model” of an icon will make you a prototype of who you want to be without losing out what you want to be. More so, it gives you the opportunity to draw hope from stories of your role models when you face the storm, you would have learnt how to move on during storms. Finally, role models beget role models, so you pick an Icon to live like then some will have to see you as an Icon to live like…. Let me live you with my Top ten Icons  10. Olu Jacobs &Joke Silve r 9. Bill & Hilary Clinton  8. Late Prof. Dora Akuyili  7. Late Chinua Achebe  6. Late Gbenga Adeboye  5. St.John Paul II  4. St. Maria Gorreti  3. St. Pio 2. St Joseph and Blessed Virgin Mary………….1. Jesus Christ of Nazarene…….


Wednesday 14 September 2016

Let the Change begin with those that know!

Who are the problems of this country? The literate! Starting from the undergraduates, the graduate both employed and unemployed to the elite of this society. We are the problem with Nigeria, the average illiterate Nigerian has no knowledge of what goes wrong talk less of knowing the cause. The little evil he does is out of ignorance. Even, if  he will be condemned then it will base on ignorance. Mind you his ignorance is courtesy of exploitation of those that know,most of our ignoramuses end up behind bars unconsciously.

Every Nigerian that has gone to school in this time and age is a potential "criminal". Then you begin to wonder what our citadel of learning has turned into. Our school has really been a place of refuge for callous mind, surprisingly it has not really been the school but the influence of the society on the school. Despite the fact that the quality of teaching and learning process in our school has not really been too good courtesy of Government lip service to education. Learning process still go on. The implication of this process has not been too good either, the teachers and the scholars have motives that do not correlate with the expectation of the society.

The Teachers main priority is not really to impact knowledge that will make the society better rather it focus is to earn a living from his duties. A philosophy was developed by Yesterday's teachers and it is well expressed in Yoruba language. " oga ta? Oga oo taa! owo laaru aa pe! which mean employers make profit or not?The employees will be paid. This philosophy was from then secondary school teachers who saw no need to compel the students to learn very well. That same philosophy be deviled our civil service today. The teachers were not interested in upholding standard in academics and ensuring compliance with basic norms of the society. The only thing they know how to do is lament and begin their litanies with " in our days...

Learners on the other hand became a beggar with choice knowingly fully that his tutor's motives is different from the supposed expectation of the society. So, he chose not to learn or chose what to learn there by questioning the norms of the society. In an attempt to cover up for his failure to learn, he collided with his tutor to have a result he never worked for since that is what the society too want to see not what he really know? That is how he manipulated his way out of the school system. The one that chose what to learn try to convince the tutor that he is better of and ready to learn. The tutor often get carried away base on the fact that he has seen a good scholar while the learner indirectly dictated to him what he intended to learn. This is how we end up with have "half baked Graduates"

The teachers of yesterday who failed in their duties are today pensioners who are denied their entitlement by the same set of students they failed to teach values. People are dying not really because it is their time but they have been diagnosed and treated wrongly by a scholar that have not really learnt all he should. The society now suffer the ill from the school you say? No, it was even the society that influence the school negatively. Just before you blame the teachers for their indifferences do not forget to crucify the parents for gross indifference because they were suppose to be the first teachers. Mind you they give basis for Children learning experience.

Sadly, the literate are now the problem of our of society, they are the one that jump queue and take one way. they are the one that make payment to get a certificate without attending a course. They are the one that lure young girls into prostitution for whatever thing they offer in return be it job, power or academic excellence. They sit behind and armed young ambitious boys to terrorize the society. There is a new philosophy in town " Use what you have to get you want". To crown it all our law is becoming helpless the learned counsels are there to justify what is consciously wrong to be a norm of the society in the court of law whenever an elite is a suspect but for an illiterate Nigerian it is a sorry case.

If the change must start, let it start with people that know the right thing. Do the right thing and at the right time. let the illiterate Nigerians learn the right thing from people that know. So, then #Let the Change begin with people that know!
Nigeria Good people; Great nation.

+2347033965335 (whatsapp)

Wednesday 7 September 2016

Domestic violence;on top Buhari Matter!

The man that named his dog Buhari has been charged to Court, consequently the same man named his new bouncing baby girl Aishat. I guess that is the name of his land lady since he named  the dog Buhari because he had issue with his landlord who happen to be the namesake of the president.
While the lawyers and the society were are busy trying to find legal and moral justification for the unfortunate man.

The picture above is of a woman who claimed that her husband restructured her look base on the argument on whether "Buhari is trying or not". Just before we blame the presidency again don't ignore the fact that "Home violence" is gradually becoming the order of the day. Apart from "Buhari" other things that have cause issues include Phone calls, Social media e.t.c.

Should we blame the Government for our social ills too? Yes we can never excuse the government from any of our social ills. The case of domestic violence would have been a thing of the past if there is gender equality law. Sometimes, one wonder what some ministries (Women affairs, Youth and Sport, Internal Affairs) are for, they get involve in things that will make the news and pretend to have seen nothing that is threatening our co-existence. You ask me,"Will a ministry stop husbands from beating their wives?" Husbands will stop beating their wives if they know that a ministry is coming with law enforcement agents to arrest them after beating the woman and charge them to court afterward.

Should we blame the society too? Yes for been too hypocritical on marital issues this is Nigeria when a man do some absurd things to his wife we condone it been a patriarchal society but let a woman try the same thing, she will be condemned without being taken to Jesus as the case of adulterous woman.

Domestic violence has to stop ,Syria war and all other crises in the world might have started from unchecked domestic violence. With the tension in our land domestic violence should not be another issue that will become difficult for us to peg.

Put an end to domestic violence by tolerating people more base on the fact that we are all hungry and a hungry fellow is an angry fellow. Preach peace and do things in a peaceful manner. Let us create a peaceful environment for our children.


Friday 2 September 2016

Recession! " Rice and Bread" Nigerians commonsense indicator.

Nigeria is now in recession; who should be blame? Buhari of course! Why you ask? Just because he is the president. come to the street where the unemployed graduate accused PMB for his predicament though he/she has been in the market before the man came on board. Where a lazy bone of an husband give his wife the same excuse despite that he has not been up doing before the transition. Everybody will have to blame somebody. That is how it roll in this country blame game is part of our system.
Aspiration is one thing;leading is another thing entirely. The current situation of the country now offer the Youth of day a lesson to learn about our tomorrow. Ambition often come with a dream and vision of the ideals and on this account aspiration come with a force to propel and fly high. Too bad that we live in a society where we seem not be practical with the concept of "Leadership and followership" When the intending leaders see,visions the led too dream dreams. While the leader aims too high the followers become carried away with expectation at the same frequency both ignoring the reality on ground.
While we live in a society that clamour for magical "Change" we don't have a system that could make our desire a reality. As followers we feel we aren't a causative agent to this development, we become very quick to hold our leaders to their words while during the campaign we failed to reconcile the figures given with available facts on ground. Along the line we bear the burden for our inability to decipher what is real from what is a mirage. We are in a society with less or no objectivity because every decision in this country revolve round tribalism, religion perspective, nepotism and corruption.

Our leaders are what we deserve base on our attitude they capitalize on the point " Rice and bread". once it is within our reach we forget the economy is not productive once it is out of our reach common sense set in. They know what should be but they lack the sincerity to face us with it because they are afraid for we might not vote for them in the next election. The fact that been sincere with us will raise a lot of questions about their insincerity with the kind of lifestyle they live on our "commonwealth".
Now, that we are in recession will it not be fair enough if we all exhibit change to have the "change" we desire it is time for we followers to be practical with our economy. It is time to eat our local rice and bread make from cassava flour. It is time to start producing what we consume to save our economy.
Since, the Government is broke too let our public officers have a 50% salary cut, so that the overhead cost of governance will reduce so that government will have more money to invest in Agriculture extensively been the only sector that can lead us out of recession by providing food on table, provide job and boost our foreign exchange earnings.
