Thursday 9 March 2017

Teaching and Learning; Creativity and Innovation

One the flaws of western education is that it does not focus more on individual capacity building, it tends to approach issues of personal development from macro point of view. There by failed to focus on the scholars rather assume and trust in their ability to internalized what they have learnt. This an issue to trash another day really.

One need to appreciate our own traditional education as informal as it is? There is need to develop our traditional knowledge and use of it to solve modern problems. This requires contribution from all and sundry.
The Government need to borrow a leaf from China and the Asian tigers it is high time we rely on our social and physical environment to solve our problems. This society must embrace this by promoting and accepting product made with local content. There is a need to promote our culture and simultaneously encourage creativity and innovation base on the current technological trend. We will definitely benefit immensely if subject like Mathematics and Science are taught in our local languages

The parents being the first teachers and initial agent of socialization need to take cognizance of this and do the needful. The concept of Mother's tongue, myth, and cultural norms should form the basis for the concept of home training and they should not be rubbished in the name of civilization.

The school as agent of socialization has the primary responsibility of promoting our culture and encouraging creativity and innovation. These are one of the main reasons why schools are opened abinitio.  Sadly, those who brought the formal training called "Education" brainwashed us with a concept that our training, creativity and innovation is "black". This is erroneous and heretical, so there is need to out rightly correct this notion. This can be done in our schools through effective teaching and learning process. Teachers should try and illustrate with thing in the immediate environment base on cultural belief. To crown it all Scholars should be allowed to express their creativity and innovation under strict guidance to prevent hazard.


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