Monday 6 March 2017

Smile; God has a sense of humor

Every Religion enjoys some level of hypocrisy, Christianity should be the least that gives backing to hypocrisy that is why it is rhetoric for Christianity to give credence to "S U" as a way of life. Hence, this is not an attempt to undermine any religious sect rather it is a means to encourage personal happiness with faith in God.

In the name of religion people have become a "loner" not because they have no one to interact with but due to an holier than thou mentality abeg who that one epp?. They have  this notion that anybody doing anything contrary to their own perception is "unclean" and should not be interacted with? Story that touch! Instead of being there to make corrections out of love, they become judgmental, there by condemning actions and inactions using the bible hypocritically as if they were there during compilation. Such people build walls around themselves in the name of holiness, subconsciously they become depressed human being as if the God they serve is a sadist.

The road to heaven is indeed narrow but that does not mean it is choky that it can't take a couple of few. So, you don't need to be selfish in your journey towards salvation. You need not be a loner going to heaven, you need to follow some people and cheerfully encourage some people to follow you too by showing them love much more than you received . Be happy and make others happy too, let them see that the God you serve has a sense of humor, smile Jesus loves you.


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