Monday 20 March 2017

Should be prayer of Sister in the Lord; Lord give me a guy like St. Joseph!

It is very easy to spot a Sister in the lord praying for a life partner in the church, they are always there to give us a pious look with a body language of Mother in the lord to be. Take your time to sample their opinion of the kind of husband they yearn for. Naira loaded and Holy Ghost filled, broad shoulder and handsome guy with the general denomination "He must be God fearing". What a similar requirements to that of the "Sister in the world".

When a Sister in the Lord is praying for a life partner one would have expected her to go biblical and pick a model, of all the Husbands in the bible Joseph stood out. On head to head rule he beat Abraham to his game as a caring and loving husband nobody is disputing the fact that he is our father in faith. Joseph on the other hand is our father in love and faithfulness and a classical husband and father. The story of the man seems cool but it is heroic. Man like Joseph are relative scarce on earth but they do exist.

Joseph on the surface may not really fit what our Sister in the Lord really pray for, Imagine of all professions; Carpenter? However, to go back to the time of Joseph he must have been a civil Engineer and being hardworking must have been the reason why the title Carpenter was synonym for his name. That Joseph was a poor man can be contested because Mary's parent wouldn't have betrothed their daughter to a wretched man. For the man to have a donkey and a home in Nazarene. Joseph was definitely a man who ate from the fruit of his Labor though not rich as Sister in the Lord would have expected.

Joseph was a faithful man per excellence, He chose to be faithful to God in Mary. He carried out all God's instruction through Mary without demanding for his due as the husband. He gave all he had to the service of God through his family. Joseph was indeed an honorable gentleman, he lived in a time when women have no right but he upheld the right of his own wife and honored her.

 So,Sister in the Lord why not pray for a guy Like St. Joseph when praying for a life partner.