Wednesday 1 March 2017

Ash Wednesday! The day to know who is a Catholic?

If you want to know who is a catholic and who is not, Ash Wednesday is the day to do the census. Please stay on the major road and start the headcount from dawn till dusk, you will see Catholics with Ashes on their forehead. You wonder why, it is an annual ritual, Catholics and there ways you say.

Why the ashes? To ask this means you aren't conversant with your bible, Israelites in the bible often mark themselves with ashes as a sign of repentance from their sins. You have to go read some biblical story about people's repentance then you will realize the significance.

Then why the Catholics mark with ashes on their forehead? so many reasons! one of it is what the priest says when marking the recipient " You are dust and unto dust you shall return". This is a reminder that everything in life is "vanity upon vanity". Hence, there is no need for pride, greed and selfishness. We just have to live selfless lives filled with love and humility. Another reason is to plead for God's mercy the actual reason for the ash any away. So, Catholics with ash on their forehead are saying invariably "my life and times is in God's hands" and at his mercies. Lastly, it is a sign of our faith and opportunity to preach that we believe in Christ the risen savior that is why the symbol of the ash is cross not of something else.

You wonder where the Ashes is from? Well, don't say I am the one that tell you it is the burnt palm fronds from the last Palm Sunday celebration. Well, that is significant too in the spirit of the season don't waste any thing at all. Turn away from pleasure and do some self mortification.

Are you a Christian then you need a bit of the ash on your forehead not really a big deal but for the reason mentioned above. Hence, the ash won't really make sense without your Lenten observances. The Lenten observances (fasting, alms giving and Prayer) won't really make sense if they are for eye service for God don't have time for eye service so repent and preach the Gospel.

Do have a spirit filled Lenten season.

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