Friday 31 March 2017

Who all these Scandals epp? Nigerians are jumping to lagoon!

Politics in Nigeria is not like any other place in the world, it is often base on scripts badly written though often well directed to entertain the already impoverished poor masses. The poor masses in it poverty state must have course to at least smile ,this is to forestall the suicidal acrobatic display of  the already frustrated members of the public who have taken to third mainland bridge and lagoon as easy path to heaven. Our distinguish Senators are not aware of this development talk less of making laws that will make the people see reasons to live in terms of standard of living and prevent suicidal tendencies among Nigerians which is gradually becoming the order of the day.

While Nigerians are jumping into the lagoon the Government is yet to see an emerging social issues. The suicidal attempts raise a social question whether it is true that Nigerians are really frustrated? Recently a report indicated that Nigeria Children are the happiest in Africa, happiest indeed! It is not about jumping into the lagoon alone it is about Nigerians now committing suicide. Nigerians see suicide as a taboo and perceived any one with suicidal tendencies as one being "followed" by the people of his/her village. Should we now say those people that "follow" one are now in town? Still many Nigerians are still with the notion that Suicidal tendencies are not "Ordinary".

Either it is ordinary or those who attempt suicide are been followed the situation of the country is indeed frustrating that was the writer Ayo Sogunro wrote the book "Everything in Nigeria will kill you". It is pathetic that most common man on the street are not feeling the impact of government while the average man on street is struggling with crumbs that come from society. You ask me the difference between common man and average man; It is just in means of survival. The common man hustle daily to survive while an average man has an oven to bake his daily pastries because he could not afford his own bakery for daily bread.

Recession is here and both the common man and average man are finding it difficult to survive. Mind you not everyone is gifted with the Nigeria brand kind of hope "e go better". Besides, those who have those hope in the early 80's are singing a new to their Children.

The future is not bright if our leaders continue to dramatize impunity instead of being committed to our socio - economic development.


Thursday 23 March 2017

Readers are Leaders; Joyce Marcus building Today's Leaders.

A Nation without readers is one bound to rail. This is why Joyce Marcus, initiated the Kids And Teens Read (KATRead) platform recently. The platform aims at promoting reading culture among children and teenagers in different communities in Lagos. 

The event featured book reading, book conversation, interviews, question and answer sessions. With Kids Reading segment separated from that of teenagers.
The teenagers session, highlight was when a teenage author of the book, The Girl Who Loves Her City, Aishat Ibrahim, read her book and responded to questions raised from the book.
Aishat in the course of her reading addressed the need for people to accept and value their culture, using her tribe, fulani as an instance.
Further, in chapter eighteen of the book which talks on corruption. Aishat said that 'everyone is corrupt, we should search ourselves and work on it' while one of the teenage participant who doesn't want his name on print, in response said insisted that not everyone is corrupt. In response, Joyce Marcus mentioned that 'corruption cannot be totally eradicated but reduced to its minimum when people are adequately provided for'.
Ayodeji Faniyi, 9, in a brief interview said, 'I enjoyed myself and I read five (5) books, myself and my brother came early'. While Olaoluwa Gbadewole,7, did request that his drink and snacks be exchanged for additional book to the ones given.

Joyce Marcus in closing did talk about the need for children and teenagers to read as it will aid them any attain heights, she also stated that readers are always leaders.

The event was held at diamond estate in ipaja, with its April edition slated to hold at a library in idimu-ikotun.
Joyce Marcus

Monday 20 March 2017

Passion Magazine: Should be prayer of Sister in the Lord; Lord give ...

Passion Magazine: Should be prayer of Sister in the Lord; Lord give ...: It is very easy to spot a Sister in the lord praying for a life partner in the church, they are always there to give us a pious look with a ...

Should be prayer of Sister in the Lord; Lord give me a guy like St. Joseph!

It is very easy to spot a Sister in the lord praying for a life partner in the church, they are always there to give us a pious look with a body language of Mother in the lord to be. Take your time to sample their opinion of the kind of husband they yearn for. Naira loaded and Holy Ghost filled, broad shoulder and handsome guy with the general denomination "He must be God fearing". What a similar requirements to that of the "Sister in the world".

When a Sister in the Lord is praying for a life partner one would have expected her to go biblical and pick a model, of all the Husbands in the bible Joseph stood out. On head to head rule he beat Abraham to his game as a caring and loving husband nobody is disputing the fact that he is our father in faith. Joseph on the other hand is our father in love and faithfulness and a classical husband and father. The story of the man seems cool but it is heroic. Man like Joseph are relative scarce on earth but they do exist.

Joseph on the surface may not really fit what our Sister in the Lord really pray for, Imagine of all professions; Carpenter? However, to go back to the time of Joseph he must have been a civil Engineer and being hardworking must have been the reason why the title Carpenter was synonym for his name. That Joseph was a poor man can be contested because Mary's parent wouldn't have betrothed their daughter to a wretched man. For the man to have a donkey and a home in Nazarene. Joseph was definitely a man who ate from the fruit of his Labor though not rich as Sister in the Lord would have expected.

Joseph was a faithful man per excellence, He chose to be faithful to God in Mary. He carried out all God's instruction through Mary without demanding for his due as the husband. He gave all he had to the service of God through his family. Joseph was indeed an honorable gentleman, he lived in a time when women have no right but he upheld the right of his own wife and honored her.

 So,Sister in the Lord why not pray for a guy Like St. Joseph when praying for a life partner.

Thursday 9 March 2017

Teaching and Learning; Creativity and Innovation

One the flaws of western education is that it does not focus more on individual capacity building, it tends to approach issues of personal development from macro point of view. There by failed to focus on the scholars rather assume and trust in their ability to internalized what they have learnt. This an issue to trash another day really.

One need to appreciate our own traditional education as informal as it is? There is need to develop our traditional knowledge and use of it to solve modern problems. This requires contribution from all and sundry.
The Government need to borrow a leaf from China and the Asian tigers it is high time we rely on our social and physical environment to solve our problems. This society must embrace this by promoting and accepting product made with local content. There is a need to promote our culture and simultaneously encourage creativity and innovation base on the current technological trend. We will definitely benefit immensely if subject like Mathematics and Science are taught in our local languages

The parents being the first teachers and initial agent of socialization need to take cognizance of this and do the needful. The concept of Mother's tongue, myth, and cultural norms should form the basis for the concept of home training and they should not be rubbished in the name of civilization.

The school as agent of socialization has the primary responsibility of promoting our culture and encouraging creativity and innovation. These are one of the main reasons why schools are opened abinitio.  Sadly, those who brought the formal training called "Education" brainwashed us with a concept that our training, creativity and innovation is "black". This is erroneous and heretical, so there is need to out rightly correct this notion. This can be done in our schools through effective teaching and learning process. Teachers should try and illustrate with thing in the immediate environment base on cultural belief. To crown it all Scholars should be allowed to express their creativity and innovation under strict guidance to prevent hazard.


Monday 6 March 2017

Smile; God has a sense of humor

Every Religion enjoys some level of hypocrisy, Christianity should be the least that gives backing to hypocrisy that is why it is rhetoric for Christianity to give credence to "S U" as a way of life. Hence, this is not an attempt to undermine any religious sect rather it is a means to encourage personal happiness with faith in God.

In the name of religion people have become a "loner" not because they have no one to interact with but due to an holier than thou mentality abeg who that one epp?. They have  this notion that anybody doing anything contrary to their own perception is "unclean" and should not be interacted with? Story that touch! Instead of being there to make corrections out of love, they become judgmental, there by condemning actions and inactions using the bible hypocritically as if they were there during compilation. Such people build walls around themselves in the name of holiness, subconsciously they become depressed human being as if the God they serve is a sadist.

The road to heaven is indeed narrow but that does not mean it is choky that it can't take a couple of few. So, you don't need to be selfish in your journey towards salvation. You need not be a loner going to heaven, you need to follow some people and cheerfully encourage some people to follow you too by showing them love much more than you received . Be happy and make others happy too, let them see that the God you serve has a sense of humor, smile Jesus loves you.


Wednesday 1 March 2017

Ash Wednesday! The day to know who is a Catholic?

If you want to know who is a catholic and who is not, Ash Wednesday is the day to do the census. Please stay on the major road and start the headcount from dawn till dusk, you will see Catholics with Ashes on their forehead. You wonder why, it is an annual ritual, Catholics and there ways you say.

Why the ashes? To ask this means you aren't conversant with your bible, Israelites in the bible often mark themselves with ashes as a sign of repentance from their sins. You have to go read some biblical story about people's repentance then you will realize the significance.

Then why the Catholics mark with ashes on their forehead? so many reasons! one of it is what the priest says when marking the recipient " You are dust and unto dust you shall return". This is a reminder that everything in life is "vanity upon vanity". Hence, there is no need for pride, greed and selfishness. We just have to live selfless lives filled with love and humility. Another reason is to plead for God's mercy the actual reason for the ash any away. So, Catholics with ash on their forehead are saying invariably "my life and times is in God's hands" and at his mercies. Lastly, it is a sign of our faith and opportunity to preach that we believe in Christ the risen savior that is why the symbol of the ash is cross not of something else.

You wonder where the Ashes is from? Well, don't say I am the one that tell you it is the burnt palm fronds from the last Palm Sunday celebration. Well, that is significant too in the spirit of the season don't waste any thing at all. Turn away from pleasure and do some self mortification.

Are you a Christian then you need a bit of the ash on your forehead not really a big deal but for the reason mentioned above. Hence, the ash won't really make sense without your Lenten observances. The Lenten observances (fasting, alms giving and Prayer) won't really make sense if they are for eye service for God don't have time for eye service so repent and preach the Gospel.

Do have a spirit filled Lenten season.