Friday 29 July 2016

An Average Nigerian Lawmaker ;the mungu with the Maagas

Democracy is adjudged to be the best form of government because it allows people's participation though people don't get to participate directly every time. The populace then employ the service of some elected officials to be their representatives. In fact all public office holders under a democratic system are employees to the electorates. The Lawmakers are more of direct employees and their main function is to represent our mind and ensure our common position become law if the need. These people are our hope in democracy as our government.

In the last sixteen years of our uninterrupted democratic dispensation we as a people has condemned and rebuked the Executive arm of Government and the Judiciary with passion. While we stylishly ignore the Lawmakers. An average candidate aspiring to be a lawmaker stay within our neighborhood prior to his election portraying him/herself as a promising ambassador. We get carried away and we vote and after his/her emergence. He/she does not remember to come back to say thank us he/she gets a colourful banner to do the appreciation to us with a little cash for jobless youth to do street jamz.

Once sworn-in he/she will start representing us from G.R.A because it is safer and more conducive for his new portfolio so that we don't feel he has ran away he opens for us an abode call constituency office. When he/she get to the House of Assembly to do the business why we elected him he has numerous options of what to do with our votes. He can choose to be a "Jonah" or better still "I support the motion" representative in as much that he is contended with the sitting and all necessary allowance. He could choose to be greedy and get interested in the race for power at floor of the house using our tribal identity to promote himself.

Two years while in office he remembers that he need to be our representative forever so he comes back like a prodigal son but this time to share goodies for us from the constituency allowance he suddenly realized he has been collecting. So, he comes to dig borehole for us because he found out that we are thirsty. He gets us a transformer too to help make electricity stable for the next six month. The little good will make us forget whatever grievances he have had. We begin to remember that his name has title call "Honorable" or "Senator". We start to envision Chairman local government or Governor in him.

He continues to fool us like that with sweet talks that being our Representative is not easy we can't understand what he is going through our forsake. He will claim to be our political savior who is strictly sent to the our lost community. If you then ask him about Laws and bills the purpose of which we elected him then you are about to hear stories that touch the heart.

Well, I am glad to inform you that he/she is Mungu and we are the Maaga.

To be continued
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Friday 22 July 2016

The Counselling Unit Call....Social Media.

Welcome to the counselling unit call social media where we do counselling mainly on relationship and marriage. Please note that this unit is feminine focus though with less attention on men that we perceived responsible. At this unit you are expected to only tell us your problem please take into cognizance that we aren't interested in knowing the cause of this problem so we are only interested in providing you solutions.
In stating your problem try not to be emotional because often time we end up insulting the emotional people for not being strong! Invariably we may end up not giving you any advice at all. In case you are a wordy person you will have problem with us because we don't like entertaining counselee whose problem is in form of a Paul's Epistle in fact you will not get our attention.
To get our attention please put a bit of fable in your problem not those once that we are use to in nollywood we do like those ones that is from Korean love movie or Hollywood. Please note that to attend to your problem when you update it as status you will either need a semi nude picture or a rhetoric  picture with a caption that will read "Like or type Amen".
When our attention is now yours please in the course of our advice do not comment leave us to begin an argument on your problem. Don't thank nor like any comment mute your update while we continue. If you are lucky you may have sages attend to you with good counsels but they will leave you unceremoniously too. You may be fortunate to also have fools playing sages counselling you then learn to stomach the non sense too. I will not forget the passerby counselors they will like your problems, some may be nice enough  to comment "just passing"
After, we are all through we will eventually leave the ball in your court with the notion that you have your life to live. Haven't we done you a favor. I guess we have.

Tuesday 19 July 2016

You and I: The Modern SSA new media

You and I: The Modern SSA new media: The concept of "Abobaku" has not become history in our corridor of power rather it has metamorphosed into a modern office called S...

The Modern SSA new media

The concept of "Abobaku" has not become history in our corridor of power rather it has metamorphosed into a modern office called Senior Special Assistant (SSA) on media. This office over time has become a re-incarnation of the office of "Abobaku". Abobaku in the traditional Yorubaland is an office specially meant for an important slave or person the community perceived as an unserious entity whose longevity whom be necessary because he was never a symbol of wisdom. He was never a member of council neither was he an adviser. His basic duties is to enjoy the status of the king and await his own death upon the death of the king. In fact a town crier is of more importance to an "Abobaku" though they of similar but everybody knew him to be a just a royal mouth-piece that lives on even after the king had died.
Back to our nascent democracy where "Town crier" has been adopted into the executive council as the Commissioner/Minister of Information. Its old office and that of Abobaku had been reviewed to produced an office tagged Senior Special Assistant on Media. The basic function is to speak for and on your "Oga", you are expected to protected his Image at all cost even if your he is good at committing political blunder.
Welcome to America where the same office is meant for technocrat in the area of information management and personality of high integrity. The SSA on media is always there to tactically right the wrong of his "Boss" in the public without soiling his own image. He/She is always there to engaged the public in a diplomatic way without soiling his own integrity at the expense of his "Boss" Political's ambition or ideology. In America, SSA on media do resign their appointment when the ideology/Ambition of his "Boss" begins to threaten is own integrity.
Back home here the reverse is the case the same office been looked at in America as one the most prestigious political appointment is now been soiled. This same office over time has witnessed the appointment of political opportunists who just want to be somewhere within corridor of power. Most of whom, who lacked the courtesy of Administrative silence. They kept on talking when the best option for their "Oga"s image is silence. They lack the intelligence and smartness to respond tactically on issues that bother on their "Boss" personality all they do is praise-singing as if they are speaking for a god who can't err?
Just like the "Abobaku" they do enjoy the status of their "Oga"s power often time they loose their head too and get power intoxicated like their "Boss". Courtesy of their "hunger" they damn the consequence of their own integrity defend their "Oga" blindly instead of pacifying the general public over their "Boss"s action often time their body language to the public is the tone of "Eni afi oro lo to ni toun baje!"
Definitely the festive for the masquerade will soon end and the ancestor will definitely return back to his abode while his son move on with life. The political icon will definitely become an history courtesy of death or change in political scenario then guess what? The modern Abobaku too suffer the same fate..O maa see oo

Friday 15 July 2016

You and I: Break into the First Eleven...

You and I: Break into the First Eleven...: It takes a star player to find itself in a new club and still make the first eleven. Often time star player too don’t merit a place in t...

Break into the First Eleven...

It takes a star player to find itself in a new club and still make the first eleven. Often time star player too don’t merit a place in the first eleven they get a shirt base on antecedent and over-rating. Due to inability to withstand competition within majority loose the shirt and get relegated to bench. The strong star players make it a point of duty to remain in the first team.

Often time you look down on yourself with an excuse that you don’t have a chance against the genius and the brilliant fellows in your cadre you believe in your world that they are the element of first team and you don’t see any opportunity to break into the first eleven. This scenario does not only play out itself in the world of soccer it plays out itself too in our life. In class as a student, as a teacher in school, Staff in office, Labor in the field, let us just assume that there is a need for a team to be set up will you make the first eleven?

In case your answer is no or you are not sure of your status with the first team shirt then you need to break into the first eleven.

To break into the first eleven is a very tactical job for a mediocre, it is like jumping into a pool to compete with fish. There is no point in rushing you have to study the terrain of such locality. To really fit in, you need adequate knowledge of what goes on in the team. The playing pattern and how each players contribute to the success of the team. It is the same in class, office and everywhere you go. To break in to the first team the first thing to do is to understand the terrain.

After you have understudied the playing pattern and it is well understood, then you need to identify the exact point you can play in the team where you can seem to be indispensable. This point should be your area of expertise.

To be continued.


Wednesday 13 July 2016

In case you find yourself on the bench?

In the game of  football you don't just get to sit on the bench just like that, the reasons could be as follows is either you do not make the first team by the way you play or it is courtesy of injury. There are also so many other reasons why you just have to be on bench. If you don't play by the rule of the game either you are too offensive or too defensive you will ended up sitting on the bench and watch others play. The truth is that you can't just be on the field every time playing at a point your strength will diminish and you wouldn't have choice than to be on the bench that is even if you have the technical abilities to sit on the bench.
Sitting on bench can be so annoying most especially if people in your cadre were on field and they were not playing any better. You feel like calling for substitution at your own discretion and going in there to perform a magic. Often time this decision is never within your power to make because if the decisions were yours to make you won't be sitting on bench in the first place. If you have been sitting on the bench you get to find a means to break into the first eleven.

Friday 1 July 2016


                Nigeria could one day be the best nation in the World, only if the Government and we Nigerians could tackle every issue in this country with an “Ebola Approach”. Nigeria Government gave one of the best approaches in containing the spread of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD). This shows that our Government could be much more responsible than we think. The Federal and State Government forgot their political affiliations and they pursued a common goal of containing the spread of EVD. The ruling party and the opposition party for once agreed on a common disposition of fighting EVD .Just asking can't we fight corruption with the same passion?

                Despite the fact that EVD came into Nigeria when Medical Doctors were on strike only God knows when our doctors will eventually cease to go on strike in response to inability of Government to meet their demands. Is the Government and doctors not aware that a sense of not taking up one's responsibilities is a form of corruption?One could not but eulogized the attitude of the Nurses and other Health workers for upholding the dignity of the Nation’s Health System but it seems they have gone to their slumber afterward are you aware that in Public hospitals Nurses and health workers often do trading with some crucial things before your emergency case is been attended to. Those things are so minute in price and status in such a way that you tend to  look over that action as corruption?
 Likewise, the Media; Radio, Television and the Print Media deserved commendation of all and sundry for doing a good job in orientating Nigerians in the fight against Ebola. In this fight against corruption I don't think the media deserve our commendation for any orientation. In fact can they media claim to be orientating us? It seems late Dele Giwa died with investigative journalism in Nigeria? The media is unconsciously propagating the gospel of corruption with her sentiment and partisan approach to issues related to corruption charges against public officers. Some of our columnists, commentators and social analysts are fans one celebrated thief or the other.
We, Nigerians too need to really commend ourselves for been pro-active and conscious of the health Challenges of Ebola. All indications so far have shown that Nigeria with the right approach to issues can be a first world country. Do you think that can be said of corruption? An average Nigerian sees any act of dishonesty as the new imbibed-culture we have to adjust to. Hence, If you complain to a typical Nigerian of our leaders embezzling public funds just get ready to your personality assessed with the question" If you see where money dey you go take your own?".While we are still applauding ourselves for giving EVD a good fight during that time some public fund went with Ebola fight too. Does the account really matter? after all Ebola is now history!
                It will be interesting to inform the Government that fight corruption is as easy as fighting Ebola. The campaign for "honesty" should in all public places and Television,Radio and Status on Social Media should be "say no to any act of dishonesty". The Law should not spare anyone irrespective of age and status. Immunity clause should find it way out of our law book, in fact there is need for a bill that will compel people to resign once their name appear in a scandal so as not to unduly pressurize the judicial system. Our Children should be taught honesty in schools and at home in words and actions. Mind You righteousness exult a nation.                