Tuesday 28 June 2016

Why not try a "Top Four Philosophy"

Coach Arsene Wenger of Arsenal FC is well known for campaigning for “Top Four slot” in the English premier league season in season out. Most analysts and critics do not see common sense in his submission. To the surprise of the majority his employers are in full support of his ‘Philosophy’ and this annoys most of the fans and potential fans even notable players staged a walkout on the club as a result of this ‘Philosophy’.

            I know you are already laughing at my stupidity that I am encouraging you to imbibe a questionable philosophy that did not win any Trophy for about 8years in a row for it custodian. Life is a competitive field where everyone wants to perpetually be at the peak at a time but the fact is just that only one person can be at a peak at a time. The moment you realize that fact then “Top Four philosophy” should be something to imbibe in as much that the Chance of being at the peak season- in season- out is half in a highly competitive environment. That is exactly what Monsieur Wenger is up to.

            Sometimes, you do forget that you may be Brilliant, Intelligent and smart, though, there is always someone out there who has an edge over you in such environment. Even if there is no one that has your strength definitely there will be someone with a factor that will threaten you. This is why you should wake up from your slumber that first position is everyone’s birthright, if you can be in the first position anybody can be there too. To imbibe the “Top Four “ philosophy is far from settling you for mediocrity rather it gives you consistency in the midst of potential Champions this is why Arsenal FC will always play in the CHAMPIONS LEAGUE.

            “Top Four “philosophy gives you room to remain one of the best irrespective of the resources at your disposal. It gives you zeal to compete amidst fierce competitor without pressure of being undermined or outshined. Your personality will often threaten the underdogs and give the big names a run for their money. This explains why Smaller team in EPL find it difficult to get past Arsenal FC and the Big teams often find it difficult to demolish the gunners. This makes you the most consistent in the cadre of the best entity over a long period of time at least a decade like Arsenal FC.

            To stay within the “Top Four” in anywhere you find yourself is as good as competing for the first position the only difference is just that to occupy the first position you will have to sacrifice your entertainment and relaxation for aggression. To be aggressive put you under pressure which often times it boomerangs and you eventually lose out. A “Top four “philosophy is a trophy bound philosophy that makes first position your utmost priority while the fourth position your least expectation. It is not a philosophy for mediocre rather a philosophy to streamline your priorities in recognition of your weakness and strength irrespective of the situation of the environment. This philosophy makes you relatively a relevant entity amidst your peers. Check it out Arsenal FC remains one of the “Top Four” football club in England, one of the “Top ten” football club in Europe and one of the “Top twenty” football club in the world. This means that you maintaining a “Top four” philosophy, books you a seat outside the shores of your domain.

            A decision to be within the “top four” anywhere you find yourself is a viable philosophy to adopt in order to survive in a highly competitive environment. It gives you the opportunity to be dynamic with the environment and as well withstand the pressure that comes forth with a relative change in the position within the “Top Four”. This means that when people are being disengaged for failure your employers will have reasons to keep you. Arsene Wenger remains in Arsenal while some of his contemporaries have been sacked on so many occasions on the ground of failure.

            Finally, this philosophy gives you opportunity to re-create yourself to meet the Challenges in your environment without succumbing to pressure. Arsenal FC built Emirate Stadium in the course of their “Top Four” campaign. You might say they have no trophy within 8years but they have a new Stadium to show for it with a relative good position in England, Europe and the World at large. So, winning a trophy shouldn’t always be your driving force.

            Don’t be carried away I am not eulogizing Arsene Wenger rather I am only urging you to take a second look at his philosophy it might inspire you to be one of the best this generation could offer and there is one thing that Arsenal FC don’t often do that is; always take your Chances, Opportunity comes but once.

Friday 24 June 2016

You and I: You are beautiful; I am handsome A man with a...

You and I: You are beautiful; I am handsome A man with a...:  In case you are a girl with a handsome guy you will soon become a psychiatric patient if you tend to be on your guy trail. The truth is t...

You are beautiful; I am handsome A man with a beautiful girl has the same problem with a man whose maize's farm is on the main road, A woman with a handsome man equally has the same problem. It is a known fact that if you have a beautiful bae you are likely to be a victim of high BP except "you lend yourself some brain" as one will say in local parlance.

 In case you are a girl with a handsome guy you will soon become a psychiatric patient if you tend to be on your guy trail.

The truth is that every girl out there is a beauty queen while every guy is a handsome dude. Ignorance and lack of self esteem is the reason while some people choose to be ugly playing a defending counsel to the creator he made every thing bright and beautiful. Beauty/ handsomeness is not a product of cosmetics or make up rather it is been enhance by the latter. So, waste less of your money on Cosmetics when you can be naturally a person to behold. All what you need to do is to be conscious of your personality and identify lifestyle that keep you on point.

Every beautiful girl is every guy's girl so you just have to be aware of that fact, the only means to claim possession is to be there for her and ensure you sustain her beauty through the test of time; mind you beauty fades. This rule is also applicable to girls who yearn for handsome guys. Hence, don't go near a beauty/handsomeness that you can not sustain. Mind you no one is ugly!
You are now wondering how to sustain the beauty/handsomeness in the other person with your sense of adventure. Here is an acronym to be of help ARE!

A for Attraction ;you just have to sustain whatever attract you to the other person, Often time it is a " Physique" or attitude while you try to ensure that physical appearance/attitude remain a toast to you and other admirers you should not forget that people grow older and eventualities of life can grossly affect "Physique"/attitude so you have the duty to protect that physique/attitude and in case of the change as a result of eventualities of life hope you are ready to accept it as your cup of tea. So guy if beautiful princess/ nice girl of today turn out to be an ugly woman/ temperamental woman of tomorrow my guy you have failed a responsibility test the law is vice versa.

R for Respect; Respect is reciprocal so always see the other person as human, the thought, actions, dream of the other person should be given priority as yours. This alone will bring about peace of mind which will invariably enhance beauty and handsomeness from within.

E for Enjoyment; Any relationship which do not give you reason to smile will definitely kill you one day so you need to have your priority in check so as not to be a victim. Your enjoyment should not be measured base on sex or money rather it should on your companionship. You should be able to enjoy your togetherness irrespective of eventualities of life. You owe your partner a smile if not a laugh anytime you are together.
So, to keep your girl, fiancé or wife ever beautiful you shower her with money and you think  she will automatically be a damsel with the right make up. You are on your own in fact you have just given her reason to be unfaithful. The same thing applicable to your guy if you are a female you owe. each other ARE. Do have a lovely weekend.
I am angel

Wednesday 22 June 2016

Ekitigate/ Dasukigate what a political Series It is no more news that nollywood is one of the leading entity in the world movie industry. Though, we as Nigerians know the flaws of our movie industry from the storyline through the acting, directing and Editing. Don't let us even talk of the subtitle and translation from our local languages to English Language. Well, our "political sphere" seems to be more interesting and fill with suspense than our movie industry.

It is no more news that nollywood is one of the leading entity in the world movie industry. Though, we as Nigerians know the flaws of our movie industry from the storyline through the acting, directing and Editing. Don't let us even talk of the subtitle and translation from our local languages to English Language. Well, our "political sphere" seems to be more interesting and fill with suspense than our movie industry.
If you follow Nigeria politics you are likely to loose interest in nollywood movies.Every scandal or political issue in Nigeria has a script, which has been well written by someone in the political circuit. You don't get to know such scriptwriters until the drama end.
Consequently, most political series in Nigeria don't end with the normal "The End". It ends with an action that keep you in suspense and you see "Sweep under the carpet". In fact in Nigeria there are two places the solutions to our problem lies they are "Under the Carpet" and "Drawing board". The Nigeria political world is a movie industry on it own with all the components of the "Make belief" world rightly in place.
The Ekitigate is really a dramatic soap opera filled with intrigue and suspense. It started out as the return to power of Oshoko the man who once absconded from power. Mind you Ekiti has always been the land of political drama in the history of Nigeria democratic journey. Ekitigate feature the best of Nigeria political actors such as star actor oshoko himself, Jkf, Amaechi, Ogbeni,Obanikoro Omisore and a lot more. Ekitigate tells a story of how federal might can unseat incumbency power with the help of the "Locals" who were the beneficiary of rice served in the movie. This is a story of how lawlessness can have it way to become lawful. Though, the soap opera was suppose to have ended but the epilogue is gradually becoming a season 2 in alliance with another soap opera Dasukigate.
Dasukigate/Armsgate is an action filled soap opera blend with corruption of those in corridor of power. This soap opera shows man's inhuman to man. Thousands of people died and many became homeless courtesy of insurgency with hundred of soldiers facing prosecution courtesy of insubordination. All these have their root in the greediness of some people and thirst for power of a ruling party in few opposition states. It is indeed a tragedy with some scenes that will put smile on your face. No doubt the audience are aware that it is going to be a very long season for the soap opera.
Well, Kudos to EFCC for showcasing this soap opera just hoping that they will not have course to end the soap opera inconclusively or "sweep it under" the carpet. However, it will be unfair to showcase an Armsgate and forget the yet to be censored Salarygate; the crime of some Governors! We just want to know what happen to those money that ought to be paid as Salary. We have not forgotten oil subsidy scam and so many other soap opera to be showcase by your Production.

Back to our movie industry, here are storylines to produce for the world using the opportunity to preach the ideas and correct the irregularities in our society.
Incase you need a script in that line, please contact me...........
I am angel.



Monday 20 June 2016

Father's day....Who cares about the boy child?

The era of "Mama naa boy" is over. The boy child is not really of priority as it was use to be, in fact the "girl child" has taken over. Gone are those days when the "boy child" is a celebrity at birth, now the concept of gender equality has robbed the boy child of his status. Hence, it is a question of "Child right Act"  which is feminine focused. The"girl child" is now the toast of the society checkout various advert with babes in focus the "girl child" is always the emerging heroine. This is not to say that "boy child" no longer has recognition, he has just been stripped of his prestigious title as "Lord apparent" of every family.

Gone are those days when the"boy child" was the only one who had the right to go to school. The reason was just that he is a boy and he has the priority to ensure the survival of the Family's name. So going to school for him was a matter of right while a girl child was only allowed to go to school base on parental ideology and tribal perspectives. The various campaign for "girl child education" indeed raised the consciousness of all and sundry while a girl child must go to school. Guess what is in vogue now boys and girls are in the school and courtesy of poverty they are also both on the street. Due the graceful being and fragile personality of the girl child there is a clamor for her protection from all dick and harry. Subconsciously, no one remember that the boy child is on the street learning vices.

Even in school where the environment is supposed to be a levelled playing ground the attention on a girl child is slightly more than what a boy child enjoys this days. At academic achievement a boy child is often less applaud compare to his female counterpart. She gets all the encouragement to achieve the best being a girl while the boy child only get a path on the back and "keep it up". The duo are consequently growing in the same environment but the society focused on the boy child to be law abiding and careless about him having the right attitude to civil way of life. The society focused on equipping the girl child with family ethics and careless about her knowledge about vices.

At the teen age when the society ought to allow open interaction and guide their thoughts more attention is paid to the girl child because of the complex nature of her sexuality while the boy child is given the notion that he has nothing to loose in the world of sexuality. The guidance a girl child enjoys from all and sundry put her in a chance to develop well into a graceful lady. The disinterestedness a boy child get from the society put him at edge of irresponsibility. While as Youth the girl child enjoys the sympathy and empathy of member of the society who chose to really help at the expense of her male counter. The Society is providing a shelter for the girl child because of her vulnerability while the boy child is expected to survive on his own because he is a male.

Now, the hour of judgment has come on the society what we see around is the concept of "baby mama" The boys of yesterday are now the irresponsible men that chose not to take up their responsibilities base on the fact that they lack knowledge on family ethics. Aren't we not going to excuse them because they were never taught?. Another concept is that of "run away father" they are those who have reason for their sense of irresponsibility. Aren't we going to excuse them because they are use to "keep it up"? "The Iron mike Tyson and dictators" these are boys of yesterday,the society did leave on the street to fend for themselves. Having learnt wrestling,kicking and boxing and eventually not shortlisted for Olympics home becomes their ring then the society suddenly remember a man is the head of the house and the family find itself under emergency rule of a ruthless dictator.

Courtesy of this unfortunate development the feminist are taking over with the girls of yesterday who have been fed with the notion of coup d'état against the "boy Child" in the fore front. They are now preaching the gospel of "what a man can do; a woman can do better!". Ironically, They and their siblings are now feeling it where it pinches singing the song of "Men are many; husbands are scarce". Young
and responsible fathers are now relatively scarce. It is high time we pay equal attention to our children.

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Friday 17 June 2016

I wish I have someone that can help...with dream

Apart from the noodles advert "Mama You do good you do good o!!.....You gave us..." another advert people won't forget in an hurry is the popular song of one the Nigeria commercial banks. "I wish I have someone that can help with my dream......" with the sonorous voice and the lyrics don't you think the singer deserved to be a nominee for Grammy award while the composer too deserved to be nominated for recognition in the field of literary works. Listen beyond the song and let us do some courtship analysis.

Take it or leave it God created you all for a purpose and often these purpose subconsciously find it way and become your dream. Consequently, this dream becomes your path to greatness in reality provided that you follow it. Incase you are an emerging personality(Youth) then you have a primary assignment to find out what you are here to do, I mean your purpose in life is like your compass in this jungle so you don't just go on living. If you have found it, Congratulation! In case you can go on all alone, amazing! Then wait for no one except God!

Should incase you can't go on all alone never get discouraged that is the essence of marriage. The issue is now getting that person that can help with your dream. One of the most common prayer point this day is "Prayer for life partner". However, most people tend not to be specific with the prayer under the assumption that the word "Partner" connote positivity. Incase your want to pray do well to petition for the one that can help with your dream.

Marriage is not expected to "mar your Life" it is expected to "make you" your partner is a major factor to any of the possible outcome. Hence, in your search go for someone with positive complementary notion to your dream. If you are a writer go for a reader, if you are an actor go for an audience if you are a singer go for a composer and a lover of good music. Go for someone who admire what bring you joy and en-route to greatness, nobody will keep you focus on your dream like that person.

"Birds of a feather flaws together "says the old adage. If you don't want marriage to hinder the dream from being a reality then you need a great mind like you. If you dream of being a "queen" please do well to go look for "an heir apparent" it is not a matter of royalty it is the matter of mind. If it is your thought to change the world for better, please do well to go look for a person with a generous heart that can help with your dream. It is your thought to lead with justice and equity out of love then you need someone who will always remind you that in your bedroom because power corrupt absolute power corrupt.

Love come with an of act that portray possessiveness, however, your ability to influence the world positively is in your level of interaction with the "Commoner". Never, fall a victim to the love that takes you away from influencing our world positively. Such love is selfish and it will eventually ruin you. Hope you know the story of Samson and Delihah.

Lastly, I wish I have someone that can help with my dream with out ulterior motive. I am glad to tell you that you will meet people who will be willing to trade of their dreams to accommodate you in actual sense those people don't deserve you. Just know that they will forever live on your reality when the time comes. Such people can hunt and hurt you at will whenever they feel like it. Go for that person who support your dream out of love and wait for no dividends except Love.

Incase you wonder what I have been talking about, here is a  review of what Marriage can actually do. Food was not the only reason why Esau lost his birthright his marriage was another comma.Samson and Delihah hope know you their story, Ahab and Jezebel are another sample, Annaias and Sapphira were not that good sample to emulate. Sarah and Abraham, Rebekah and Isaac, Jacob and Rachel, David and Bathseba and of course Mary and Joseph were pretty amazing samples.

In the modern day, I present to you Bill and Hilary Clinton, Olu Jacobs and Joke Silver, Tunde and Wunmi Obey,  Alli Baba and Wife and all those couples in our neighborhood supporting each others dream...... I wish I have someone that can help with my dream...
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Wednesday 8 June 2016

The lesson to Learn from the person of the " Big Boss"

As a Secondary School Teacher look at yourself often as a coach whose performance directly varies with your students' performance well ceteris paribus anyway.Try to find inspiration in various Coaches  in the world of round leather game(Football).You had a lot of Coaches on you radar Sir Arsene Wenger of Arsenal, Samson Siasia,Pa Adegboye Onigbinde e.t.c. Suddenly, from the corner of your head a name sprang up Late Stephen Okechukwu Keshi.

Here is man whom Nigerians and our Football glass house despised and he was making wave outside the shore of this country. He qualified uncommon African team for Nation's cup and World cup respectively. During, this time our so called Super Eagle has started jumping instead of flying. As a person why not pick up this, you don't need your folks to believe in you to beat their imaginations. An attitude the " Big boss" re-echoed in a match against the almighty Elephant of Ivory Coast in 2013 AFCON when the people that ought to be motivating had already had return tickets of the team to Nigeria in Stock.

Young Teacher to teenagers and football coach have a similar problem which is managing a bunch of objects who can be unruly. These objects under your care varies in Intelligent quotient, Smartness, Brilliancy and of course common sense. As a teacher you have the primary duty of understanding each student potential and maintain discipline to ensure a decorum in the Class. This, the Big boss did as coach of  the Super Eagle. When the Man was sacked then thing fell apart in the Super Eagles team though things weren't not really together just that the man ensured decorum even when the players were angry and hungry. What makes you an hero is your ability to ensure decorum in a place where there ought to be cacophony.

You wonder how many colleague of yours will accept the failure of their students as their own failure. The "Big Boss" throughout his stay as the Coach never had heavy defeat score line. In fact most of his defeat can be predicted on paper. Most of his least expected result was draw, you wouldn't have to blame him much because all other thing in the back-room and glass house was not constant. During, this time " The Big Boss" was always there to accept the faults for his players and ready to face the next game.

Lastly, "The Boss" came on board with some of his own players like every other coach like a teacher will always come up with favorites scholars in every class. He never made a mistake of disregarding the existence of other intelligent entities he met in the team abinitio. He made do with disciplined players and he excelled. A principle his predecessor couldn't adopt and he failed.

The Big boss has come, he has seen and he has conquered for those who deal with Human Resource let us always remember that what you have made do not matter; who you have make is what matter will Sunday Mba ever forget
Stephen Keshi? May the Soul of the big boss rest in peace.amen

Friday 3 June 2016

By their Clubs....You shall know them

Hello Gals incase you want to date a Nigerian guy, Congratulation for you don't need an Astrological knowledge to know who to go with most especially if he is a Football fan. To start with if your want a serious minded guy then you should be ready to go with us to the various joints where we watch the game. Incase they tell you that "Oko won lode" don't be carried away they are behind the screen watching the round leather game with passion. Mind you if mountain won't come to Mohammed, then nothing wrong if Mohammed tend to go the mountain at least for a sight-seeing. In case you are planning to go on here is tour guide.

He is a cool headed guy watching the game with total concentration but often time he comes up with an exclamation such as " ouch!" He is very loyal and faithful to his club. He is very intelligent and fluent in conversation. He is also handsome and toast so many young gals. The problem is he is cash conscious, he is never marriage-driven nor marriage-focus though he has what it takes. I am glad to present to you the heir apparent of Arsene Wenger, he is an Arsenal fan in case you want to marry this kind of guy you have more home-work do with patience and perseverance.

He is a lousy guy watching the game with concentration but often time he comes up with an exclamation such as "up Blues!" He is not that loyal and faithful except he chose to be. He is intelligent but not really fluent so engaging him in conversation may end as monologue or tutorial class from him. He is a cash guy and he throws money really but he decides who to lavish it on. He is a guy to date with a back-up plan though he could be marriage-driven and marriage-focus you never can tell. He has so many options and can acquire you for as for big name concern. He is a Chelsea fan that is why you need to be surprise if you see him drink.

He is a traditional guy with principle and practice. He speaks fluently and intelligently. he understands his game quite well, he knows how to survive when thing go bad though find it often difficult to come back. He is marriage-driven and marriage-focus kind of a guy. He does not have time for talking too much, he his a kind of will you marry me interrogator. If you don't answer on time he will definitely waka. That is a Man United Fan for you.

To be continued.
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