Tuesday 19 July 2016

The Modern Abobaku....call SSA new media

The concept of "Abobaku" has not become history in our corridor of power rather it has metamorphosed into a modern office called Senior Special Assistant (SSA) on media. This office over time has become a re-incarnation of the office of "Abobaku". Abobaku in the traditional Yorubaland is an office specially meant for an important slave or person the community perceived as an unserious entity whose longevity whom be necessary because he was never a symbol of wisdom. He was never a member of council neither was he an adviser. His basic duties is to enjoy the status of the king and await his own death upon the death of the king. In fact a town crier is of more importance to an "Abobaku" though they of similar but everybody knew him to be a just a royal mouth-piece that lives on even after the king had died.
Back to our nascent democracy where "Town crier" has been adopted into the executive council as the Commissioner/Minister of Information. Its old office and that of Abobaku had been reviewed to produced an office tagged Senior Special Assistant on Media. The basic function is to speak for and on your "Oga", you are expected to protected his Image at all cost even if your he is good at committing political blunder.
Welcome to America where the same office is meant for technocrat in the area of information management and personality of high integrity. The SSA on media is always there to tactically right the wrong of his "Boss" in the public without soiling his own image. He/She is always there to engaged the public in a diplomatic way without soiling his own integrity at the expense of his "Boss" Political's ambition or ideology. In America, SSA on media do resign their appointment when the ideology/Ambition of his "Boss" begins to threaten is own integrity.
Back home here the reverse is the case the same office been looked at in America as one the most prestigious political appointment is now been soiled. This same office over time has witnessed the appointment of political opportunists who just want to be somewhere within corridor of power. Most of whom, who lacked the courtesy of Administrative silence. They kept on talking when the best option for their "Oga"s image is silence. They lack the intelligence and smartness to respond tactically on issues that bother on their "Boss" personality all they do is praise-singing as if they are speaking for a god who can't err?
Just like the "Abobaku" they do enjoy the status of their "Oga"s power often time they loose their head too and get power intoxicated like their "Boss". Courtesy of their "hunger" they damn the consequence of their own integrity defend their "Oga" blindly instead of pacifying the general public over their "Boss"s action often time their body language to the public is the tone of "Eni afi oro lo to ni toun baje!"
Definitely the festive for the masquerade will soon end and the ancestor will definitely return back to his abode while his son move on with life. The political icon will definitely become an history courtesy of death or change in political scenario then guess what? The modern Abobaku too suffer the same fate..O maa see oo

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