Wednesday 18 April 2018

Streetwise with angel - "Mace theft" No big deal!

That thugs found their way into the Senate house was no big deal after all they were with a "suspended" Senator besides "naa today?". That a suspended Senator came into the Chamber was an indication that we have a set of leaders who have no respect for "modus operadi" The fact that a suspended Senator found his way into the chamber with thugs question the competencies of the Security agents of the National Assembly. Then the Lawmakers should actually asked themselves if they are actually save?

As the election draw near, our leaders out of their own greed and selfish interest tend to lead this nation into a chaotic scenario. What are thugs doing in the Red Chamber? In this age and time the hoodlums even carted off the Mace?
Image result for Images Mace thieve at Nass

Nigerians will have no option than to watch this "Mace theft" series. The senate has come out to say the action of one of their colleagues is treasonable and has given 24hours ultimatum to the security agents. What a swift response! How come they never gave the same ultimatum for the search for Chibok Girls, Dapchi Girls and Killer herdsmen in Benue? They failed to put the Security agents on their toes before now. Just before now a Senator has requested that Services Chiefs should be sacked if they have no clue on how to tackle the nation security challenges! Coming a bit late!
Image result for Images Mace thieve at Nass

This "Mace theft" is a vivid picture of  how porous our security network could be and how insecure we are as a nation. That thugs came in to the Chamber with a suspended Senator questioned the supremacy of the law over personality and position?
Image result for Images Mace thieve at Nass

Our democracy is about to be tested, the world is definitely watching! What eventually happen afterwards to the "Mace thieves and their sponsor" will go a long way in defining our democracy. It will clearly define the entity which is supreme "the Law" or "the Office and who you know".


  1. Today's show of shame has just completed the verification of insecurity in Nigeria. Not even Boko Haram has come this close.
