Wednesday 11 April 2018


Marriage is an institution you attend but do not graduate.Its a lifetime union between your spouse and yourself.For every couples of today,falling in love and saying 'I DO' is the easiest part but living happily is the real task.I sought out advice from real people who might have insight as to what makes a marriage successful?and asked them a burning question "what is the secret of a successful marriage???now read the wisdom they shared.

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DON'T HIDE ANYTHING FROM EACH OTHER-share your thoughts and feelings together.Remember  communication is an essential tool in marriage.

DON'T LET YOUR PAST AFFECT YOUR PRESENT MARRIAGE-past could be dangerous.Whatever has happened has gone,remember old things have passed away.

DON'T TAKE EACH OTHER FOR GRANTED-successful marriage do not just happen,they must be developed.Have respect for each other.

CREATE TIME FOR YOURSELF-have time for yourself.Do what will make your partner happy.

AVOID GIVING THE SILENT TREATMENT-don't let your emotions build you up because you'll likely explode.Talk about things that bother you,don't maintain 'grave yard" silent.

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BE NICE-treat your partner with kindness.

DON'T CHEATS-this break marriage, its hurt you in a long run,stay loyal!

DON'T RUN FROM YOUR MISTAKES-accept your mistakes and apologize immediately.

MARRY Someone you like killing your time with.

SPEAK about date nights,go out and have fun.

SURPRISE each other like you used to do when dating.

APPRECIATE your spouse.

MAKE each other laugh.

TRUST and be worthy.

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TRY to always remember why you fell in love with your spouse whether their sense of humor or ambition.

SAY I love you'and tell your partner they look attractive.

APPRECIATE WHAT YOU HAVE before its becomes what you had.Marriage at times can be fragile and need to be taken care of so pay utmost attention it is your life.

PATIENCE-patience holds a vital key to every successful marriage.

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