Friday 4 August 2017

Streetwise with angel - The Trial of brother Maxwell?

There was a time I wrote this "The Modern SSA new media " it was to warn all my friends playing foot soldiers in the Nigeria political warfare. I was expecting those involve to hear the whistle been blown by an hunter. Hence, I have come to realize that he who lives in glass house should take caution when throwing stones even when on a pilgrimage in Kaaba.

I will not want to go into the personality of  Maxwell Olusegun Adegbenro rather let me dwell on the premise of the latest development. In the news it was reported that Segun was arrested for duping a lady online claiming to be Personal Assistant to a Senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The fact that later emerged said it was "a Boy and a Girl thing" and lesson has been learnt and case has been closed. Then I ask why is the character assassination of Maxwell Olusegun Adegbenro? Why has this flimsy ugly incident suddenly became a big news for bloggers and reputable Newspapers that should know better. The reason is simple Segun lives in a glass house and he has thrown stones like all other pilgrims en-route on the pilgrimage of social media.

That His ordeal was blown out of proportion can be traced to his likes in the opposition party because he is a thorn in their flesh. The question is "should we destroy our selves in the name of party politics?" This is another pointer that fairness, integrity and equity are not values of Nigerian politics. The foot soldiers of the opposition party una well done ooo but let those who are orchestrating the character assassination of Segun Adegbenro know that whatsoever you do unto others will be done unto you!
Segun knows how to rise after a fall , like everyone he has fallen so many times.

Do have a blessed weekend.
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