Monday 14 August 2017

Monday Money with angel - £500,000 per week of Neymar or ROI of Bill Gate?

The Brazilian Striker Neymar Jr. is to earn £500,000 per week! For those of us whose parents stop us from playing football for whatever reason. We can not but accused them for our own "misfortune". Come to think of it every year in the world of football there is always that big move from one club to the other. This time it is the Brazilian forward moving from FC Barcelona to Paris Saint German FC.

Then the argument now began on social media "which is better salary of Neymar Jr. or the Return Over Investment of (ROI) of Bill Gates?" The debate definitely generated a lot of controversy. However, there is need to consider the two position holistically. There is nothing so interesting like a "big pay" from a work you see as fun while an investor is busy gambling in his thought. You are busy having fun under the disguise of work because you are happy doing it. Your happiness will definitely know no bound if you notice that the people also like watching you with their penny while you "play" I mean work to earn big pay. Who cares to watch an investor? It is always a time with a bright sunshine for you while an investor is having a sleepless night trying to make decision on things with you inclusive.

Here are the issues the "big pay" are always on contract the sweet things go through fermentation, get sour and become acidic.Go and ask Jose Morinho in his contract with Chelsea football club. Your "big pay" is dependent on the survival and attitude of  the investors. Forget the money, you are just an element in a system and the investor is the owner of the system who is expecting you to yield much more than he has invested. To crown it all " big pay" is not for life, the contract will definitely expire one day.

As much as my unborn Child too will play football to earn much more than Neymar Jr, there is no point in crying over my own fortune. I just have to initiate a system like Bill Gate where my unborn child will invest the money for the generation to come to have a Conglomerate.
Do have a fruitful week.

Content Provider for blogs/Websites

Saturday 12 August 2017

Weekend Vibe with Wanny B - Guys here are the dating principles that will never fail you!

Most guys fail at the first date it is like going for an interview. Some don't even think it is important they believe it’s a waste of time and energy that girls don’t deserve. I mean such guys thought is always "why should I waste my money on lunch?" Excuse me! What of if she offers to foot the bill you never can tell. If you think you can use the same resources to get a quickie at the corner of every club. My brother, you can’t continue living like this cause nothing good comes from the corner of every club.

Well, This article is for decent gentlemen who want to date. I’m here to help you out, make it easy a little for you. I’m not promising you anything superb at the end but to save you from getting red wine all over your outfit or having a nagging frowning lady opposite you, these are the first date mistakes you should never make;

 1. Do not bring your friend without her consent:- You Don’t know how rude it looks when she walks up to you and she realizes you have a chief of staff. Worse of all she didn't know…Sigh** well it’s wrong if common sense doesn’t tell you it is.

 2. Don’t waste her time:- Don’t keep her waiting! If it isn’t okay for you give a time that is.‘How about we make it by 4pm not that you will say okay and then waste her time because of one EPL match that must be watched.

 3. Don’t go all dirty and talk vulgar:- I mean dude im eating. But seriously no dirty talk if she didn't initiate it. Don’t start asking questions about her favorite position or asking her to demonstrate how she gives a head…Bro, really it is to be a date not a sex education class.

 4. Don’t hold a pity party and talk about all your exes:- She really don’t want to date an attachment Barbie who cries at love films. Besides she really Don’t care about your ex!

 5. It is not okay to chill at your place after:- Chilling for where....take her home don’t ask biko!

 6. Your football club is playing and you decide to have the date:- Then you can't keep your phone away and you are glue to or your eyes is on the tv screen.You’re even talking about the match and the whole date is about the silly football. My point? Don’t have it when your club is playing you can't have to ball in your call at the same time.

 7. Don’t order for her or try to be impulsive:- Don’t try to make her have more drinks or more food. Let her be comfortable.

 8. Don’t talk about your marriage plans,how many kids you want to have:- I mean it’s nice to know you think of getting there but no. Don’t talk about it today. Not the first time you are going out it might ruin your chances.

 9. If she says I Don’t want to talk about it, Don’t push:- Don’t go all come on, Don’t make it a big deal, didn’t I just tell you about my own, Don’t try to play therapist it is suppose to be a date not a counselling session. She doesn’t want to talk about it.

 10. Do you have a car, are you using the commercial means of transportation, are you letting cab? (Don’t Fake it):- let her know how your movement is going to be. You might just decide it’s convenient for you to meet there instead. Don't go and borrow car to impress bro...

 11. Don't talk too much. Talk, make jokes but not dry jokes and please Don’t be a chatterbox:- You’d probably lie because you are talking too much or make yourself look like a complete . Don’t chatter away.

 12. Go for what’s convenient for you. If you are not used to a fork and knife, finger foods are also available:- Don’t make a mess of yourself, please.

 13. Reduce the volume of your phone, keep it in your pocket and concentrate on her:- It goes a long way. She might be scoring you attention.

 14. Do not try checking other girls out:- You may not know but its rude to have a beautiful lady directly opposite you and still have that effrontery to look onwards when a girl passes or worst of all turn your head. Really…..seriously… might lead to your disqualification after the date.

15. Compliment her, tell her what a nice time you had:- If you have her smiling. I think you were pretty impressive then you have possibly won a jackpot.

 Happy weekend....
For poems,script writing, and video adverts.

Wednesday 9 August 2017

Streetwise with angel - Ozubulu Killing ;the Martyrdom of the Faithfuls

If you really want to find faithful catholics, morning mass is where to take the row call. It takes personal discipline to attend Morning Mass. It is never an easy thing to crawl out of bed at dawn out of your own volition to attend the Holy Mass. To attend a morning mass on sunday mean self discipline because you could choose to sleep and later go for subsequent masses.

It is a sad thing that while some faithfuls chose to go to Church at dawn to worship God singing within themselves "Here we are join together as we sing our song... joyfully, Here we are join together as we will always be" In all sense of humility they sing within themselves let us make the world a better place. Indeed they were in the church to make  the world a better place through prayers. Like lambs in the slaughter' s house the assassin descended on them  ignorantly.

In this age and time we have seen an iota of the killing that took place in Bethlehem at the order of king Herod thousands of years ago. This mean that religion has done little or nothing to make man better in his thinking. Kidnapping and ritual killing are notable crimes in our society. People have to go about their daily routeing with fear and trembling in the name of taking caution. For how long are we going to live in anxiety.

We will continue to look up to Government for security of lives and properties. Hence, it is time for our Priests, Pastors and Imams to stand against inhumanity of man to man. Let us think of the safety of the next person in our actions and collectively condemn inhumanity of man to man.

To the victims of last Sunday massacre... " May divine assistance... remain always with us...And may the souls of all the faithfuls departed rest in peace...amen

Streetwise with angel - You will like his Excellency's sense of responsibility

A Special Broadcast by the Governor of Anambra State, His Excellency, Chief Willie Obiano on the St Phillips Catholic Church Killings at Ozubulu on August 7, 2017.

Good morning fellow citizens

Ndi Anambra ekenem unu

With a sorrowful heart, I stand before you today to brief you on the tragic killing of 12 people at St Philips Catholic Church, Amakwa, Ozubulu yesterday.

First, I want to assure you all that what happened in Ozubulu yesterday was a tragic dimension of a long battle between two business partners who are from the same town. I have been fully informed that this dangerous conflict has been going on for a while in the country where they both live outside Nigeria before they decided to bring the conflict home. But let me assure you that Anambra is too hot for them to operate here, going forward.

This explanation, I believe, has erased the fears that the incident may have been caused by either some terrorist organizations or some members of some groups of agitators in the country.

Brothers and sisters, what happened in Ozubulu was neither a terror attack as we know it, nor a violent action by some agitators. We are dealing with a dangerous GANG WAR that has spilled over to Anambra State from another African country. But this is the last time it will happen under my watch!

Fellow citizens, I want to assure you that we are on top of this situation. We are completely in charge here. The people directly and remotely involved in this crime are known to the law enforcement agencies. But no suspect, no matter how highly placed, is above the law.  So, we have taken bold steps to bring them to book and restore the peace and tranquility that Anambra State has enjoyed since the past three years.

Sincerely, there is no cause for fear or alarm here. Anambra state is safe. Our churches and places of worship are safe. So, our people should not be discouraged from going to church to serve their God because what happened in Amakwa, Ozubulu is an isolated case. It will not happen again! Ndi Anambra should continue to sleep with both eyes closed because we are staying awake for them. In the words of Wendell Philips, the American abolitionist and liberal activist, “the price of liberty is eternal vigilance.” We have chosen to stay awake that Anambra may find sleep! I repeat, never again will this type of bloodshed happen in Anambra State under me!

Ndi Anambra, in all our 25-year history, never has a single act of senseless violence consumed so many lives. I strongly condemn this wanton killing of our fellow citizens who left their loved ones in the early hours of Sunday morning to worship their God. I condemn the senseless violation of sacred places of worship by people to whom neither man nor God is worthy of respect or honour. I condemn these people who did not think twice before placing such a heavy burden on our humanity!

All the shadowy characters behind this crime shall account for it. This is the first and the last of this appalling crime!

Fellow citizens, I call on you today, to join hands with me to rid our society of all vestiges of crime and criminality. Nothing else can stand in the way of accelerated development as crime does. We are familiar with this fact in Anambra State. That is why we have fought tooth and nail to usher in the long period of peace we have enjoyed in Anambra State.

To our numerous friends and partners, I want to assure you that Anambra is still Nigeria’s safest state. Indeed, the Ozubulu killings have only strengthened our commitment to create a safer, business-friendly and prosperous state. We remain focused on our Vision and Mission to this great state. No amount of threats or wholesale destruction can shake our commitment to these ideals.

Ndi Anambra, I have declared today a Day of Mourning in honour of our brothers and sisters that were slain yesterday. We shall observe a minute of silence in their honour at 12 noon today and special prayers shall be offered for them in churches and prayer houses across Nigeria and in the Diaspora. We have also opened a Condolence Register for them in the Government House.

Finally, for the 18 survivors of this carnage who are nursing different injuries in the hospital, my administration shall pick up all their medical bills. I have visited them at the hospital to ascertain their recovery rate. I have also dispatched 50 additional medical doctors to the hospital to ensure that they have access to the best medical care possible. Indeed, all hands must be on deck to save more lives.

At this juncture, I want to thank the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, President Muhammadu Buhari who called me last night from London to commiserate with Ndi Anambra on this tragic incident. I must also thank the Acting President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Prof Yemi Osinbajo who also called last night to condole with us. My gratitude goes to everyone who has called my Team and I to say a soothing word since this incident happened. Your calls have re-affirmed my belief that we are one people under God! It has strengthened my faith in the unity of this country.

Anambra State has survived incredible odds in our modest history. This too shall pass!

God bless Anambra State

God Bless Nigeria

Thank you


Sunday 6 August 2017

Weekend vibe with Omo-oba adeosun - Your boo will soon leave!

Ladies will think just because you have a good boo mean he will not leave you for another bae?Don't think that all a man needs is money, sex, food and a cold beer to make him happy. Yes, Some men are that simple, but a good man needs to have a mental and spiritual connection with his woman.

 If he doesn't get that mental and spiritual satisfaction from his bae he will eventually seek for it outside the home. No, sorry you cannot use good sex or a good hot meal and feel the man should be solely yours? When you aren't there to pray with him, listen to him and advise him. It's like starvation of the mind and soul!

No, It doesn't just happen overnight. It's a process that takes time. A man will leave his woman mentally before he leaves her physically. Yes, He might be nice, kind and sweet to her, but it doesn't mean she has him wrapped around her little finger. In fact, She could be laying in bed with him and his mind could be on the other side of town with another woman. Remember, Wherever your man's mind is, his body will soon follow.

.omo-oba adeosun
Baker of cakes/crunches

Friday 4 August 2017

Streetwise with angel - The Trial of brother Maxwell?

There was a time I wrote this "The Modern SSA new media " it was to warn all my friends playing foot soldiers in the Nigeria political warfare. I was expecting those involve to hear the whistle been blown by an hunter. Hence, I have come to realize that he who lives in glass house should take caution when throwing stones even when on a pilgrimage in Kaaba.

I will not want to go into the personality of  Maxwell Olusegun Adegbenro rather let me dwell on the premise of the latest development. In the news it was reported that Segun was arrested for duping a lady online claiming to be Personal Assistant to a Senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The fact that later emerged said it was "a Boy and a Girl thing" and lesson has been learnt and case has been closed. Then I ask why is the character assassination of Maxwell Olusegun Adegbenro? Why has this flimsy ugly incident suddenly became a big news for bloggers and reputable Newspapers that should know better. The reason is simple Segun lives in a glass house and he has thrown stones like all other pilgrims en-route on the pilgrimage of social media.

That His ordeal was blown out of proportion can be traced to his likes in the opposition party because he is a thorn in their flesh. The question is "should we destroy our selves in the name of party politics?" This is another pointer that fairness, integrity and equity are not values of Nigerian politics. The foot soldiers of the opposition party una well done ooo but let those who are orchestrating the character assassination of Segun Adegbenro know that whatsoever you do unto others will be done unto you!
Segun knows how to rise after a fall , like everyone he has fallen so many times.

Do have a blessed weekend.
Content Provider for blogs/websites