Tuesday 25 April 2017

Keep yourself healthy! Love and Laugh - Wanny B

There is no greater power than love. Love has the ability to heal your wounds. Love is the best antidepressant ever go shop for it incase you need one, but the ideas of people are so wrong about it. The less you love, the more depressed you are likely to feel. Love is not negotiable! The more you are in love, the healthier you will be (both physically and emotionally) but the less you are in love the more you are at risk of depression. Its even true that the more you love, the less depression you are likely to experience! Love is probably antidepressant medicine because one of the common sources of depression is to feel UNLOVED.As stated in the Bible, Corinthians 13:13,"Three things will last forever-FAITH,HOPE AND LOVE"- the greatest of this is LOVE.

The power of love is strong than man imagination, the power of love work in with health status. If you have healthy relationship with people, then consider yourself healthy and you will have course to laugh. I remembered two months ago  I wasn't so okay sincerely under the weather because of love ,I was so down then I realized that Love can indeed cause malaria or typhoid and doctors will still certify you okay? after various test!  I wasn't happy being a victim of love! One then become older than methuselah in stature .One need to thank the good Lords for his mercy over one. Here I am today, fine gal and healthy! One need to be always happy in any circumstance one find oneself, One need love to stay lively  but not to the
 extent of being a victim biko! The secret is to move on and love on, focus more on the future and put a smile on your pretty face.

Laughter is the best medicine. Its fun to share a good laugh with people who would appreciate it. Hope you know that to laugh can improve your health status? laughter is a strong medicine which can strengthen your immune system, boosts your mood, take away pains and protect you from the damaging effect of stress reduce your chance of becoming a victim of terminal disease. When we were kids, we use to laugh 100 times a day, but as young adults life tends to be more serious, we laugh less. Nothing works faster or more dependable to bring your mind and body back into balance than a good laugh and to love people as you would have love yourself. A little love with a good laugh won't kill. To leave you with lyrics from one of lagbaja's song "Put a smile on your face.... fe yin e..

1 comment:

  1. In reality you are beautiful,no wonder you talk about love, Infact ,I love you B
