Thursday 27 April 2017

Anger Management - Heart Matters with Wanny B

Anger is a normal state of emotion and can be helpful in time of confrontation. Anger is like a fire burning inside us. Anger can be helpful at times because it tends to increases our focus and improves out performance. That same anger if not controlled can cause a lot of damage to the body and soul.

Its can cause High blood pressure and other psychological problem,destruction of interpersonal relationship with friends either at home, work or school etc.This is why it is so important to learn how to manage anger in every situation and not to allow it control our lives.

Anger is caused by some factors which are:
Suppressing emotions from previous confrontation.
Feeling of being misunderstood and a failure.

Anger only becomes a problem when a person loses control of themselves in what they say and do to others.This loss of control can lead to devasting consequences both to the one that is angry and to the people around him/her.Some of the consequences of  anger when control is lost can be depression, heart break, hatred,commit suicide etc.Anger causes alot of damages to human.Anger burn the spirit and soul, so manage your anger.

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