Friday 28 April 2017

Dating Strategy (DS 102) - Heart Matters with Wanny B

Dating is very important not only for marital interest but for sharing love experiences within two persons.
Looking for creative date ideas for your next date? Let us go to class to have a Date lesson.

1.FINDING A ROMANTIC PARTNER: having a good romantic partner is the best feeling ever. There is a different between making someone your priority and having an obsession.

2.FIRST CONTACT: first impression are always important. Remember don't pretend to be someone you are not, Most girls will assume you are not being really. Its doesn't mean you need to dress in color riot just to impress your date. All you have to do is have a shower ,shave, use a roll on and wearing something suitable to impress your date and have a good start.

3.MAKE DATE PLANS IN A CONDUCIVE ENVIRONMENT: plan for somewhere you & your partner will feel comfortable. You might want to be a gentleman by allowing your date to fix the venue, most women often like to see that you can take control and that's why you are the head!

4.HAVE CONFIDENT: Women value confidence highly when it comes to choosing a guy. If you are the shy type, practice continuously before the date. Don't be disappointed with your appearance by not talking. You may not be tall with a muscular body, but its more attractive to women to show that you are comfortable in your own skin.

5.DONT TALK ALONE: these can kill your partner impression about you. Try to keep what you say short and concise. Ask your date questions and listen well to get your answers, Its very important as it shows that you are interested in what she has to say.

6.LET YOUR CONVERSATION BE FUN: Average women want a guy who will make them Laugh.

7.AVOID THE EX-CONVERSATION: Let her know that the past is an history, you want to spend your time getting to know her.

8.SWITCH OFF PHONES: To avoid distraction, switch off your phones. Most women appreciate it.

9.OFFER TO PAY: Insist in paying the bills, this will make you look like a gentleman.

10.CONTACT HER: get in touch with her to know if she really enjoyed the date and make another plan for the second date.

Thursday 27 April 2017

Talent at Best..Use it to preach the Gospel of Christ

The parable of the talent still remain one of the evergreen sermons of Jesus Christ. It is from this parable comes the law from whose much is given; much more is expected. To put talent in to use is not even the ultimate thing, rather to use it to develop and sustain humanity is the real thing.
Majority see their talent as an opportunity to enrich themselves but it as avenue to enrich our world and that is why all those who are talented should look beyond the material returns and fame but focus on changing our world for better.
The Change is inevitable but the change been talked about here have to redirect humanity to the right path of life and create an enviable relationship with his creator.

Just like the prophet of old I present to you Woli Nla.

Anger Management - Heart Matters with Wanny B

Anger is a normal state of emotion and can be helpful in time of confrontation. Anger is like a fire burning inside us. Anger can be helpful at times because it tends to increases our focus and improves out performance. That same anger if not controlled can cause a lot of damage to the body and soul.

Its can cause High blood pressure and other psychological problem,destruction of interpersonal relationship with friends either at home, work or school etc.This is why it is so important to learn how to manage anger in every situation and not to allow it control our lives.

Anger is caused by some factors which are:
Suppressing emotions from previous confrontation.
Feeling of being misunderstood and a failure.

Anger only becomes a problem when a person loses control of themselves in what they say and do to others.This loss of control can lead to devasting consequences both to the one that is angry and to the people around him/her.Some of the consequences of  anger when control is lost can be depression, heart break, hatred,commit suicide etc.Anger causes alot of damages to human.Anger burn the spirit and soul, so manage your anger.

Tuesday 25 April 2017

Keep yourself healthy! Love and Laugh - Wanny B

There is no greater power than love. Love has the ability to heal your wounds. Love is the best antidepressant ever go shop for it incase you need one, but the ideas of people are so wrong about it. The less you love, the more depressed you are likely to feel. Love is not negotiable! The more you are in love, the healthier you will be (both physically and emotionally) but the less you are in love the more you are at risk of depression. Its even true that the more you love, the less depression you are likely to experience! Love is probably antidepressant medicine because one of the common sources of depression is to feel UNLOVED.As stated in the Bible, Corinthians 13:13,"Three things will last forever-FAITH,HOPE AND LOVE"- the greatest of this is LOVE.

The power of love is strong than man imagination, the power of love work in with health status. If you have healthy relationship with people, then consider yourself healthy and you will have course to laugh. I remembered two months ago  I wasn't so okay sincerely under the weather because of love ,I was so down then I realized that Love can indeed cause malaria or typhoid and doctors will still certify you okay? after various test!  I wasn't happy being a victim of love! One then become older than methuselah in stature .One need to thank the good Lords for his mercy over one. Here I am today, fine gal and healthy! One need to be always happy in any circumstance one find oneself, One need love to stay lively  but not to the
 extent of being a victim biko! The secret is to move on and love on, focus more on the future and put a smile on your pretty face.

Laughter is the best medicine. Its fun to share a good laugh with people who would appreciate it. Hope you know that to laugh can improve your health status? laughter is a strong medicine which can strengthen your immune system, boosts your mood, take away pains and protect you from the damaging effect of stress reduce your chance of becoming a victim of terminal disease. When we were kids, we use to laugh 100 times a day, but as young adults life tends to be more serious, we laugh less. Nothing works faster or more dependable to bring your mind and body back into balance than a good laugh and to love people as you would have love yourself. A little love with a good laugh won't kill. To leave you with lyrics from one of lagbaja's song "Put a smile on your face.... fe yin e..

Yetunde Bakare! Coming on board....

She is a very talented girl with an ambition to shoot for the space because for her the sky is the starting point.

She is an apostle of personal development with a believe that one need to use one's common sense in achieving the best in life. She is an undergraduate with a focus to be a ful-baked graduate with working experiences in her kitty.

Indeed Yetunde is young but she has always learnt from little things that will make her better and grow in wisdom.

 There is nothing more to write than to welcome Oluwa Nife Mi on board as the first columnist on this platform. She is indeed a talent to watch out for with the pen name Wanny B.

Thursday 13 April 2017

Streetwise with angel: Catholics don't read bible? Holy week is the time to find out!

Catholics and their ways; which one be Holy week again?
The week begins on Sunday with Catholics on the street with palms in their hands sing "Hosanna" with various rhythm. With joy and smile on their faces, Catholics singing and dancing in the Street then you begin to wonder because you are made to believe that Catholic neither sing nor dance in the course of their worship? The simple answer is they are trying to joyfully commemorate the triumphant entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem as it is written in the bible there by proclaiming him as the savior of the world that will save them. How come, do Catholics really read Bible?

Image result for Images of Jesus' entry to Jerusalem

You can only be sure if Catholics read bible if you try and go to the nearest Catholic Church for mass on Monday after the Palm Sunday, you will hear  Readings which are consequently from the bible. You will hear a story line that continue from the event of previous day been read and interpreted. Take your time and go on Tuesday and Wednesday  as well, you will definitely listen to another episodes preceding the Passion of Christ as the bible recorded it. The story of Judas and the Pharisees will be read from the Holy Bible.
   Image result for Images of Judas and pharisees                                           

By Wednesday evening if you still have your doubt about Catholics reading the bible or doing things in a biblical way. Take your time and join on Holy Thursday morning to be a witness to the Chrism mass and ask question about all things you can see at the event to know if Catholics actually read bible. Still on that same Thursday, come along at the evening to witness Mass of the last supper and see Catholics praying with Jesus at the eleventh hour as the apostles did. Then you ask again you mean Catholics often pray? Just before you leave the Church, take your time to observe, you will notice that atmosphere would have change to that of fear and despair as it occur among the followers of Christ centuries ago.
Image result for images of gethsemane

By Friday mid-morning "Good Friday" as it is called  you see the same Catholics who were happy just last Sunday outside again not happy following Christ through the Stations of the cross. This time prayerfully commemorating the passion of Christ in the same street they walked with joy some days ago. This prayers too are with excerpts from the Bible. Just after then you see Catholics entering the already scanty church again to do Passion Service, the atmosphere will seem so dry with mourning in the air.In the course of the passion Service you will hear a narration of the event that brought about Christianity, consequently it will be from the bible.

Image result for images of christ on cross

While you are still thinking the week has ended with the Passion Service, the Catholics will remind you that there is still a Saturday known as " Holy Saturday" You wonder what is Holy about the Saturday after a gruesome murder ? Nothing really until late in the evening when you see Catholics going to Church while brethren from other Christian denominations are returning from Easter Sunday practice. This is the night Catholics listen to various prophets from the Bible on the salvation of mankind. To crown it all, Catholics hear it from the Bible how Christ rose from the dead.  Then Alleluia become the song and the whole church comes alive.
Image result for images of christ risen on Holy Saturday

At the end of that week you would have perceived the Holiness and faithfulness of God and human frailties. You would have also observed that the Catholic Church through the Bible and sacred tradition is more interested in salvation of man than what you are made to believe.
Have a fruitful Holy week.

Monday 10 April 2017

Your Love must have a Story!

 One of the problem of modern union and the reason why it break within a period of time is the issue of " Love without story". Recently, the Pastor E. A Adeboye was in the news again with his advice to young adult, the Man of God said " If you get a wife through a facebook, you will loose it through YouTube". The members of the unrecognized group of social - media boyfriends and girlfriends association of Nigeria are currently staging an online protest against this assertion. Truth be told the wife you get from facebook; you loose via instagram not necessarily You Tube because Facebook love may not have a story to sustain the marriage.

While in the four wall of higher Institution " Love " is a compulsory course to do, the imaginary faculty of love in the higher institution offers you various courses. Consequently, the courses go hand in hand with the reason why you are in the citadel of learning " Academics". You could choose to study principle and practices of love with hope to marry at graduation? Some lost out Academically but got married the focus love birds have marriage and graduation to their credit. You could choose to do principle and practices of love just to fill- in the gap or established a kind of symbiotic relationship to experiment human sexuality? Aaye n serue. You could choose to ignore love as a faculty and do away with all it courses.No crime in that just hope that situation of life will not give you reasons to bite your fingers that you never did.

Love from higher Institution that eventually lead marriage is indeed a love with a story. This is love that would have face challenges that bother on trust and fidelity. The love that would have gone through the water of selflessness in terms of giving and possessiveness in terms of love. The love that would have been threatened with doubt and fear of being betrayed. The love that teaches you what to expect in marriage. The love that give you the room to obtain a licenses for self- expression without being abused

No doubt Social media could really enhance communication of love birds but our love lives must have a sense of reality. Don't be a victim of deception becoming a facebook wife/ whatsapp husband, set out and lay a concrete foundation for your love life towards happiness together till death do you part.
