Thursday 20 July 2017

Streetwise with angel - The Nigeria of our dream; the will of her Youth.

Is there really hope for Nigeria as an indivisible nation? The response is in the hands of her youth subconsciously we are the force that unite this nation. We are the one breaking the boundaries of ethnicity. We are the reason why this nation remain united, the youth are at forefront championing Nigeria's unity subconsciously. Go to the northeast and take the age sampling of gallant soldiers defending the nation's unity. Take a trip to the Niger delta and go to count the gallant men defending our common wealth. Visit the south west for showbiz and entertainment and look at it impact of this nation. Even the South east whose youth are "clamoring" for Biafra are major contribution to our National wealth.

Virtually, all the good things Nigeria is known for can be attributed to people in their prime, Young and talented entrepreneurs coming out to the center stage serving as a driving force for the economy despite the fact that environment is not that conducive. Despite a not too conducive academic environment, most Nigerian students are now having a ground breaking CGPA with others creating things that will benefit our society. The outstanding performance of Nigerian Youth across the globe confirm this. Yes, we still have so many bad eggs even in the first world countries they do have certified bad eggs too that serve as threat to their society.

With this kind of scorecard as a nation we have no reason to be tribalistic, we have every reason to be patriotic Nigerian and ensure that the nation remain one. Our leaders are only using us to enrich themselves and packaged their personality as "father of the youth " they all have their own children studying abroad grooming them for future public office. They give us peanut to snatch ballot boxes, thumb prints as many as possible so that they can emerge to lead us. Once in "our office" they do their bidding and so make laws for themselves.

Hence, if we continue and to do nothing they will succeed in destroying us by buying arms and ammunitions for us and then instigate us to fight each other in the name of religion and tribe. Before you know it their children we be called upon to champion our peace talks!

We don't need arms, all we need is the "Will" for change. The will not to do the bidding of our selfish leaders for crumbs. The will to let go our sycophancy and not to justify mediocrity in leadership. The will not to be an instrument of vices at all talk less of  committing crime against ourselves to suit those leaders careless about us about our survival. When next you think of a better Nigeria, just know that it is in your hands and your will is in our will.
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