Monday 3 July 2017

Heart Matters with Wanny B - How to overcome your fear!

Fear is inevitable, I have to accept that, but I Cannot allow it to paralyze me. Getting through fear is one skill everyone can learn. The problem is that most people cling to their fears, because it’s part of who they think they are. If you aren’t ready to face your fears, you probably won’t overcome them.

Everything happens in its own time. If you’re reading this article though, I'm pretty sure that you’re ready to take another step forward. Let’s have a look at some of my favorite ways of dealing with fear. How to Start Overcoming Fear, Right Now:

1. Awareness. Before you can begin to overcome your fear , you have to be aware that your fears are causing havoc in your life. It’s easy to get so attached to your thoughts and feelings that you think they are all that exist, which couldn’t be far from the truth. You are not your fears! You are the being that experiences it.

2. Identify. Get specific about what exactly you’re afraid of . Look at the pictures you have in your head about the situation. What is happening in them? What are you really scared of? Become an observer of your inner space.

3. Curiosity: While curiosity may have killed the cat, it certainly won’t do you any harm when investigating your fears. Get curious about what thoughts generate your fear, where do you feel the fear, and how do you react to it? Again, be an observer of what is going on.

4. The Now: What are you lacking right now? When you center yourself in the now, you realize that everything is how it is. You naturally accept what is.

5. The Work: The Work is one of my favorite ways of dealing with fears, anxieties, and worries. There are many methods available, so pick the one that you resonate with. Get busy and be productive.

6. Hypnosis: With hypnosis, you can program the right thoughts into your mind and eliminate negative thoughts and beliefs. This doesn’t work for everyone, but it might for you. But remember, this isn’t necessarily about getting rid of your fears, but learning to relate to them in a different way.

7. Gratitude: Whenever you are afraid of something be grateful for instead. If you’re afraid of public speaking, be grateful for the opportunity to communicate with so many people, and that they are there
to genuinely listen to what you have to say.

 8.Breathe. Your breath can set you free. It can anchor you in the now and help you vanquish and overcome your most pervasive fears. I saved it for last, because it’s one of the simplest and most powerful ways of overcoming fear . And Please Remember "Whatever fears you’re facing, remember that the only thing that matters is that you listen to yourself, and your inner self".
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