Friday 28 July 2017

Heart Matters with angel & Omo-oba adeosun - What do you think when a lady do the first approach?

It is unafrican to be approached by female, males around here are predominantly hunters. As you know so many animals in the bush, likewise hunters are of various status and degrees. The male folks are expected to do the seeking while the female folks are expected to do the hiding, so it was some years ago when "hide and seek" game was fun.

Civilization is doing serious transformation to some perception and concepts, one of it is gender equality. Meaning! Man is equal to Woman, Males equal Females. Based on this theory the new generation male folks are ready to do away with some responsibilities the gender bestowed on them and they are ready to succumb to a level playing ground at the expense of masculine ego.

The female world is divided, a school of thought believe that Feminine identity should be protected and respected by male folks why another want to be seen as equal to a man. The former will say God forbid why will I approach a man while the latter will ask " does it really matter?". In the same vein the old generation African man"will say any woman that approaches him is cheap" while the new breed African man subconsciously answer his female counterpart. "And it does not matter!"
So what is your take about  females doing the approach for mingling?

Content provider for blogs/websites

Thursday 20 July 2017

Streetwise with angel - The Nigeria of our dream; the will of her Youth.

Is there really hope for Nigeria as an indivisible nation? The response is in the hands of her youth subconsciously we are the force that unite this nation. We are the one breaking the boundaries of ethnicity. We are the reason why this nation remain united, the youth are at forefront championing Nigeria's unity subconsciously. Go to the northeast and take the age sampling of gallant soldiers defending the nation's unity. Take a trip to the Niger delta and go to count the gallant men defending our common wealth. Visit the south west for showbiz and entertainment and look at it impact of this nation. Even the South east whose youth are "clamoring" for Biafra are major contribution to our National wealth.

Virtually, all the good things Nigeria is known for can be attributed to people in their prime, Young and talented entrepreneurs coming out to the center stage serving as a driving force for the economy despite the fact that environment is not that conducive. Despite a not too conducive academic environment, most Nigerian students are now having a ground breaking CGPA with others creating things that will benefit our society. The outstanding performance of Nigerian Youth across the globe confirm this. Yes, we still have so many bad eggs even in the first world countries they do have certified bad eggs too that serve as threat to their society.

With this kind of scorecard as a nation we have no reason to be tribalistic, we have every reason to be patriotic Nigerian and ensure that the nation remain one. Our leaders are only using us to enrich themselves and packaged their personality as "father of the youth " they all have their own children studying abroad grooming them for future public office. They give us peanut to snatch ballot boxes, thumb prints as many as possible so that they can emerge to lead us. Once in "our office" they do their bidding and so make laws for themselves.

Hence, if we continue and to do nothing they will succeed in destroying us by buying arms and ammunitions for us and then instigate us to fight each other in the name of religion and tribe. Before you know it their children we be called upon to champion our peace talks!

We don't need arms, all we need is the "Will" for change. The will not to do the bidding of our selfish leaders for crumbs. The will to let go our sycophancy and not to justify mediocrity in leadership. The will not to be an instrument of vices at all talk less of  committing crime against ourselves to suit those leaders careless about us about our survival. When next you think of a better Nigeria, just know that it is in your hands and your will is in our will.
Content provider for blog/ websites
Content marketer for products and services.

Wednesday 19 July 2017

Speak your Mind with Omo -oba Adeosun - Some men can beat about the bush for Africa!

Dear Men 👏
It's not every woman you hurt. Infact when dating a lady NEVER propose marriage to her if you know you won't marry her. NEVER discuss marriage with her if you don't have the intentions of connecting your device to her WiFi. What is the essence of roaming if you won't eventually connect and of what good are you trying to unlock the password for fun.

This life will be simple if we made our intentions known. If it is only dating you want, find a woman that wants dating. If it is only sex you want, find a woman who is ready to do some experiment. If its marriage then find yourself a potential wife and you dare not leave her to wife another.

Women👏No matter how much a man hurt you, just move on. Yes its painful. Yes its heartbreaking but force yourself to move on. Cry all you want but MOVE ON with your high heel, smiling face and a good heart.

In actual fact fact some guys can beat about the bush for Africa.

Tuesday 18 July 2017

Weekend Vibe with angel - Weather for two pregnancy for one!

We are in a wet season and there is cold everywhere! So, one really need to keep the body warm. Sorry in this part of the world we are not use to having a fire place at home except you relocate temporarily to kitchen. You have the option to either kill the cold or go and hibernate. Hibernation isn't the best of solution are you going to hibernate for the next 3-4 months? By the time hunger deal with you, you will know Jesus is lord !

How can I survive in this season? You are asking me? When last did you listen or watched a weather forecast? For the sake of this season you have to keep yourself abreast of what the next day weather will be like So that you will fully prepare yourself for the next day based on the forecast. This will give you an idea of what to wear in order to cope with the cold weather. This will also help you to decide where to go and time to go. You can go as far as thinking of how to keep yourself warm for the next day.

You will feel like sleeping all day courtesy of this weather, the decrease in temperature will be like keep your body in "slow motion" Will you let the weather be a reason for your failure in life? That depends on you! learn to get out of bed despites the cold and be on your feet.

Oh! for those who think the season, is time for sexual exercise claiming "weather for two" be reminded  that pregnancy is for one. Likewise, hope you will able to withstand the psychological outcome of the sexual exercise from the "wet season stand" engaged in, in the name of cold. Don't you thing it is wet season a time to go to farm and do some farming.

Content provider/ Content developer for blogs/websites

Monday 3 July 2017

Heart Matters with Wanny B - How to overcome your fear!

Fear is inevitable, I have to accept that, but I Cannot allow it to paralyze me. Getting through fear is one skill everyone can learn. The problem is that most people cling to their fears, because it’s part of who they think they are. If you aren’t ready to face your fears, you probably won’t overcome them.

Everything happens in its own time. If you’re reading this article though, I'm pretty sure that you’re ready to take another step forward. Let’s have a look at some of my favorite ways of dealing with fear. How to Start Overcoming Fear, Right Now:

1. Awareness. Before you can begin to overcome your fear , you have to be aware that your fears are causing havoc in your life. It’s easy to get so attached to your thoughts and feelings that you think they are all that exist, which couldn’t be far from the truth. You are not your fears! You are the being that experiences it.

2. Identify. Get specific about what exactly you’re afraid of . Look at the pictures you have in your head about the situation. What is happening in them? What are you really scared of? Become an observer of your inner space.

3. Curiosity: While curiosity may have killed the cat, it certainly won’t do you any harm when investigating your fears. Get curious about what thoughts generate your fear, where do you feel the fear, and how do you react to it? Again, be an observer of what is going on.

4. The Now: What are you lacking right now? When you center yourself in the now, you realize that everything is how it is. You naturally accept what is.

5. The Work: The Work is one of my favorite ways of dealing with fears, anxieties, and worries. There are many methods available, so pick the one that you resonate with. Get busy and be productive.

6. Hypnosis: With hypnosis, you can program the right thoughts into your mind and eliminate negative thoughts and beliefs. This doesn’t work for everyone, but it might for you. But remember, this isn’t necessarily about getting rid of your fears, but learning to relate to them in a different way.

7. Gratitude: Whenever you are afraid of something be grateful for instead. If you’re afraid of public speaking, be grateful for the opportunity to communicate with so many people, and that they are there
to genuinely listen to what you have to say.

 8.Breathe. Your breath can set you free. It can anchor you in the now and help you vanquish and overcome your most pervasive fears. I saved it for last, because it’s one of the simplest and most powerful ways of overcoming fear . And Please Remember "Whatever fears you’re facing, remember that the only thing that matters is that you listen to yourself, and your inner self".
For poems,script writing, and video adverts.

Monday Money with angel - What have I done with my money?

When you talk of finance people think more of Government and firms. People don't often pay much attention to Personal finance. We are always keen with when will Government sign Appropriation bill into law. Hope you are that keen with your finances too? We are always interested in accountability and transparency of public fund. Are you that interested in your personal finances too?

Then you are about to ask whether it matters for you to be accountable and transparent to yourself   after all it is your money not mine. Really, it is your money and you owe yourself accountability and transparency. Hence, in a little while you will be asking yourself what have I done with my money? Just like you would have suggested for erring public officers who couldn't account for public funds; drag yourself to EFCC too.

If you really take yourself through a personal probe panel often time you would have probably convicted yourself without trial for misappropriation and reckless spending. Hences, you do personal plea bargain and release yourself on bail. This continue day in - day out and reckless spending becomes part of you. Instead of double checking your financial templates, you then take solace in loan and other credit facilities.

In a long run you would have had a status which is not self-sustained and you will want to maintain it at all cost. So, you take more loans and instead of paying your debts you end up financing your debts. Instead of you to be ashamed of being a debtor you will become proud of yourself for being a patriotic citizen whose nation is indebted to International lenders.

Hence, can you please manage your finances as you would have advised our public office holders?

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