Thursday 16 February 2017

Schools Should Teach Community Service

An educationist once said "he who open a school closes the prison's door."  The school is indeed an agent of socialization and civilization.

Guess what? our schools should begin to influence our society positively and not allow the society to over ride her in her responsibility to inculcate a learning experience into the young ones.The school will have to move away from being theoretical in her approach,it is high time the school become practical in the act of nation building.

 To do this the school has a primary assignment of teaching learners how to be responsible citizens. This go beyond teaching the newly introduced Civic Education in schools, it involve creating the awareness of leaners to the duties expected of them. Ensuring they know their rights and they understand that failure to do their duties is tantamount to denial of their purported rights.
Likewise, concept of community servicing should be inculcate in the learning curriculum, this will make them to be responsible to the society at large. They should not be force into learning this rather they should be admonished to contribute their quota to the society.

However, the concept of punishment need to take a new turn, learners not to beating anymore or undergo severe corporal for they are not animals. Rather, the punishment should be corrective measure on whatever things done wrong. Failure should not be synonymous to beating rather it should be a matter of unquestionable repetition till basic requirement are met. In case of 'childish' offence against humanity then community servicing should be an alternative to punishment.

Likewise, learners need to be made to realize that prisoners have no right of their own and they are the mercy of the society so they owe us Community Service if convicted for any crime at all. As stated above Community Service should also be taught as crucial contribution of learners to the National development and they have to be encouraged to do that.

On the Island of Lagos a particular school did come out to teach the learners what their contribution to the society should be. The Management, Staff and Students came out to cleaning their immediate environment going outside the school gate to clean the immediate street. Jufradol High School has indeed initiated a new method in integrating learning experience into our society.



  1. I completely agree with you. The concept of community service and volunteerism should be introduced right from the Primary educational levels.

    1. Together we can champion it.
      Thank you Valentine.

  2. Beyond the one-day Community Service, there is need to teach the students the importance of a clean and sanitized environment especially on the Island where there's no proper Town Planning Policy. The continuous depletion of the Ozone Layer by industrial and nonindustrial activities.
    The creation of a different kind of mindset of recycling perceived waste products. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

    1. I agree with but the journey of a thousand mile do begin with a step. Let schools start from somewhere.. Thank you below....
